HyperScript template language for JavaScript.
const hashish = require('@alexei/hashish')(document)
const h = hashish.createElement
h('form', {action: '/auth', method: 'post'}, [
h('.form-group', [
h('label', {'for': 'auth-email'}, "Email address"),
h(':email.form-control#auth-email', {placeholder: "Email"})
h('.form-group', [
h('label', {'for': 'auth-password'}, "Password"),
h(':password.form-control#auth-password', {placeholder: "Password"})
h('.checkbox', [
h('label', [h(':checkbox', {name: 'remember_me'}), "Keep me logged in"])
h(':submit.btn btn-default', {value: "Log in"})
<form action="/auth" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="auth-email"></label>
<input id="auth-email" class="form-control" type="email" placeholder="Email">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="auth-password"></label>
<input id="auth-password" class="form-control" type="password" placeholder="Password">
<div class="checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="remember_me">Keep me logged in</label>
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Log in">
Hashish should run in any environment where a DOM implementation is available. If you're on NodeJS, you might need a third party package like tmpvar/jsdom.
Creates and returns a new HTMLElement
The tag
argument specifies the tag name, a list of class names, an ID and possibly a type if one intends to create input tags. If left empty, it defaults to div
=> <div></div>
=> <div class="foo bar" id="baz"></div>
=> <input type="email">
The attrs
argument allows one to specify a dictionary of attributes the resulting node should have:
h('form', {method: 'post'})
=> <form method="post"></form>
Any value that evaluates to false
will be omitted:
h(':checkbox', {checked: false})
=> <input type="checkbox">
The children
argument represents an array of children that should be appended to the resulting node. See explanation on children below.
Hashish supports tag (defaults to div
), class and ID selectors.
Additionally, the following nonstandard pseudo-elements are supported: :button
, :checkbox
, :color
, :date
, :datetime-local
, :email
, :file
, :hidden
, :image
, :month
, :number
, :password
, :radio
, :range
, :reset
, :search
, :submit
, :tel
, :text
, :time
, :url
, :week
. Each results in an input
tag with the appropriate type
attribute. They are provided as syntactic sugar i.e. instead of:
h('input', {type: 'number'})
One would write:
=> <input type="number">
Class names can be specified alongside the tag
name or in the attrs
argument. The class
(or className
) attribute can either be string:
h('.foo', {class: 'bar baz'})
=> <div class="foo bar baz"></div>
An array:
var bazClass = 'baz'
h('div.foo', {class: ['bar', bazClass]})
=> <div class="foo bar baz"></div>
Or an object:
var includeBaz = false
h('.foo.bar', {class: {baz: includeBaz})
=> <div class="foo bar"></div>
A child can either be a string, an HTMLElement
, or any other object that implements a render
method and returns a value of a similar type:
class List {
constructor(list) {
this.list = list
render() {
return h('ol', this.list.map((item) => new Item(item)))
class Item {
constructor(item) {
this.item = item
render() {
return this.item ? h('li', [this.item]): false
h('.listing', [new List(['Alpha', 'Beta', null, 'Gamma'])])
<div class="listing">
Children that evaluate to false
will be omitted.
Helper method to append each of children
to root
Helper method to replace oldNode
with newNode
Hashish was obviously inspired by hyperhype/hyperscript and JedWatson/classnames.