class: center, middle
Flexible data structures in scala
- Why ?
- Adding fields
- Getting fields
- Composing Structs
- Structural typing
- Under the hood
- Future
Case classes are not composable
case class CreatePersonJsonPayload(name: String, age: Int)
case class PersonModel(name: String, age: Int, address: Option[Address])
case class PersonDatabaseRow(id: String, name: String, age: Int, addressId: String)
- How can I define the common fields only once ?
- Alternative: shapeless records
- a Struct behaves more like a HSet
- No FIX library for Scala
val order = Struct.empty + BeginString.Fix42 + MsgType.OrderSingle + OrderQty(10) + Symbol("^FTSE")
case class Name(v: String) extends AnyVal
case class Age(v: Int) extends AnyVal
scala> val person = Struct.empty + Name("Mikael") + Age(39)
person: strucs.Struct[strucs.Nil with Name with Age] = Struct(Map(StructKey(class Name) -> Name(Mikael), StructKey(class Age) -> Age(39)))
scala> person.update(Name("Albert"))
res0: strucs.Struct[strucs.Nil with Name with Age] = Struct(Map(StructKey(class Name) -> Name(Albert), StructKey(class Age) -> Age(39)))
scala> person + Name("Robert")
<console>:17: error: Cannot prove that strucs.Nil with Name with Age <:!< Name.
person + Name("Robert")
??? Each field of the struct must have its own type. Referred to as Wrapper type. Inside a Struct, each field is uniquely identified by its type We will have a look at the internal structure later on
scala> person.get[Name]
res2: Name = Name(Mikael)
scala> person.get[Street]
<console>:17: error: not found: type Street
type PersonData = Name with Age with Nil
type Person = Struct[PersonData]
val person: Person = Struct.empty + Name("Mikael") + Age(39)
type AddressData = Street with City with Nil
type Address = Struct[AddressData]
val address: Address = Struct(City("London")) + Street("52 Upper Street")
scala> type PersonAddress = Struct[PersonData with AddressData]
defined type alias PersonAddress
scala> val personAddress: PersonAddress = person ++ address
personAddress: PersonAddress = Struct(Map(StructKey(class Name) -> Name(Mikael), StructKey(class Age) -> Age(39), StructKey(class City) -> City(London), StructKey(class Street) -> Street(52 Upper Street)))
scala> def adult[T <: Age with Name](struct: Struct[T]): String = {
| struct.get[Name].v +
| (if (struct.get[Age].v >= 18) " is an adult" else " is a child")
| }
adult: [T <: Age with Name](struct: strucs.Struct[T])String
scala> adult(person)
res4: String = Mikael is an adult
type MyOrder = Struct[OrderQty with Symbol with Nil]
val json = """{"quantity":10,"symbol":"^FTSE"}"""
scala> val order = json.decodeOption[MyOrder]
order: Option[MyOrder] = Some(Struct(Map(StructKey(class Symbol) -> Symbol(^FTSE), StructKey(class OrderQty) -> OrderQty(10))))
scala> val fixOrder = order.get + BeginString.Fix42 + MsgType.OrderSingle
fixOrder: strucs.Struct[strucs.fix.dict.fix42.OrderQty with strucs.fix.dict.fix42.Symbol with strucs.Nil with strucs.fix.dict.fix42.BeginString with strucs.fix.dict.fix42.MsgType] = Struct(Map(StructKey(class Symbol) -> Symbol(^FTSE), StructKey(class OrderQty) -> OrderQty(10), StructKey(class BeginString) -> BeginString(FIX.4.2), StructKey(class MsgType) -> MsgType(D)))
scala> val fix = fixOrder.toFixMessageString
fix: String = 8=FIX.4.2?9=20?35=D?38=10?55=^FTSE?10=036?
