This folder contains assets for the dgeni project. In particular it has the dgeni logo.
The fonts used in the logo are:
- Main "dgeni" text : American Typewriter. The idea of dgeni generating documentation and traditionally computer text being written in a "typewriter" fixed width font was inspiration for this.
- Tag line "the versatile documentation generator" : Verdana. This clean and easily readable font that complemented and didn't compete with the main font was the driver here.
The image in the logo is of a small british bird called a Wren Etymologically, the name can be considered to indicate that this is the "king of the birds"!
Charles Dickens created a character called Jenny Wren, who brightens the pages of "Our Mutual Friend". Jenny Wren is a young diabled woman who makes dolls' dresses.
Paul McCartney even made a song about it/her: and
The similarity of the sound of Jenny to dgeni was the inspiration here. Hopefully it may help people remember how dgeni is pronounced.