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Step-by-Step Guide for End-to-End Pipeline Deployment

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Create an End-to-End (E2E) Deployment-ready Data Pipeline for Consuming Azure Services: A Step-by-Step Guide


This tutorial aims to help users to create an end-to-end (E2E) deployment ready data pipeline for consuming various Azure services in a step-by-step approach. It demonstrates how different components within the Cortana Intelligence Suite, such as Azure Stream Analytics (ASA), Azure Event Hub, Azure Data Factory (ADF), Azure HD Insights (HDI), Azure Machine Learning (AML), Azure SQL Database, and Power BI (PBI), can be assembled to build an E2E solution for data ETL, data analytics, data visualization etc. This guide aims to provide users an E2E pipeline with a basic and general architecture, which can be utilized for various application scenarios, e.g. website traffic monitoring, sensor log data analysis, etc. Please note, it will take about 2-3 hours to finish the entire deployment of the sample pipeline.

Architecture Overview

Figure 1 below shows the overall architecture of the end-to-end (E2E) deployment that this document describes. There are two main paths in this architecture: the hot path is to process and visualize real-time streaming data and the cold path is to build and store more complicated analytics machine learning solutions.

Figure 1: Architecture Overview

The streaming data flows into Event Hub first and then into Azure Stream Analytics where data flow splits into hot path and the cold path. The hot path data flows into Power BI, and can be visualized to monitor the live data stream. The cold path data flows into Blob Storage first, and HD Insight is used for feature engineering. After that, Azure Machine Learning uses a pre-trained scoring model to make predictions based on the new features and the prediction results are written into Azure SQL Database, and finally into the on-prem server. Azure Data Factory is used to orchestrate the data flow for the cold path.

In particular, the data used in the pipeline is simulated via a data generator. The generator generates random data with three fields. Table 1 below shows some sample data. id is the unique identifier, and var1 and var2 are random integer numbers. Please note, the data generated is for demonstration purpose; users can ingest their own data into Cortana Intelligence Suites and build solutions following the instructions in this tutorial.

ID var1 var2
1 10 25
2 17 44
3 41 51
4 13 2
5 44 53
6 11 49
Table 1: Sample data

HD Insight is an Apache Hadoop distribution powered by the cloud. In this tutorial, HD Insight is used for feature engineering on the original streaming data by providing two additional simple features var3 = var1 + var2 and var4 = var1 – var2. Users can develop complicated feature engineering work based on their own needs.

Azure Machine Learning is a web based analytics tool that users can easily build a predictive model and deploy a web service. In this tutorial, a two class classification model is built and deployed. The predictions are made based on the four features (var1, var2, var3, var4) from both the original dataset and feature engineering work on HD Insight. The prediction results written into SQL Database are all the <id, prediction> pairs.


This section contains the required accounts and software to replicate this sample.

Setup Steps

The remainder of this guide provides step by step instructions on how to create a sample E2E pipeline in user’s own subscription. Each of the steps in this document builds on top of the previous steps and should be followed in the order laid out in this document to minimize confusion and set up errors. Tables are provided for recording important information about each service which will be referenced further down the guide.

In addition, users are suggested to use the following naming format for different services:


where [SN] is the service name and [UI] is the user initials. Characters must be entered in lowercase. Several services, such as Azure Storage, require a unique name for the storage account across a region and hence this format should provide the user with a unique identifier.

1. Create Azure Resource Group

Azure Resource Group is used to group all relevant services under a single group. For more information about Azure Resource Groups:

  • Navigate to and log into your account
  • Click Resource groups at the upper left corner of the page
  • In the resource groups page that appears, click Add
  • In Resource group name, type name sampleRG[UI] where [UI] is the user initials
  • Choose your Azure subscription
  • Set the location to East US
  • Check Pin to dashboard
  • Click Create

2. Create Azure Storage Account

We will need an Azure storage account for many of the tasks and components used in this pipeline. This section will walk you through creating your own storage account.

