Changes for next version
- New property registry to manage custom properties
- Allow pygubu bootstrap themes (pbs) on multiple roots.
- Refactored simple tooltip module. Changed Tooltip class and added new Tooltipttk class.
- New simple tooltip builders. Allows to use simple tooltips on designer.
- New IStyleDefinition class to make easy custom styles definitions and management.
- New font input widget.
Changes for version 0.36.3
- Fix python 3.8, 3.9 compatibility. refs #301, alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#288
Changes for version 0.36.2
- Fix issue with setgrid tk.Text property. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#287
- Fix showing unsupported font property for ttk.Button. refs #300
Changes for version 0.36.1
- Fix TypeError, scroll_rs not subscriptable exception.
Changes for version 0.36:
- BuilderObject class: Store reference to parent.
- BuilderObject class: Add option to override children layout.
- Initial support for TKinterModernThemes package.
- Clean tkinterweb plugin. Add tkinterweb Notebook widget. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#278
Changes for version 0.35.6
- Fix issue when setting menu for Menubutton. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#276
Changes for version 0.35.5
- Fix menu code generation. refs #296
- Fix issue with CTKEntry text property. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#266
Changes for version 0.35.4
- Fix from, to properties on customtkinter CTKSlide.
Changes for version 0.35.3
- Fix container layout on customtkinter CTKFrame.
Changes for version 0.35.2
- Drop support for python 3.6 and 3.7 (was already not working)
- Update pyinstaller hooks
Changes for version 0.35.1
- Fix error in customtkinter Ctk builder
Changes for version 0.35
- New theming module. Adds bootstrap like themes, based on ttkbootstrap. Initial draft. TODO: improve graphics, draw with pillow if available.
- Modified ApplicationLevelBindManager, methods are now class methods and not static methods. Added parameter master to the init_mousewheel_binding method.
- Modified UI definition. Added project options section. Options saved: general options, code generation options, style definition, custom widgets.
- New widgets:
- New Hideable Frame widget.
- New PathChooserButton widget.
- New ColorInput widget.
- New docking widgets: DockFrame, DockWidget, DockPane. In alpha status, although pygubu designer uses them.
- New form widgets in alpha status.
- Expose accordion widget hidden in pygubu code (Maybe it will be useful).
- New emit_close_event for pygubu Dialog
- Grid container options, fixed bug: process "all" index first, so specific row/col props are configured correctly.
- New classmethods in Builder object canbe_parent_of, canbe_child_of.
- Added copy_custom_property function
- Added "public" argument to function register_widget
- Added new method Builder.add_resource_paths(path_list: list)
Changes for version 0.34
- Add missing container layout options for ScrolledFrame widget. Fixes #293
Changes for version 0.33
- Update to support customtkinter 5.2.2
Changes for version 0.32
- New builder for create a tkinter.Tk widget. (use it with caution)
- Rewrite StockImage class. Allow to pass a user specific tkroot to create images.
- Set widget tcl name for named widgets in designer. refs #287
- Editabletreeview, allow a column to have multiple editors per row.
- New FilterableTreeview widget.
- Fix callback argument for code generation in designer. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#205
- Fix for issue #284
- Fix for missed update of 'activeoutline' color in CalendarFrame widget #285 (BloodyRain2k)
- New "linewidth" option and visual fixes for CalendarFrame widget #286 (BloodyRain2k)
Changes for version 0.31:
- Allow to setup values for option database after first window created. refs #282
- Fix for widget highlighter offsets in preview, refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#203
Changes for version 0.30:
- Editabletreeview: Hide editors when user clicks inside treeview area with no rows. This generates <<TreeviewEditorsUnfocused>> event. refs #279
- Editabletreeview: Add method get_value(col, item) to quicky access tree data. refs #279
- Fix error on ttkwidgets plugin (autocomplete widgets)
- Add support to customtkinter 5. Customtkinter changed a lot from 4.6 to 5. The plugin will support only the latest version.
Changes for version 0.29
- Fixes for PathChooserInput. refs #278, alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#145
- Fixes for ToplevelPreviewBaseBO (for plugins)
Changes for version 0.28
- Added ttk.OptionMenu and ttk.LabeledScale (alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#178)
- Fixed issues when working with Notebook tabs.
- Restrict customtkinter plugin to customtkinter < 5 (next version will only support customtkinter >= 5)
Changes for version 0.27
- Builder object, REMOVED configure_for_preview method.
- Added support for: customtkinter, tkintermapview
Changes for version 0.26.2
Changes for version 0.26.1
- Hotfix for alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#153
Changes for version 0.26
- Allow pygubu to use importlib.resources module. refs #269
- Code generation: Fix callback registration arguments.
