Data Analysis of meteorite landings on earth recorded by The Meteoritical Society
name: the name of the meteorite
id: a unique identifier for the meteorite
nametype: one of:
- valid: a typical meteorite
- relict: a meteorite that has been highly degraded by weather on Earth
- recclass: the class of the meteorite (see the Wikipedia article on meteorite classification)
- mass: the mass of the meteorite, in grams
- fall: whether the meteorite was seen falling, or was discovered after its impact; one of:
- Fell: the meteorite's fall was observed
- Found: the meteorite's fall was not observed
- year: the year the meteorite fell, or the year it was found (Any year before 860 CE or 2016 are in BCE)
- reclat: the latitude of the meteorite's landing
- reclong: the longitude of the meteorite's landing
- GeoLocation: a parentheses-enclose, comma-separated tuple that combines reclat and reclong
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Seaborn
- Matplotlib
- Sklearn
- Folium
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python