diff --git a/@logicalZonotope/logicalZonotope.m b/@logicalZonotope/logicalZonotope.m
index ae8daf0..c1afc62 100644
--- a/@logicalZonotope/logicalZonotope.m
+++ b/@logicalZonotope/logicalZonotope.m
@@ -26,16 +26,10 @@
% See also: interval, polytope
-% Author: Matthias Althoff, Niklas Kochdumper
-% Written: 14-September-2006
-% Last update: 22-March-2007
-% 04-June-2010
-% 08-February-2011
-% 18-November-2015
-% 05-December-2017 (DG) class is redefined in complience with
-% the new standard.
-% 28-April-2019 code shortened
-% 1-May-2020 (NK) new constructor + removed orientation prop.
+% Author: Amr Alanwar
+% Written: 16-October-2022
+% Last update: 16-October-2022
% Last revision: ---
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
@@ -43,57 +37,16 @@
properties (SetAccess = protected, GetAccess = public)
c = [];
G = {};
- %c = [];
- % contSet = [];
-% Z (:,:) {mustBeNumeric} = []; % zonotope center and generator Z = [c,g_1,...,g_p]
-% halfspace = []; % halfspace representation of the zonotope
-% contSet = [];
function Obj = logicalZonotope(varargin)
-% % If no argument is passed (default constructor)
-% if nargin == 0
-% Obj.Z = [];
-% % Generate parent object
-% Obj.contSet = contSet();
-% % If 1 argument is passed
-% else
-% % Generate parent object
-% if ~isempty(varargin{1})
-% Obj.contSet = contSet(length(varargin{1}(:,1)));
-% else
-% Obj.contSet = contSet();
-% end
-% if nargin == 1
-% % input is a zonotope -> copy object
-% if isa(varargin{1},'Logicalzonotope')
-% Obj = varargin{1};
-% else
-% % List elements of the class
-% Obj.Z = varargin{1};
-% end
- % If 2 arguments are passed
- % elseif nargin == 2
- % List elements of the class
Obj.c = varargin{1};
Obj.G = varargin{2};
- % end
@@ -102,7 +55,6 @@
methods (Static = true)
%Z = generateRandom(varargin) % generate random zonotope
Z = enclosePoints(points,varargin) % enclose point cloud with zonotope
- Z = enclosePoints2(points,varargin) % enclose point cloud with zonotope
Z = encloseMany(Zcell)
diff --git a/@logicalZonotope/reduce.m b/@logicalZonotope/reduce.m
index c156f21..6785765 100644
--- a/@logicalZonotope/reduce.m
+++ b/@logicalZonotope/reduce.m
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-function Zred = reduce(Z,varargin)
-% reduce - Reduces the order of a zonotope
+function Zred = reduce(Z)
+% reduce - Reduces the number of generators of a logical zonotope
% Syntax:
-% Zred = reduce(Z,option,order)
+% Zred = reduce(Z)
% Inputs:
% Z - zonotope object
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 45da3f8..20bea44 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -20,6 +20,18 @@ To showcase the utility of logical zonotopes, we illustrate three use cases: (1)
5- Run BoolFunctionExample.m for Example 3 in the paper
+## Main Support APIs
+Z = xor(Z1,Z2): XOR between two logical zontoopes
+Z = and(Z1,Z2): AND between two logical zontoopes
+Z = or(Z1,Z2): OR between two logical zontoopes
+Z = nor(Z1,Z2): NOR between two logical zontoopes
+Z = nand(Z1,Z2): NAND between two logical zontoopes
+Z = not(Z1): not a logical zontoope
+Z = semiKron(Z1,Z2): Semi Tensor Produce between Z1 and Z2
+Flag = Z.containPoints(P): Determines if the point p is inside the logical zonotope Z
+Z = enclosePoints(points): Encloses points with a logical zonotope Z
+Zred = reduce(Z): Reduces the number of generators of a logical zonotope