Releases: alibaba/yalantinglibs
Releases · alibaba/yalantinglibs
Release lts1.0.0
What's Changed
- [coro_http_client]fix async upload by @qicosmos in #869
- [coro_http][fix and ut]Tests for 0382 by @qicosmos in #876
- [coro_http][lts]More tests for 0382 by @qicosmos in #897
- fix default max_age of summary by @poor-circle in #907
Full Changelog: 0.3.8...lts1.0.0
Release 0.3.11
What's Changed
- [struct_pb] .proto file to struc_pack tool by @helintongh in #808
- [coro_http][unit test]Test http server by @qicosmos in #819
- [coro_http][ut]add tests by @qicosmos in #823
- [struct_pb][bug]fix compile error by @qicosmos in #824
- [ci] add coverage actions by @Accelerator1996 in #821
- [ci] fix comment permission by @Accelerator1996 in #825
- [ci] update the condition for getting base commit id by @Accelerator1996 in #826
- [ci] remove all pull_request related conditions by @Accelerator1996 in #827
- [ci] merge two comments into one by @Accelerator1996 in #828
- [metric][unit test]Fix and test metric by @qicosmos in #830
- [ci] replace pull_request_target with pull_request by @Accelerator1996 in #833
- [coro_rpc] fix server constructor by @poor-circle in #837
- [metric][fix]to_json for empty vector by @qicosmos in #838
New Contributors
- @Accelerator1996 made their first contribution in #821
Full Changelog: 0.3.10...0.3.11
0.3.10 Release
This tag is for vcpkg.
What's Changed
- 移动 g_user_metric_label_count位置,避免循环引用 by @20083017 in #800
- [coro_http][ut]add tests by @qicosmos in #802
- [ci]Fix coverage by @qicosmos in #806
- [ci]fix upload cov files by @qicosmos in #807
- [coro_http][ut]Add some tests by @qicosmos in #803
- [coro_http]Add some test by @qicosmos in #809
- [coro_http][refactor]begin to refactor by @qicosmos in #810
- [coro_http][unit test]Add excption test by @qicosmos in #811
- [coro_http][unit test]Test upload by @qicosmos in #812
- [coro_http][clean code]remove some unused by @qicosmos in #816
- [coro_http][unit test]fix and test by @qicosmos in #817
- Gsk/adapt vcpkg by @171930433 in #818
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.3.9...0.3.10
0.3.9 Release
What's Changed
- [struct_json][feat]support custom optional(struct_pack compatible) by @qicosmos in #781
- [cmake]fix Cmake FetchContent build bug by @171930433 in #782
- [doc]update reflection doc by @qicosmos in #783
- [metric] refactor code by @poor-circle in #784
- [metric] improve json serialize performance by @poor-circle in #785
- [reflection]Fix check cpp20 by @qicosmos in #786
- [metric] use sharded map for better parallel performance by @poor-circle in #789
- [struct_json] is compatible with msvc versions by @RAVER0306 in #788
- [metric] fix metric refresh logic by @poor-circle in #791
- [metric] fix metric ci by @poor-circle in #792
- [metric] fix windows ci oom by @poor-circle in #793
- [metric] add code coverage ci by @poor-circle in #794
- [struct_pb]fix type, fix doc by @qicosmos in #795
- [struct_pb][feat]to_pb support stream by @qicosmos in #796
- [ci] fix code coverage by @poor-circle in #797
- Release 0.3.9 by @poor-circle in #798
New Contributors
- @RAVER0306 made their first contribution in #788
Full Changelog: 0.3.8...0.3.9
0.3.8 Release
What's Changed
- [metric]Optimize summary by @qicosmos in #761
- [metric][feat]serialize zero by @qicosmos in #762
- [metric]fix life time by @qicosmos in #763
- [metric][fix]remove nan by @qicosmos in #765
- [reflection][refactor]Iguana with ylt reflection by @qicosmos in #766
- [metric] refact summary with better algorithm by @poor-circle in #767
- [reflection]fix and improve by @qicosmos in #768
- [metric][doc] update doc for summary, remove some useless code for o… by @poor-circle in #770
- [struct_pack][fix] fix mod zero error when struct only contain compat… by @poor-circle in #769
- [struct_pack] fix reflection by @poor-circle in #772
- [struct_pack][fix] fix windows ci, fix compatible in windows by @poor-circle in #771
- [reflection][change]get alias name by adl by @qicosmos in #773
- [coro_http][fix] fix handle result of async_upload by @poor-circle in #774
- [struct_pb]improve performance by @qicosmos in #775
