This document is intended to describe high-level plans for the Linkerd project and is neither comprehensive nor prescriptive. For a more granular view of planned work, please refer to the project's upcoming milestones.
Following best practices, Custom Resource Definitions are being migrated to their own helm chart
As we identify new primitives/patterns for server-side configuration, we plan
to replace the current ServiceProfile
APIs with new client-side primitives
that support the existing resources as well as:
- Circuit-breakers
- Non-cluster-local traffic targets
- TLS requirements
- Route-Specific Authorization
- Outbound Route Configuration
- Header-based Routing
Linkerd's mTLS identity only works for resources managed by Kubernetes. We plan to extend Linkerd to support non-Kubernetes workloads.
The OpenMetrics working group is developing a new standard for metric exposition. We plan to support this format and follow best practices identified by this project.
The foundation for this feature exists in the multi-cluster gateway which provides connectivity between clusters using the multi-cluster extension. As the need for tighter ingress integration develops, the gateway functionality will develop into a multi-purpose entry point for traffic entering the cluster, reducing the dependency on features and development cycles for current ingress providers.