This guide should help you to setup haproxy as a load balancer for multiple proxy endpoints to use with Xilriws.
HAProxy SHOULD be installed on the same machine as Xilriws.
HAProxy Docker stack setup
git clone
cd HAProxy-Xilriws
chmod +x
cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml
cp haproxy.cfg.example haproxy.cfg
cp squid.conf.example squid.conf
chmod +x curl
Add your porxies to the haproxy.cfg in the backend_ptc section. See the haproxy.cfg if your proxies use authentication.
server proxy1 check inter 20s fall 3 rise 2
server proxy2 check inter 20s fall 3 rise 2
If you install your haproxy on a dedicated server or vps you should secure the stats site.
default username is stats
and the password is haproxy
In the following section in the haproxy.cfg you can change the username and password. Use this documentaion.
userlist mycredentials
user stats password $5$eD.zS8VZq0MaisXv$MAnVQCdWObOxpPEX2Jozyq5Fzc.3nOE/Tzm0SSmLgH/
If your porxies are IP whitelisted and not use authentication you need to adjust the bancheck_ptc script. comment out the first bancheck cmd and delete the # on the second bancheck command. Like this example:
#Bancheck for proxy with authentication.
#cmd=`curl -I -s -U proxyuser:proxypasswort -x ${RIP}:${RPT} 2>/dev/null | grep -e "HTTP/1.1 200"`
#Bancheck for proxy without authentication. IP whitelisted.
cmd=`curl -I -s -x ${RIP}:${RPT} 2>/dev/null | grep -e "HTTP/1.1 200"`
Now you can start the docker stack.
docker compose up -d
You can check now your Haproxy Stats site in your browser. http://serverip:9101/stats For better security you should expose this with a reverse proxy like nginx and make it available over https. (Don't forget to delete the port forwarding to the docker container if you do this!)
Configure HAProxy as proxy in the Xilriws docker compose
- https_proxy=http://haproxy:9100
It's important that Xilriws an the HAProxy run in the same docker network. You can put Xilriws and the HAProxy stack in the same docker-compose.yaml or add the network to the HAProxy stack.
Add this at the end of the HAProxy docker-compose.yml to add it to the scanner network from the UnownStack. If Xilriws is also on the scanner network.
name: scanner
external: true #needs to be created by other file
Final notes
The curl executable is needed because the official HAProxy docker image don't have curl included.
Xilriws is a tool developed by the UnownHash team. Github repository