Documentation is written in markdown and the website is statically built using Mkdocs material
NOTE: New languages, better wording, new sections, more visuals, any fixes even small ones are welcome!
- Create a Github account
- Fork the Agorakit repository
- Edit the documentation files in the /docs/ directory
- Create a pull request to ask your changes to be merged
TIP: Using Visual Studio Code to work on code and markdown files is a reasonably simple option. You additionaly get a built in user interface for git and github integration, which is nice for beginners.
Install mkdocs material and a few plugins.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then start the built-in webserver to preview your work on the documentation.
mkdocs serve
The documentation is currently served by github pages. The workflow for publication is localted here :
How this works ? Each time a commit is made on main or master branch, the doc are built using (this is a git action that does the work for us)
The resulting files are put into the GH-branch of the documentation repository which is then serbed using the github "pages" feature.
It's a bit painful to configure but it seems that once done, it works.
See for more informations on how the documentation builder works.