  • Navigate to
  • Click +New at the upper left corner of the page
  • Select Data + Storage then Storage account
  • In Name, type samplestorage[UI] where [UI] is the user initials. Storage accounts need to be uniquely named across Azure
  • Select Resource manager as deployment model
  • For performance choose Standard
  • For replication choose LRS
  • Choose your Azure subscription
  • Set the resource group to the resource group we created (sampleRG[UI])
  • For Location choose East US
  • Check Pin to dashboard
  • Click Create
  • Wait for the account to be created. When the creation is completed, the pane for the storage account will be automatically loaded. If not, click it from the dashboard
  • In the Settings pane, click Access Keys
  • Copy Storage account name and Primary access key (key1) from the displayed dialog to Table 2 below. You will need this information later
Item Value
Storage Account Name
Primary Access Key
Table 2: Storage account information

Once you have created your storage account, you will need to create two containers to store the data and script.

  • Open the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
  • Log into your Microsoft account associated with your Azure Subscription
  • Locate the storage account created above, and expand it to see Blob Containers etc.
  • Create two containers with name data and script
  • Right click on Blob Containers and choose Create Blob Container
  • Enter data as container name, then hit enter key on the keyboard
  • Right click on Blob Containers and choose Create Blob Container
  • Enter script as container name, then hit enter key on the keyboard
  • Right click script container and choose Open Blob Container Editor
  • In the right pane, click the arrow on the Upload button and choose Upload Files
  • Browse to the ./script/Hive folder. Upload the HIVE query file (.hql) that will be used in data processing

3. Create Azure Event Hub

An Azure Event Hub is a highly scalable service that can ingest millions of records per second. The records can then be pulled from the Event Hub by an Azure Stream Analytics job. At the time of writing, you will need to navigate to the classic portal to create a service bus and event hub.

  • Navigate to and login into your account
  • In the left pane, click Service Bus
  • Click +Create in the lower center part of the page. Do NOT click +New in the lower left part of the page.
  • For Namespace, enter sampleEH[UI]-ns, where [UI] is the user initials. Copy the info into Table 3 below
  • Leave TYPE as Messaging and MESSAGING TIER as Standard
  • Set region as East US
  • Click the check button to complete the creation

Wait for the service bus to be created. Then follow the next steps to create event hub that get the incoming stream data.

  • Click the service bus just created in the service bus list (sampleEH[UI]-ns)
  • Click Connection information at the bottom center of the page
  • Copy the Connection String into Table 3 below, you will need this information for other steps
  • Click the check button to exit the pop-up window
  • Click the event hubs tab at the top pane
  • Click create a new event hub
  • On the pop-up page, choose Service Bus/Event Hub/Custom Create
  • Enter sampleEH[UI] as Event hub name, where [UI] is the user initials
  • Set region to East US
  • Choose your Azure subscription
  • In the NAMESPACE drop-down menu choose sampleEH[UI]-ns
  • Click the next arrow, and enter Partition Count as 4 and Message Retention as 7
  • Click the check button to complete the creation
  • Copy the Event Hub name into Table 3 below
  • Make sure you are currently under the sampleEH[UI]-ns pane
  • Click the Configure tab at the top pane (right next to scale tab)
  • Copy the Policy name and Primary key into Table 3 below. Please use the default policy name RootManageSharedAccessKey and do NOT create new policies
Item Value
Event Hub Name
Policy Name
Primary Key
Connection String
Table 3: Event hub information

4. Create Azure Stream Analytics Job

Azure Stream Analytics (ASA) allows user to create near real-time insights from devices, sensors, infrastructure and applications. In this sample, we create two Azure Stream Analytics jobs that read data from Azure Event Hub. The first job pipes all data from Event Hub into Storage account for later processing. The second job pipes all data from Event Hub into a Power BI data source.

  • Navigate to, and login into your account
  • Click +New at the upper left corner of the page
  • Click Data + Analytics then Stream Analytics Job
  • Enter the job name sampleASA[UI] where [UI] is the user initials
  • Choose your Azure Subscription
  • Set the resource group to the resource group we created (sampleRG[UI])
  • Choose LOCATION as East US
  • Check Pin to dashboard
  • Click Create button at the bottom of the page
  • Wait for the service to be created. When the creation is completed, the pane for the stream analytics job will be automatically loaded. If not, click it from the dashboard

Now we create the input that can be used for both jobs.

  • In the section of Job Topology, click Inputs
  • Click +Add to add an input
  • Change the input alias to InputHub
  • Choose source type as data stream
  • Choose source as event hub
  • Copy the service bus namespace from Table 3
  • Copy the event hub name from Table 3
  • Copy the event hub policy name from Table 3
  • Copy the event hub policy key from Table 3
  • Leave it blank for Event hub consumer group
  • Choose JSON as Event serialization format
  • Click create
  • It may take several minutes for the event hub to be verified

Next, we create the output for the storage account.

