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Static pages

There are 3 static pages whose content can be customized using Markdown files (found in content/page/posts):

  • About
  • Support
  • Toolkit

Images and static pages

Any image used in these pages should be placed inside content/page/media and then referenced using a relative path Example when editing a file inside content/page/posts:

![alt text](../media/img_name.png "Image caption if needed")

Anatomy of a study

The study configuration consists of two files:

  • a yml file that contains the basic information and metadata of the study.
  • a json file that contains the map configuration.

Study Configuration

Study configuration

The main information and metadata of each study is managed through a yml file, with the following structure. For a full example, please see kenya.yml

key format description
title string The title of the study
bbox LngLatBounds object The initial bounds of the map
zoomExtent array of numbers The minimum and maximum zoom of the map
mapConfig string The filename that contains the study's map configuration
country string Country name
study object Metadata about the study
study.consultant string Name of the consultant
study.period string Period of the study
study.content string The filename that contains the study's content in markdown
platform object Reference to an external platform that hosts full study results
platform.title string Title of the platform
platform.url string URL of the platform
layers array The layers that make up the layer switcher
layers[].id string Unique ID of the layer
layers[].name string Name of the layer that appears in the layer switcher
layers[].category enum one of [contextual, results] The layer category is used to organize the layers
layers[].mbLayer string ID of the layer. Should refer to a layer in the map configuration
layers[].info string Used for the description in the info drawer
layers[].disabled boolean If set to true, the enable/disable icon will be disabled. Optional, defaults to false
layers[].visible boolean If set to true, this layers is enabled on first load. Optional, defaults to false
layers[].info string Used for the description in the info drawer
layers[].source object Link to the data source
layers[] string Name of the source link
layers[].source.url string URL of the data source
layers[].legendData object Custom legend
layers[].legendData.type enum one of [gradient, line, circle, symbol] Type of legend
layers[].legendData.color string The color of the feature. Applies to circle and line
layers[].legendData.dashed boolean Use a dashed line. Applies to line
layers[].legendData.icon string The basename of the icon, without file extension. Applies to symbol
layers[].legendData.min string Minimum value printed on the x-axis. Applies to gradient
layers[].legendData.max string Maximum value printed on the x-axis. Applies to gradient
layers[].legendData.stops array An array with RGB colors that indicate the stops. Applies to gradient
layers[].displayData array Configuration for the data to be displayed on the popover
layers[].displayData[].label string A static label for the popover. Exclusive with labelProp
layers[].displayData[].value string A static value for the popover. Exclusive with valueProp
layers[].displayData[].labelProp string A dynamic label for the popover. Exclusive with label
layers[].displayData[].valueProp string A dynamic value for the popover. Exclusive with value

Map configuration

The map of each study is configured using a json file that follows the Mapbox Style specification. For a full example, please see kenya-mb.json.

Leveraging the MB Style Specification provides a high degree of control over the style and interaction of the map of each study. Please refer to the Mapbox documentation for a full description of the style spec.

In addition to the default Mapbox styling, AEP has its own set of default styles, optimized for country level analysis. For more details see the AEP default style section.

Validating configuration

The yml and json files in /content/study are automatically validated when pushing a change to Github. If validation fails, it won't be possible to merge these changes into the main branch.

Validation is done in two steps:

  1. the yml files are validated using the study schema in /schema/validate.js
  2. the json files are validated using the Mapbox Style Specification

All checks passing

Validating locally

To validate changes prior to pushing them to Github, you can run the following command:

yarn validate

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Add a new study

  1. create a new Github branch from main
  2. add a yml file to /content/study/posts with the study configuration. The filename is used to determine the URL of the study. (kenya.yml -> /studies/kenya)
  3. add a json file to /content/study/posts with the map configuration
  4. add a md file to /content/study/posts with the study content. This is rendered in the study summary page.
  5. set up a Pull Request and merge once the validations are run successfully

Add a layer

To add a new layer to a study that users can interact with, requires three things:

  1. add a source to the Mapbox Style Specification that references the dataset. This example shows a GeoJSON, but other types like raster or vector tiles are also supported.
"minigrid-proposed": {
  "data": "",
  "type": "geojson"
  1. add a layer to the Mapbox Style Specification that references the source.
  "id": "minigrid-proposed",
  "type": "circle",
  "source": "minigrid-proposed"
  1. add a layer to the study configuration (yml). This configures the layer in the layer switcher.
  - id: minigrid-new
    name: New Mini-Grid Projects
    category: result
    mbLayer: minigrid-proposed
    info: Potential mini-grid projects; these projects were identified through a least-cost geospatial analysis undertaken over the period 2017-2018.

