Hey mate! Wandering around looking for a catchy and easy-to-read cv template? Bored to prepare the same, usual, sad academic cv? Your are in the right place then!
Based on Friggeri-CV and inspired by TwentySeconds-CV, this template was specifically designed to provide an off-the-shelf curriculum vitae allowing you to emphasize two critical points: i) publications and ii) technical skills.
ALECS cv is compiled with XeLaTex, while the bibliography is handled with Biber.
Build your project.
make all
Clean your project.
make clean
Clean your project bibliography.
make cleanbib
Clean all outputs.
make cleanall
Use your favorite LaTex editor, but do not forget to
- Compile with XeLaTex;
- Build the bibliography with Biber (this command will generate all bib associated files with the data that will be included in your cv only in the third step);
- Compile again.
LaTex installation.
Additional packages:
- array
- ifmtarg
- ifthen
- etoolbox
- textpos
- titlesec
- tikz
- xcolor
- parskip
- fontspec
- fontawesome
- marvosym
- lastpage
- everypage
- geometry
- hyperref
- biblatex