  • Go back to the page of stream analytics job. In the section of Job Topology, click Outputs
  • Click +Add to add an output
  • Change the output alias to OutputBlob
  • Choose Blob Storage as Sink
  • Copy the storage account name from Table 2
  • Copy the Primary Access Key (key1) from Table 2
  • Set container name to be data
  • For path pattern, enter rawdata/{date}/{time}
  • For date format, choose YYYY-MM-DD
  • For time format, choose HH
  • For event serialization format, choose CSV
  • For delimiter, choose comma
  • For encoding, choose UTF-8
  • Click Create
  • It may take several minutes for the storage account to be verified

Next, we create the output for the Power BI.

  • Navigate to and login into your account
  • Click Stream Analytics from the left pane and select the stream analytics job we have created (sampleASA[UI])
  • Click the Outputs tab at the top pane
  • Click Add output button at the bottom of the page
  • Choose Power BI, then click the arrow next button
  • Click Authorize Now link under Existing Microsoft Power BI user
  • Login into your Microsoft Power BI account
  • Change the output alias to OutputPBI
  • Enter in samplePBI as Dataset Name
  • Enter in samplePBI as Table Name
  • Choose My Workspace as workspace
  • Click the check box button to finish the setup

Finally, we create the queries for the ASA jobs.

  • Navigate to, and login into your account
  • Click the stream analytics job we created (sampleASA[UI]) in the dashboard
  • In the section of Job Topology, click Query
  • Copy the following script into the query. It will write all the data within the Event Hub into Blob and Power BI
           Select * into OutputBlob from InputHub; Select * into OutputPBI from InputHub;
  • Click Save
  • Go back to the page of stream analytics job. Click the Start button in the top pane
  • Set job output start time as Now and click Start
  • It may take several minutes for ASA to get running

5. Configure Desktop Application Settings and test Event Hub / Stream Analytics

Now that we have the event hub and stream analytics configured, we can configure the data generator and test that the flow to this point is working. In this sample, we use a desktop application that feeds synthetic data to the Event Hub to have the data flow through the services. When you have your Azure Stream Analytics job running, launch the application under ./Data Generator folder.

  • Click VisGenerator.exe (type: Application)
  • Fill in the EventHubName and Connection String info from Table 3
  • Click Start button to start pushing data into event hub

Now that we have data streaming into the event hub, we can inspect the storage account to see if the flow is working.

  • Open Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
  • Navigate to the storage account set up previously (samplestorage[UI])
  • Open the blob container data
  • Note that a sub folder rawdata has been created by the stream analytics job
  • It will take a couple of minutes for the data to seed the blob storage

6. Create Azure SQL Server and Database

Now that we have completed the ingestion path, we can start building the data processing paths. We will use Azure Data Factory to process the data. To do so we need to set up a couple more services. First is an Azure SQL Database to hold results from Azure Machine Learning Experiment.

  • Navigate to
  • Click +New at the upper left corner of the page
  • Select Data + Storage then SQL Database
  • Enter sampleDB[UI] as Database Name where [UI] is the user initials. Copy the info into Table 4 below
  • Choose your Azure subscription
  • Set the resource group to the resource group we created (sampleRG[UI])
  • For select source choose Blank database
  • For server, click Configure required settings
  • In Server choose Create a new server
  • Put the server name as sampleserver[UI]. Copy the info into Table 4 below
  • Create a login name and password that you will remember. Copy the info into Table 4 below as you will need them later
  • For Location choose East US
  • For Create V12 server (Latest update) choose Yes
  • Check the box for Allow Azure services to access server
  • Click Select
  • Select S0 Standard for Pricing tier
  • Use the default value for Collation
  • Check Pin to dashboard
  • Click Create
  • Wait for the database and server to be created. It may take a few minutes
  • Click All resources at the upper left corner of the page
  • In the search box, enter sampleserver[UI]
  • Click sampleserver[UI]
  • Click Show firewall settings under the Essentials section of the SQL server page
  • Enter all-IP as rule name
  • Enter for Start IP
  • Enter for End IP
  • Click Save at the top ribbon
  • It will allow user to access the database from the desktop
  • Launch SQL Server Management Studio, or a similar tool, and connect to the database with the information you recorded in Table 4 below. The following instructions are for SQL Server Management Studio only.
  • Choose Authentication as SQL Server Authentication
  • The full server name is: sampleserver[UI]
  • In the left pane, double click database then double click sampleDB[UI] that created earlier
  • Click New Query located at the tool bar
  • Browse to the ./script/SQL folder. Copy the SQL script located under the folder into the query window, to create the necessary table for the machine learning experiment results and a stored procedure that will be used by Azure Data Factory
  • Click Execute located at the tool bar
Item Value
Server Name
Database Name
User Name
Table 4: SQL database information

