Hi there. So, i've made a FAQ because you may be wondering why i made this
Well, when i first started random who, it was a project to learn how to use XML with Javascript. I was into to Doctor Who, and i wanted to do something with the show, and i ended up with a random episode generator. It had a ugly UI but it worked.
As my knowledge grew bigger, i started to take this as an actual thing. I search for random episodes generator, and i found a few, but they were a bit ugly or didn't had all the episodes. And that's when i decided to work on this. This latest version is the one i ended up publishing mantaining (there is 3 versions avaliable)
Music plays such a big role on the episodes, it sets the tone for the scene, and gives more emotion to it. I think that the songs written my Murray Gold just fit the show, and fit the scene where they were used. Everytime i hear a song of the show, it just reminds me that one moment, that epic (or sad) moment of a certain episode. Take for example the episode "Doomsday" (Season 2, Last Episode) and listen to this or that one episode "The Husband Of River Song" and listen to this track, doesn't that gives you chills. Music is just another piece that complete the episode, an important one. There is alot of covers for this songs online. Attention: I do not provide copies of the tracks that i've used on the website
I will add more questions/answers