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/** An array of 'daily tasks' that will be picked at random to display a the top of the feed */
const activities = [ "
Remove distraction - put away phone, turn off tv, don’t eat at your desk, don’t have a conversation, don’t read - eat mindfully, smell the food, look at the food, chew mindfully and feel the textures and tastes for the entire meal/snack
", "Get a fresh glass of water. Take a few sips and drink mindfully, feel the cool water in your mouth and as you swallow feel how it trickles down your throat and nourishes your body. Experience the taste, the texture.
", "Spend a few minutes attempting to make no sound. For example when making a cup of tea, set your mug down gently when stirring ensure the spoon doesn’t clink on the side of the mug.
", "At some point today, either in public or when you feel no one is around, do a silly walk. You can walk backwards, skip, hop or walk in zig zags. How does it make you feel?
", "Several times throughout the day, take three deep breathes. Notice how you feel before and after the breaths. Inhale deeply through the nose and then exhale through the mouth with a sigh.
", "How would you want to speak to them, how would you want to listen. Notice how this changes the way you interact with the people you come into contact with.
", "Do this especially when looking into the mirror. Look into your eyes and say “You are awesome. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Believe it when you say it.
", "Notice how it feels in your body and try to be aware of when it is coming and why it is happening. When you notice these signals, counter-act it with a deep breath.
", "Take a moment to look at the food and notice the journey the food has been on to arrive on your plate. Imagine all of the hands that have been involved and all the weather conditions that have come together to create that meal.
", "Perform a random act of kindness with no expectation of receiving something in return. It does not need to be expensive. Pay for someone’s coffee, hold the door open for someone, pay a stranger a compliment, ask someone if there’s anything you can help with. For an extra challenge try to do this in secrecy.
", "Take each step as though you are kissing the ground. Walk intentionally but without stomping. If you can, walk barefoot and take time to feel the sensations and textures of the ground beneath you. Try walking on different surfaces, how does it feel?
", "If you find yourself in a queue, waiting for the kettle to boil or another situation where you are waiting, resist the urge to take out your phone and start scrolling.
", "When you are outside, notice the plants, appreciate they are there. Take a moment to look at them and offer them the gratitude for the oxygen they provide.
", "Take a moment to sing, hum or whistle, this can be done whilst on your own or around other people. It doesn’t need to be a song you know, just start humming.
", "At least once today, pause to notice how the room looks before you enter, do whatever it is you need to do and then leave the room exactly how you found it.
", "Play your favourite song and dance from the beginning until the end. Really let yourself go and dance like no-one is watching (because chances are they’re not!)
", "Take a few moments to jot down 2-3 things that you would like to complete before the end of the day. The can be small micro-tasks, Tick them off once each is completed and notice how you feel when you have accomplished what you set out to do today.
", "Light your favourite candle and watch the flame flicker and sway. Gaze at the candle for five minutes and let your mind wander. Observe your thoughts, then let them pass without judgment.
", "Make a list of three things you are grateful for. Focus on what is working for you at the moment and be specific. For example instead of writing “I am grateful for friends” try ‘I am grateful for the phone-call I had with my friend last night.
", "Take a few minutes to sit silently and observe your current mental state and all of the emotions that exist for your right now. Note which thoughts arise and think about why they maybe arising without remunerating on a problem.
", "Take a few minutes to let your creativity run away with you. Doodle anything and let it flow, see where your creativity takes you. If you have access to different coloured pens or pencils, make use of them.
", "Find a notepad or a piece of paper and write down anything that comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be creative or beautiful, it doesn’t have to be profound or even make any sense. Just go with it. Try and write a few pages or at least three paragraphs. Doing this exercise regularly could help you release and process what is happening mentally.
", "Sit quietly and try to write down 10 things you can hear. Can you hear sounds inside your body, in the room, outside of the room, outside of the building you are in. Do you notice some sounds more than others. This is a particularly good task to do when you are feeing frustrated with work or a difficult interaction.
", "take a few minutes to clear your space of distractions, this could be empty coffee cups, things that need to be put away or even just wiping the surface of your work station clean. If you’re working from home, you may want to think about lighting a scented candle, opening the window or using room spray to change the energy of the space by freshening it up.
", "STOP! Take a moment to close any tabs, programs, apps or emails you are not immediately working on. Make a short list of 3-4 tasks that need to be done as soon as possible. Work through one task at a time and take a short break after each task is completed before moving on to the next.
", "Count backwards from 100
", "Compliment a stranger today.
", "Leave a kind note somewhere for someone to find at a later date.
", "Schedule in a coffee/lunch break with a colleague or friend you don’t often spend time with.
", "Reach out to a family member you haven’t seen for a while, just to say hello and to check in with them - If you don’t feel comfortable or have much time to make a phone-call, send them a text message.
", "Send a card to a seriously ill child (www.postpals.co.uk)", "Offer to help someone who has a big to-do list.
" ];