The Recap Time Squad Community Code of Conduct applies to this open-source project by a squad member for the code and non-code contributions via this repository. But since this is built as part of the Hack Club Slack community, the Hack Club Code of Conduct also apply here, regardless of their elgibility for YSWS grants at Hack Club.
If a Hack Clubber is involved (either affliated with HQ/HCB or otherwise), please email [email protected] while CCing [email protected] (alternate address: [email protected]) and/or reach out directly to a member of the Fire Department. In case the situtation crossed multiple communities alongside Hack Club and, please also report to other affecting communties too.
For anyone else, please email [email protected] with description and evidence of code of conduct violation. A squad member will look into the matter and take actions based on the evidence.
Enforcement activites from project maintainers and Hack Club Firefighters should follow this guideline adopted from Mozilla's enforcement ladder unless in edge cases where requires drastic actions.
Each action must be logged at public our moderation logs by TBD.