- [struct_pack][fix] fix compile error for user-defined serialization w… by @poor-circle in #776
- [metric] fix summary by @poor-circle in #777
- [metric] fix summary serialize to json thread-safe by @poor-circle in #778
Full Changelog: 0.3.7...0.3.8
Release 0.3.7
What's Changed
- [metric][fix] replace static class with singleton by @qicosmos in #730
- [metric][feat]Improve counter by @qicosmos in #731
- [coro_io] rename channel to load_blancer, rename coro_channel to channel by @poor-circle in #732
- [metric][fix]System metric by @qicosmos in #733
- [metric]Fix summary by @qicosmos in #736
- rename moodycamel namespace by @poor-circle in #737
- [breakchange][feat] async_upload support offset by @poor-circle in #739
- [metric]Refact metric by @qicosmos in #740
- [struct_pack][feat] support user-define global config by @poor-circle in #741
- [metric]Fix and improve by @qicosmos in #743
- [struct_pack][fix] fix compile error in msvc by @poor-circle in #745
- [metric][feat]Improve metric some by @qicosmos in #746
- [coro_http_client][fix]chunked and multipart also clean out buf by @qicosmos in #747
- [easylog][fix] fix compile error in freeBSD by @poor-circle in #749
- [struct_pack][fix] fix warning by @poor-circle in #750
- [struct_pack][fix] fix compiler detect in msvc by @poor-circle in #751
- [metric]fix stat system metric by @qicosmos in #752
- [struct_pack][fix] fix freebsd by @poor-circle in #753
- [metric][bench and fix]add bench and fix by @qicosmos in #755
- [metric]Fix compile for msvc by @qicosmos in #756
- [cmake]remove link libstdc++fs by @qicosmos in #757
- [metric][benchmark]Add more benchmark by @qicosmos in #759
Full Changelog: 0.3.6...0.3.7
v0.3.6 release
What's Changed
- [website] fix doc by @PikachuHyA in #709
- [coro_http][coro_io][fix]correct close client when sendfile error by @poor-circle in #714
- [coro_io][fix] init random seed for RandomLoadBlancer by @poor-circle in #715
- [new lib]add reflection lib by @qicosmos in #717
- [reflection][feat]Improve reflection by @qicosmos in #718
- [coro_io][fix] remove client pool quick connect optimize, which may cause … by @poor-circle in #719
- [coro_rpc][coro_http] set default timeout duration as 30s by @poor-circle in #720
- [reflection][feat]Reflect with macro by @qicosmos in #722
- [reflection][improve]for const object by @qicosmos in #723
- [coro_http_client][update]Default port by @qicosmos in #724
- [coro_io] add support for alive detect in client_pool by @poor-circle in #727
Full Changelog: 0.3.5...0.3.6
Release 0.3.5
What's Changed
- [struct_pb][feat]to proto by @qicosmos in #702
- [coro_http_client][feat]async upload file no copy by @qicosmos in #703
- [coro_http][fix] fix client upload file which filename is string_view by @poor-circle in #704
- [coro_rpc][fix] disable sso optimize in rpc client buffer, which may cause illegal address when user return value has std::string_view by @poor-circle in #705
- [coro_rpc][feature] support complete handler by @poor-circle in #706
- [website]fix doc format by @qicosmos in #708
- [coro_file][refactor]simplify coro_file by @qicosmos in #707
- [coro_http_client][modify]update out buf logic by @qicosmos in #711
- ignore SIGPIPE signal when use ::sendfile in linux by @poor-circle in #712
- [coro_http_client]fix out buf by @qicosmos in #713
Full Changelog: 0.3.4...0.3.5
Release 0.3.4
What's Changed
- 修改MELOG_TRACE宏定义 by @Corgile in #690
- [coro_http]fix parse url queries by @qicosmos in #691
- [metric][feat]improve metrics by @qicosmos in #692
- [metric][improve]improve metric by @qicosmos in #693
- fix: with MSVC, SP_LIKELY takes no effect by @scuzqy in #696
- [metric][feat and fix]add inner metrics by @qicosmos in #697
- [struct_pb][fix and feat]1. fix当成员是std::variant类型时.get_fields_name 会有重复字段名bug;2.添加get_field_any接口,具体类型转换延迟到用户端代码 by @171930433 in #698
- add capacity of metrics by @qicosmos in #699
- [fix]fix output of histogram by @qicosmos in #700
New Contributors
- @Corgile made their first contribution in #690
- @171930433 made their first contribution in #698
Full Changelog: 0.3.3...0.3.4