- Overview
- Phase 1 - Stock Vuejs front end
- Phase 2 - TodoMVC files
- Phase 3 - Stock Grails Rest Application
- Phase 4 - Grails Todo Rest Setup
- Phase 5 - Vue TodoMVC modifications for rest model
- Phase 6 - Use v-model axios rest wrapper. Add error checking
Takes the Vue.js TodoMVC example and modifies it to use a Grails app to store the data. TodoMVC examples from the poc site http://todomvc.com/ We use this one as a basis for the code https://vuejs.org/v2/examples/todomvc.html
Install the vue-cli and create a template
$ vue init webpack vue-app
This will install Vue 2.x version of the template.
? Project name vue-app
? Project description Vue.js todoMVC front end for Grails
? Author basejump <[email protected]>
? Vue build standalone
? Install vue-router? Yes
? Use ESLint to lint your code? Yes
? Pick an ESLint preset Standard
? Setup unit tests with Karma + Mocha? Yes
? Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? Yes
vue-cli · Generated "vue-app".
To get started:
cd vue-app
npm install
npm run dev
Documentation can be found at https://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack
now npm run dev should work and show the todo with local browser storage
see github tag phase2-todomvc-example-copy
Copy code from https://vuejs.org/v2/examples/todomvc.html according to these commits.
npm run dev
and check it out
github tag Phase3-Stock-Grails-Rest-App
$ grails create-app -profile rest-api -features hibernate5 grails-server
| Grails Version: 3.2.9
see this commit for a walk through of the changes made
create the Todo domain
$ grails create-domain-class Todo
import grails.rest.Resource
@Resource(uri = '/todo', namespace = '/api', formats = ["json"])
class Todo {
String title
Boolean completed = false
Boolean archived = false
static constraints = {
title nullable: false
completed nullable: false
archived nullable: false
turn on cors in the application.yml
enabled: true
add some rows for sanity check
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
new Todo(title:"Buy beer",completed:true).save(failOnError:true,flush: true)
new Todo(title:"Drink beer").save(failOnError:true,flush: true)
new Todo(title:"Create Vue/Grails TodoMVC example").save(failOnError:true,flush: true)
grails run-app
and sanity check it with curl
$ curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/todo
HTTP/1.1 200
X-Application-Context: application:development
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 07 May 2017 06:01:57 GMT
[{"id":1,"archived":false,"completed":false,"title":"Buy beer"},{"id":2,"archived":false,"completed":false,"title":"Drink beer"}]
npm install axios --save
modify package.json per example and run npm install -
modify vue-app/config/index.js to change port to 8090 so it doesn't conflict with grails
create new src/todoRestApi.js for communication with grails. See file.
modify src/main.js to use the new todoModel.js instead of the local storage
from original example -
Make minor tweak to the complete check box to use even for save
grails run-app
under the grail-server dir. In another shell window cd to vue-app and run 'npm run dev'
vmodel is a light weight wrapper around axios that allows you to use it more like ngResource and will even look somewhat similiar to Gorm/Grails activerecord way of working with items. While it says its for Vue, vue is not required and axios is all thats needed and since its Promise based API it will uses bluebird as well.
npm install v-model --save
or modify package.json per example and run npm install -
added todoModel.js to replace the axios based todoRestApi from phase 5
modified main.js to use todoModel and the vmodel Model based methods
Add some error checking with
and a div in index.html to diplay errors -
Modify the Todo domain in grails so we can simulate an error by creaating an item with 'xxx'
grails run-app
under the grail-server dir. In another shell window cd to vue-app and run 'npm run dev'
Try creating a todo with xxx as the title or modifying an existing one.