case class Struct[F](private val fields: Map[StructKey, Any]) {
def +[T](value: T)(implicit k: StructKeyProvider[T], ev: F <:!< T ):
Struct[F with T] =
new Struct[F with T](fields + (k.key -> value))
def get[T](implicit k: StructKeyProvider[T], ev: F <:< T): T =
/** Get a subset of the fields */
def shrink[F2](implicit ev: F <:< F2): Struct[F2] =
object Struct {
def empty: Struct[Nil] = new Struct[Nil](Map.empty)
trait CodecFix[A] {
def encode(a: A): FixElement
def decode(fix: FixElement): Try[A]
Sample implementations:
case class OrderQty(v: BigDecimal) extends AnyVal
object OrderQty {
implicit val codec: CodecFix[OrderQty] =
new TagCodecFix[OrderQty, BigDecimal](38)
case class Symbol(v: String) extends AnyVal
object Symbol {
implicit val codec: CodecFix[Symbol] =
new TagCodecFix[Symbol, String](55)
/** Defines how a Codec[Struct[_]] can be built using the codecs of its fields */
trait ComposeCodec[Codec[_]] {
/** Build a Codec for an empty Struct */
def zero: Codec[Struct[Nil]]
/** Build a Codec using a field codec a and a codec b for the rest */
def prepend[A : StructKeyProvider, B](
ca: Codec[A],
cb: Codec[Struct[B]]): Codec[Struct[A with B]]
def composeCodec: ComposeCodec[CodecFix] = ???
def codec1: CodecFix[Struct[Symbol with Nil]] =
composeCodec.prepend[Symbol, Nil](Symbol.codec,
def codec2: CodecFix[Struct[OrderQty with Symbol with Nil]] =
composeCodec.prepend[OrderQty, Symbol with Nil](OrderQty.codec, codec1)
object CodecFix {
/** Automatically create a CodecFix for any Struct[A]
* @tparam T mixin, each type M in the mixin
must have an implicit CodecFix[M] in scope */
implicit def makeCodecFix[T]: CodecFix[Struct[T]] =
macro ComposeCodec.macroImpl[CodecFix[_], T]
implicit object ComposeCodecFix extends ComposeCodec[CodecFix] {
/** Build a Codec for an empty Struct */
def zero: CodecFix[Struct[Nil]] = new CodecFix[Struct[Nil]] {
override def encode(a: Struct[Nil]): FixElement = FixGroup.empty
override def decode(fix: FixElement): Try[Struct[Nil]] = Success(Struct.empty)
/** Build a Codec using a field codec a and a codec b for the rest */
def prepend[A: StructKeyProvider, B](
ca: CodecFix[A],
cb: CodecFix[Struct[B]]) = new CodecFix[Struct[A with B]] {
def encode(a: Struct[A with B]): FixElement = {
val bfix = cb.encode(a.shrink[B])
val afix = ca.encode(a.get[A])
afix + bfix
def decode(fix: FixElement): Try[Struct[A with B]] = {
for {
structb <- cb.decode(fix)
a <- ca.decode(fix)
} yield structb.+[A](a)
The implementation of ComposeCodec is very similar
object StrucsDecodeJson {
implicit def makeDecodeJson[T]: DecodeJson[Struct[T]] =
macro ComposeCodec.macroImpl[DecodeJson[_], T]
implicit object ComposeDecodeJson extends ComposeCodec[DecodeJson] {
/** Build a Codec for an empty Struct */
def zero = new DecodeJson[Struct[Nil]] {
def decode(c: HCursor): DecodeResult[Struct[Nil]] =
/** Build a Codec using a field codec a and a codec b for the rest of the Struct */
def prepend[A: StructKeyProvider, B](
ca: DecodeJson[A],
cb: DecodeJson[Struct[B]]) = new DecodeJson[Struct[A with B]] {
def decode(c: HCursor): DecodeResult[Struct[A with B]] = {
for {
structb <- cb.decode(c)
a <- ca.decode(c)
} yield structb.+[A](a)
- Benchmarks & Optimizations
- Struct <==> case class
- Struct <==> Avro
- Struct <==> Protobuf
- Typed Spark DataFrame ?
class: center, middle
Mikael Valot
twitter: @leakimav