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Messenger Bundle

The bundle makes use of Symfony's messenger component to dispatch and handle messages.


It creates synchronous transport only, it is necessary for processing in case external messenger is not used.

The only thing you need to do is to map the routing key to the transport you wish to use.

By default, the transport is set to synchronous, meaning no AMQP/Doctrine or whatsoever is used and the request is handled directly and the message is marked as synchronous process if it implements RequestStatusInterface.

Currently defined routes are EMAIL, FAILED, SYNC and HIT although in default configuration only the SYNC is used.

Here a sample configuration


Currently, 2 messages are defined.

Configuring transports

there is new serializer available, that uses JSON and has smaller payload than native php 'messenger.transport.jms_serializer' that is recommended to use. You can place the following configuration sample to any config file where $container is available. For example config/config_local.php

$container->loadFromExtension('framework', [
    'messenger' => [
        'routing'   => [
            \Mautic\MessengerBundle\Message\PageHitNotification::class  => \Mautic\MessengerBundle\MauticMessengerTransports::HIT,
            \Mautic\MessengerBundle\Message\EmailHitNotification::class => \Mautic\MessengerBundle\MauticMessengerTransports::HIT,
        'failure_transport' => 'failed', // Define other than default if you wish
        'transports' => [
            'failed' => [
                'dsn' => 'doctrine://default?queue_name=failed',
            \Mautic\MessengerBundle\MauticMessengerTransports::SYNC      => 'sync://',
            \Mautic\MessengerBundle\MauticMessengerTransports::HIT => [
                'dsn'            => '%env(MAUTIC_MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%',
                'serializer'     => 'messenger.transport.jms_serializer',
                'options'        => [
                    'heartbeat'  => 1,
                    'persistent' => true,
                    'vhost'      => '/',
                    'exchange'   => [
                        'name'                        => 'mautic',
                        'type'                        => 'direct',
                        'default_publish_routing_key' => 'hit',
                    'queues'     => [
                        'hits' => [
                            'binding_keys' => ['hit'],
                            'arguments'    => [
                                'x-expires' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 21 * 1000, // queue ttl without consumer using it
                'serializer'     => 'messenger.transport.native_php_serializer',
                'retry_strategy' => [
                    'max_retries' => 3,
                    'delay'       => 500,
                    'multiplier'  => 3,
                    'max_delay'   => 0,


In order to run consumer, simply run:

sudo -uwww-data bin/console messenger:consume hit

Where hit stands for your transport's name. In the example above; it is the value of \Mautic\MessengerBundle\MauticMessengerTransports::HIT