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A proxy service to retrieve POIs (Points Of Interest) from several public services (Nominatim, Mapquest, Cloudmade, Geonames, Panoramio, Ovi, Flickr, Twitter, LastFM, Wikipedia, Youtube, Foursquare, ...)


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A proxy service to retrieve POIs (Points Of Interest) from several public services (Nominatim, Mapquest, Cloudmade, Geonames, Panoramio, Ovi, Flickr, Twitter, LastFM, Wikipedia, Youtube, Minube, Buzz, Foursquare, Gowalla, ...)

##What is POIProxy?

The main purpose is to have a single service that handles requests to any public POI service providing a well defined REST API. POIProxy is able to parse JSON and XML responses and serve standard GeoJSON format. Finally it has the capability to add new services by providing a configuration file.

##How to build a development workspace of POIProxy (Work in progress)


Clone this repo

git clone

Alternatively you can download the zipped version of the repo

Import projects into Eclipse

Make sure you click on "Search for nested projects" in the Import Projects dialog of Eclipse. Check every project except es.alrocar.poiproxy.gae

If necessary, right click on every project with a red marker and select Maven>Update Project...

Add a new Server in Eclipse

Select Tomcat v7.0 Server

Browse to your Tomcat installation directory

Add to the configured resources

Start your POIProxy instance

Check that everything works

Open this URL in your preferred browser:



  • Get available services

    Returns the available services registered into POIProxy and their description


  • Browse by tile

    Returns the points inside the given tile (Z/X/Y). The tile notation is the same as [Google Maps uses][tiles_google]. http://localhost:8080/poiproxy/browse?service=panoramio&z=0&x=0&y=0&callback=whatever

  • Browse by extent

    Returns the points inside the given bounding box. The coordinate reference system is EPSG:4326


  • Browse by lon,lat and distance

    Returns the points inside a given radius distance of a point. The coordinate reference system is EPSG:4326


  • Search by tile

    Returns the points inside the given tile (Z/X/Y) for the given query. The tile notation is the same as [Google Maps uses][tiles_google].


  • Search by extent

    Returns the points inside the given bounding box for the given query. The coordinate reference system is EPSG:4326


  • Search by lon,lat and distance

    Returns the points inside a given radius distance of a point for the given query. The coordinate reference system is EPSG:4326


POIProxy supports JSONP by adding the parameter callbackto any request. If not provided then a JSON response is returned.

IMPORTANT: Not all services registered in POIProxy support all the API requests. Please refer to the describeServices operation to see the list of available operations per registered service.


A proxy service to retrieve POIs (Points Of Interest) from several public services (Nominatim, Mapquest, Cloudmade, Geonames, Panoramio, Ovi, Flickr, Twitter, LastFM, Wikipedia, Youtube, Foursquare, ...)







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