DONE Creates a map based on a map-template in a directory defined by the user.
DONE A calculator allows to calculate the sizes of all textures like diffuse, heightmap, metalmap at once, simply by entering the map-size
DONE Existing maps can be opened, if a directory exists. 7z-map files are not supported yet
- Support 7z files
The heightmap of a map can be viewed, if the correct path is given
- DONE Add file browser to select heightmap file
- DONE Allows for calculation of image sizes for metal, diffuce, height, grass maps
- DONE Allows to create a new map by copying a default template
- DONE Allows to specify a map size
- DONE Automatically creates images for grass, diffuse, height etc with correct image settings
- DONE Creates a project file with default settings
- DONE Allow creation of teams
- DONE Create/delete a startzone
- Load map_startboxes.lua
- Save map_startboxes.lua
- DONE Opens or creates a project file
- ONGOING Contains map-related settings like compile options for map compiler
- ONGOING Contains all other map-related settings
- DONE Allows to recompile/update the map
- Allows to deploy the compiled map to game directory
- DONE Allows to change setting from project file
- DONE Allow setting of compile parameters
- Allow to deploy as directory or as 7z
- Contains a list of setting for the application e.g. Gamedirectory
- Names of images files for grass, diffuse, height etc image files
- DONE Add image library to allow for creation of images during map creation
- DONE Implement pymapcomp to allow for map compilation
- DONE Redesign Update/deploy Map dialog to embedd required features
- DONE Complete compilation settings
- DONE Add support to load mapinfo.lua
- DONE Add support to edit some values of mapinfo.lua
- DONE Add support to save mapinfo.lua
- Define Project-Settings file with read/write/edit support
- Implement support for .7z creation
- Add support to read and write start-zones
- Add toggle button to show texture on heightmap
- Add support to save ProjectSettings
- Add deploy support
- Create github release pipeline
- TENTATIVE Add support to edit heightmap
- Implement an Octree to improve HitTest-Performance
- Implement various brushes for terrain editing