7. Create Azure Studio ML Workspace and Experiment

This section assumes that you have not set up any workspaces for Studio ML but that you do have an account at

The first thing to do is to create a workspace. A workspace is where experiments are running. It is also tied to a storage account for intermediate results during experiment processing.

  • Navigate to and login in to your account
  • On the left tab click MACHINE LEARNING
  • In the bottom left corner click NEW
  • For workspace name, enter sampleWS[UI] where [UI] is the user initials
  • Set location as South Central US
  • Choose your Azure Subscription
  • Choose Create a new storage account
  • Enter sampleamlstorage[UI] as storage account name
  • Click Create an ML workspace
  • It may take several minutes to create the ML workspace

Now that we have a workspace to work within, we can copy over the sample experiment from the Gallery. Please note, this sample experiment is for demonstration purposes only. Users can build their own machine learning model following the instructions in this tutorial.

  • Navigate to
  • On the experiment page, click the Open in Studio button
  • In the dialog box, choose region South Central US and the workspace just created (sampleWS[UI])
  • Click the check button to complete the creation
  • It may take several minutes to copy the experiment
  • Click Run at the bottom of the page. This step may take several minutes to finish
  • Click Deploy Web Service at the bottom of the page to create the Azure Web Service associated with the experiment. When completed, the browser will redirect to the newly created web service page
  • The web service home page can also be navigated by clicking the Web Services button on the left menu of the page once logged in
  • Copy the API key into Table 5 below, you will need this information for other steps
  • Click the link for Batch Execution under the API Help Page section
  • On the BATCH EXECUTION help page, copy the Request URI under the Request section into Table 5 below. Please note, copy only the URI part https:…/jobs, and ignore the URI parameters starting with ?api
Item Value
Request URI Copy only the URI part https:…/jobs, ignore the URI parameters starting with ?api
Table 5: Azure ML batch information

8. Create Azure Data Factory

The Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a key component that connects different Azure components and schedules automatic jobs. It first copies the raw streaming data from blob into HD Insight, and then writes the pre-processed data from HD Insight into blob; It then pipes the pre-processed data into Azure Machine Learning for prediction; Finally, it writes the Azure ML output (the prediction results) into blob and then copies into Azure SQL Database for further inquiries. In addition, Data Factory can also help to write the data in SQL database back to the on-prem server if needed, but we will not cover this part within this tutorial.

The first step is to create the Azure Data Factory:

  • Navigate to
  • Click +New at the upper left corner of the page
  • Select Data + Analytics then Data Factory
  • In Name, type sampleADF[UI] where [UI] is the user initials
  • Choose your Azure subscription
  • Set the resource group to the resource group we created (sampleRG[UI])
  • Set location to West US
  • Check Pin to dashboard
  • Click Create
  • Wait for the data factory to be created. When the creation is completed, the pane for the data factory will be automatically loaded. If not, click it from the dashboard

Once the ADF is created, there are three main steps needed to finish the setup, which will be explained in the next paragraphs. The first step is to add linked services, which collect different Azure services used in the sample; the second step is to add datasets; the third step is to build a pipeline to connect the services and datasets.

Linked Services

For this sample we are going to need 4 linked services. To create these linked services, you will need to navigate to ./script/Hive/LinkedService folder to access the scripts.

First, we create the linked service for storage.

  • Click Author and Deploy button under Actions section
  • Open script StorageLinkedService.txt, replace the Storage Account Name and Account Key in the file with the corresponding info from Table 2. Copy all the content from the modified file
  • Paste the content into the empty editor window at the right end
  • Click Deploy

Next, we create the linked service for SQL.

