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190 lines (145 loc) · 6.75 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (145 loc) · 6.75 KB

SummarizeVCF is a command line tool for producing per-sample summary statistics for variants in a VCF file. Conceptually, is intended to be for VCF files what FastQC is for FASTQ files.


cd Pipeline-Tools
python ./ <summary_type> --vcf <vcf_file> [options]

summary types:
 Mutect, Multisample

Detailed description of additional options available in help menu.

python ./ --help

usage: <summary_type> [options]

positional arguments:
  {Mutect,Multisample}  VCF Summary type.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --vcf VCF_FILE        Path to vcf file to summarize.
  --max-records MAX_RECORDS
                        Maximum number of records to process. Default: ALL.
  --max-indel-len MAX_INDEL_LEN
                        Upper bound of indel length summary.
  --max-depth MAX_DEPTH
                        Upper bound of variant depth summary.
  --max-qual MAX_QUAL   Upper bound of variant quality summary.
  --afs-bins NUM_AFS_BINS
                        Number of bins to use for Allele Frequency Spectrum.
  -v                    Increase verbosity of the program.Multiple -v's
                        increase the verbosity level: 0 = Errors 1 = Errors +
                        Warnings 2 = Errors + Warnings + Info 3 = Errors +
                        Warnings + Info + Debug

Why are there multiple summary modes?

Although VCF is supposed to be a standardized format, variant calling programs differ in how they utilize specific fields. Currently, is able to handle both standard multisample VCF files (produced by GATK GenotypeGVCFs or Samtools mpileup):

python ./ Multisample --vcf <vcf_file> [options]

And VCF files produced by somatic callers like Mutect2.

python ./ Mutect --vcf <vcf_file> [options]

Disclaimer: Choosing the correct summary type is important as a mismatch will cause the summary program to crash. Make sure you know what kind of VCF you're working with.

What kind of summary statistics does compute?

For each sample in VCF, reports the number of:

  • Missing GT
  • Called GT
  • Variant GT
  • Heterozygous loci
  • Homozygous-Alt
  • Deletions
  • Insertions
  • Monomorphs
  • SNPs
  • Ts
  • Tv
  • 12 SNP transition types (e.g. C -> A, G -> T)
  • dbSNP variants
  • Structural variants

If annotation information is provided, the following can also reported if present:

  • Number of variants by impact (HIGH, MODERATE, LOW, MODIFIER)
  • Number of variants by type
    • intergenic
    • intronic
    • synonymous_SNV
    • nonsynonymous_SNV
    • stoploss,stopgain,
    • onframeshift_deletion
    • nonframeshift_insertion
    • frameshift_deletion
    • frameshift_insertion also produces per-sample distribution summaries of the following:

  • Genotype Quality
  • Read depth
  • Allele frequency (AF=percentage of samples with that variant)
  • Insertion length
  • Deletion length

If run in Mutect mode, the following are also computed for each sample:

  • Number variants passed Mutect filter

Input Assumptions

  1. VCF format v4.0+
  2. Annotated with either Annovar, SnpEff, both, or no annotation.
  3. No multi-allelic variants
    • Obviously real loci are multi-alleleic but VCF files should be normalized using BCFtools Norm to break them into separate lines in VCF
    • Allows each allele to have separate annotations
  4. If in Mutect mode, VCF file must be Mutect output or merged VCF from multiple Mutect runs
  5. If in Multisample mode, VCF must not be Mutect output

Additional options

--max-records option can be used to subsample the number of VCF records processed for faster runtimes. Default is to process all records.

--max-indel-len sets the upper bound for summarizing the indel size distribution

--max-depth sets the upper bound for summarizing the variant read depth distribution

--afs-bins specifies the number of bins for summarizing the allele frequency spectrum of alternate alleles

Output format produces a tab-delimited output file with 6 sections:

  1. COUNTS: counts described above for each sample.
  2. DEPTH: variant depth distribution for each sample
  3. QUAL: variant quality score distribution for each sample
  4. INSERT_LEN: insertion length distribution for each sample
  5. DELETE_LEN: deletion length distribution for each sample
  6. AAFS: Allele frequency spectrum for each sample

All sections have a first header row followed by subsequent rows for each sample.

Check out the Example VCFSummary for a better idea.

Parallelization with

The helper program is designed to merge VCFSummaries to facilitate parallelized processing.


cd Pipeline-Tools
python --help

usage: CatVCFSummary [-h] -i INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Space-delimited list of VCFSummary files to combine
  -v                    Increase verbosity of the program.Multiple -v's
                        increase the verbosity level: 0 = Errors 1 = Errors +
                        Warnings 2 = Errors + Warnings + Info 3 = Errors +
                        Warnings + Info + Debug

When is useful?

To drastically decrease processing time, VCF files can be split by chromosome using SnpEff and summarized in parallel. is designed to merge these splits back into a single VCFSummary.


Summarize variants in VCF splits using

cd ./Pipeline-Tools

python ./ Multisample -vcf chr1.vcf > chr1.sum.txt
python ./ Multisample -vcf chr2.vcf > chr2.sum.txt
python ./ Multisample -vcf chr3.vcf > chr3.sum.txt

Merge using

cd ./Pipeline-Tools

python ./ -i chr1.sum.txt chr2.sum.txt chr3.sum.txt \
    -o full.sum.txt