An awesome android application made using Java. It uses AI models to help in easy navigation and bridges the communication gap for disabled people.
Its a resume project to showcase Android development knowledge.
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Guide is a powerful Android app that helps disabled people reduce difficulty in their everyday life. It uses various AI models to help them. This android application uses all the basic android libraries in Java that are used to build an app. Its a resume project to showcase various android development capabilities like adding and handling various views, using intent to navigate through various screens, using file storage/access capabilty of android, using various apis like speech-to-text, MLKit for handling Ai models text-to-speech for "Guide"ing people; accessing hardware api to handle various hardware like CameraX for camera, Android inbuilt sdk for mic etc; showing notification, using pip mode etc.
I have also used Python to custom train some models for specific usecase.
Here's how Guide uses AI models to help people:
- It uses AI models to detect object and say out loud the object name to help blind people
- It uses AI models to help understand sign language used by mute people
- It uses AI models to convert speech to text to help deaf people
Of course, no product can be completly helpful since everyone needs may be different. So I'll be adding more in the near future. You may also suggest changes by opening an issue.
In order to avoid plagiarism, I have removed MainActivity, SpeechRecognitionActivity, all the models and some other files from the project directory. Without them , this app will not work. If you want to use the project for personal use, please Contact me
This section should list any major frameworks that you built your project using. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.
Distributed under the MIT License. See License for more information.
Aditya Shrivastava - @aditya-shri - [email protected]
Project Link: Guide