- Apart from teaching how to teach, we should include a section on how to develop a lesson from scratch
- We should cover several important concepts (many borrowed from Carpentries):
- learner profiles
- mind maps
- cognitive load
- having clear take-home messages from each lesson/episode
- etc...
- split into groups of 3
- select a CR lesson episode from a list that we've compiled
- each group member prepares their episode for 5-10 minutes
- each member "teachers" the episode to the others
- the others give constructive feedback
- after exercise, whole room discusses difficulties encountered and lessons learned
- Split into groups
- Each group member designs a new exercise
- either something original
- or from a list of suggested simple technical topics (e.g. how to do X with Git)
- each member "teaches" the exercise, explains it to the other members, other members solve the exercise and give feedback