  • Open script AzureSqlLinkedService.txt, replace the Server Name, Database Name, User Name and Password in the file with the corresponding info from Table 4. Copy all the content from the modified file
  • Paste the content into the empty editor window at the right end
  • Click Deploy

Next, we create the linked service for Azure ML experiment.

  • Open script AzureMLLinkedService.txt, replace the ML endpoint (URI) and API key in the file with the corresponding info from Table 5. Copy all the content from the modified file
  • Paste the content into the empty editor window at the right end
  • Click Deploy

Finally, we create the linked service for HD Insight.

  • Open script HDInsightLinkedService.txt. Copy all the content from the file
  • Paste the content into the empty editor window at the right end
  • Click Deploy


For this sample we are going to need 5 datasets. Details of the datasets will be explained in the next subsection. To create these datasets, you will need to navigate to ./script/Hive/Dataset folder to access the scripts. These scripts do NOT need to be modified in any way. For each file:

  • Open the script and copy all the content from the file
  • Paste the content into the empty editor window at the right end
  • Click Deploy


For this sample we are going to create 1 pipeline, which connects the 5 datasets created previously and schedules automatic activities. Figure 2 shows the overall architecture of the pipeline. It first copies the raw data from blob (RawTable dataset) into HD Insight, and then writes the pre-processed data from HD Insight into blob (ConsolidatedADFTable dataset); It then changes the file type to csv file (ConsolidatedCSVTable dataset) and pipes the pre-processed data into Azure Machine Learning for prediction; Finally, it writes the Azure ML output (the prediction results) into blob (ScoredResultADFTable dataset) and then copies into Azure SQL Database (SQLScoredResultTable dataset) for further inquiries.

Figure 2: Azure Data Factory Overview

To create the pipeline, you will need to navigate to ./script/Hive/Pipeline folder to access the script. One of the modifications needed on the script is to set the activity period. For a detailed discussion on activity periods, see

At the bottom of each script there is a section that contains the following settings:

       "start": "[Start Activity Period UTC]",
       "end": "[End Activity Period UTC]",

These fields identify when the pipeline should be active and are in UTC time. So, if you are in EST and you want to set this active on March 11th from 12:00 PM EST to 5:00 PM EST you would modify these as follows:

       "start": "2016-03-15T12:00:00Z",
       "end": "2016-03-16T17:00:00Z",

When the pipelines are active you will incur some expense.

  • Open script MLScoringPipeline.txt, replace the Storage Account Name in the file (line 12 & 13) with the corresponding info from Table 2
  • Change the start time (line 141) to your current time in UTC format (see the UTC formatting above)
  • Customize the end time for your needs (line 142)
  • Copy all the content from the modified file
  • Paste the content into the empty editor window at the right end
  • Click Deploy

Now the data factory is in place. You can see the layout of the factory and the data flow through the pipeline, by navigating to your data factory and clicking Diagram. At this point the data factory is complete. However, since the data factory is scheduled to execute every hour, depending on when you start your generator, it may take up to an hour to see the prediction results appear in the MLResult table of SQL Database sampleDB[UI].

9. Setting Up Power BI

Power BI can be used to create visualizations for monitoring the live data stream (hot path) as well as to show the prediction results from SQL (cold path). In this sample, we provide some general instructions on how to set up a Power BI dashboard for the hot path. The instructions for setting up the cold path will not be included in the document. For more details of how to use Power BI, please check the tutorial at

  • Navigate to, and login into your account
  • On the top left corner, click the small icon of three lines to show the navigation pane
  • In the navigation pane, find the Datasets section under My Workspace
  • Click the dataset with name samplePBI defined in the previous ASA job. Power BI output settings will show up
  • In the Fields pane at the right end, check id, var1, and var2. The default type of visualization will show up (probably a table)
  • To change the visualization type, click the icons in the Visualizations pane
  • Click the Save button at the right top corner
  • Enter the name for the report as sampleReport[UI] where [UI] is the user initials
  • Click Save
  • Click Pin Live Page icon on top right corner of the chart, a Pin to Dashboard window will show up
  • Enter sampleDashboard[UI] as New dashboard name, then click Pin Live
  • You should find your new dashboard listed under Dashboards section in the left navigation pane, showing live results from ASA

10. Summary

Congratulations! If you made it to this point, you have finished the deployment for the entire E2E solution, and data should flow from Event Hub into SQL and Power BI. As another reminder, the data factory will only execute every hour, so results may not appear immediately.