- Builder object, new static method configure_for_preview.
Changes for version 0.25.1
- Fix Menubutton code generation. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#151
- Fix pyinstaller hook for python 3.8 refs #270
Changes for version 0.25
- Modified ui definition file to allow decluttering of widget ids in designer (alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#117)
- Fix initial value for boolean tkvariables (issue #268)
- Improved menu code generation (refs alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#103)
Changes for version 0.24.2
- Fix loading of custom widgets
Changes for version 0.24.1
- Hotfix: Fix error loading tkcalendar DateEntry
- Added pyinstaller hook (thanks to @gwelch-contegix)
Changes for version 0.24
- New plugin engine and API (alpha state)
- Added support for: AwesomeTkinter, tkintertable, tksheet, ttkwidgets, tkinterweb, tkcalendar.
- Changed project structure to use src folder.
Changes for version 0.23.1
- Fix: Generate regular treeview properties in the Code Script #264 (jrezai)
Changes for version 0.23
- Translations for pygubu strings in pygubu-designer (larryw3i)
Changes for version 0.22
- Code generation: mark translatable text in code. issue alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#120
- Code generation: generate keyword arguments as integers when posible. issue alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#114
- Code generation: Fix OptionMenu. issue alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer#125
Changes for version 0.21
- Editabletreeview: Add InplaceEditor abstract class for better management of column data editors.
- Improve argument names for entry validate callback.
- Fix: Generate escaped strings on code generation.
- Other minor fixes.
Changes for version 0.20
- Removed Python 2.7 support, Minimum Python version required is now 3.6
- Added support to configure grid with 'all' index
- Change in xml specification. Interface version is now 1.2. This includes reorganization of grid row/column properties.
Changes for version 0.19
- Fix generating redundant code for grid properties
- Fix install error on python 2.7
- This is the last version with python 2.7 support
Changes for version 0.9.8
- Use entry_points field for installing a startup script with setuptools
- Fixed issues #66, #86
Changes for version
- Fixed issues #72, #74, #78, #81
Changes for version
- Added wheel support.
- Fixed issues #64, #65
Changes for version
- Improved ui tester.
- Fixed issues #54, #58, #59, #60
Changes for version
- Allow to specify variable names when importing tk variables.
- Allow to register an already created tk image.
- Allow to specify loggin level from console command.
- Added new pathchooser input widget.
- Improved README (thanks to Nelson Brochado)
- Fixed issue #52
Changes for version
- Added custom widgets preference option.
- Added appdirs dependency.
- New sticky property editor.
- Fixed issues #40, #45
Changes for version 0.9.7
- Fixed issues #39, #41
Changes for version
- Remove old script for old installations. Create pybugu-designer.bat file for windows platform. Fixes #38
Changes for version
- Fixed bug: color value setting to None when presing Cancel on color selector.
- Add '.png' format to Stockimage if tk version support it. fixes #36
- Minor changes to main UI.
Changes for version
- Fixed bug on menu creation.
- Fixed issues #14 and #22
- Added helper method to avoid call get_variable for every variable. refs #29
Changes for version
- Fixed bug #33 "Wrong textvariable format when create ui file"
Changes for version
- Use old menu preview on platforms other than linux (new preview does not work on windows)
Changes for version
- Property editors rewritten from scratch
- Improved menu preview
- Added font property editor
- Fixed menu issues
Changes for version
- Add select hotkey to widget tree. (i - select previous item, k - select next item)
- Copied menu example from wiki to examples folder.
Changes for version 0.9.5
- Renamed designer startup script to pygubu-designer (see #20)
- Fixed bugs.
Changes for version 0.9.4
- Added Toplevel widget
- Added generic Dialog widget
- Rewrited scrolledframe widget internals, ideas and code taken from tkinter wiki.
- Added more widget icons.
- Fixed bugs.
Changes for version 0.9.3
- Allow to select control variable type
- Fixed some bugs.
Changes for version 0.9.2
- Added more wiki pages.
- Fixed issues #3, #4
Changes for version 0.9.1
- Separate designer module from main package
- Added menu to select current ttk theme
- Fix color selector issues.
Changes for version 0.9
- Add validator for pax and pady properties.
- Improved ScrolledFrame widget.
- Added more wiget icons.
- Fix cursor type on preview panel.
Changes for version 0.8
- Added translation support
- Translated pygubu designer to Spanish
Changes for version 0.7
- Added python 2.7 support
- Added initial TkApplication class
- Fixed some bugs.
First public version 0.6