Adjust the style of a layer

The style of each map layer can be customized in the json file with map configuration. The following example makes all the lines in this dataset yellow.

  "id": "kv",
  "type": "line",
  "source": "11kv",
  "paint": {
    "line-color": "#FFC700"

It's possible to apply advanced custom styling to each layer. For a full overview, see the Mapbox documentation.

Change the order of layers on the map

The order of the layers on the map is determined by the order of the layers array in the map configuration. The first layer in this array is the bottom-most layer on the map, the last layer the top-most.

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Map style

AEP default style

More information to come

Custom markers

AEP supports a number of custom icons that can be used to style point data instead of colored circles. See the folder /content/icons for the icons that are currently supported.

Add icon to a layer

Define a symbol layer. The name of the icon-image is the basename of the file, without extension .png.

For example:

  "id": "transformers",
  "type": "symbol",
  "source": "transformers",
  "source-layer": "data_layer",
  "layout": {
    "icon-image": "electricity"

Add new icons to AEP

New icons can be added to /content/icons. They should be in png format and measure 64 x 64px.

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Update summary content

The summary content can be updated from the study respective markdown file. This block is rendered bellow the summary overview.


The charts on the Summary page are configured and managed through the yml file with study configuration. They are included on the right side of the summary page and ordered using the order in the study configuration file.


The donut has a chart title (name) and a data array that consists of entries with a name and value.


  - name: Modelled Electricity demand (GWh/year)
    type: donut
      - name: Residential
        value: 90
      - name: Social (HF, EF, public)
        value: 60
      - name: Commercial
        value: 60
      - name: Productive
        value: 60
      - name: Other
        value: 30

Big number

The big number consists of a title (name), a value and an optional unit.

Big number with and without the unit


  - name: Total lengh of T&D
    type: number
      value: 60
      unit: km

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Broadly speaking, AEP supports two types of legends: symbology for features on the map like circles and lines and gradient legends for raster data like the Global Wind Atlas.

Customizing vector legends

The platform will automatically determine the legend for vector layers. It's possible to override these defaults by specifying a legendData object on the layer configuration. For example:


  type: line
  color: '#00FF00'
  dashed: true


  type: symbol
  icon: 'electricity'

Defining raster legends

The legend for external data layers can't be automatically determined by AEP and always have to be defined through configuration. The platform currently supports linear gradients, below is an example with 7 color stops.

  type: gradient
  min: '< 2.5'
  max: '> 9.75 m/s'
    - '#BEE6FA'
    - '#488FC6'
    - '#7BC34C'
    - '#F9E65B'
    - '#F56E2B'
    - '#C82333'
    - '#A3305C'

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By default, the popups in the application show all the attributes that are available in the source data. This can be customized by specifying a displayData list on the layer configuration.

Customizing popup data

It is possible to extract data from the features the map layer and display it on a popover. For each layer you can specify a label:value pair using a syntax expression. Once a customization is defined, only the specified options will be displayed.

The label property will always be displayed in uppercase format.

There are 2 properties to get a label and a value.

  • When using label the value is assumed static and will be displayed as is.
  • When using labelProp the value will be extracted from the feature data and computed.

These two properties are mutually exclusive. Use one or the other, not both at the same time. The same is true for value and valueProp.

To allow some processing of labels and values it is possible to use a simple inline piping syntax to define functions (and respective arguments) to apply to a value. The feature property name is always the first element to appear and subsequent functions are separated using pipes | and arguments are separated using colons :



In this example the system would get the value of the property road_length from the selected feature, round it to 2 decimal digits, and then add a suffix of km.

The available functions are:

sum : value
subtract : value
multiply : value
divide : value
prefix : value
suffix : value
round : decimal_digits


  - label: A static label
    value: Static value
  - label: Length
    valueProp: Length_km|round:2|suffix:km


Map shows an unexpected layer

If the map loads with a layer that can't be managed through the layer switcher, it's likely that you added a layer in the Mapbox Style that isn't referenced in the layer configuration of the yml. This is by design. It allows you to overlay a contextual layer on the map that the user don't have control over. A use case could be a layer that adds a disputed border.

Popover doesn't show a value after customization

If no value is displayed double check that the property name is correct. Some times it is a matter of an uppercase letter.