diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/and.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/and.m
index d348241..8c28e02 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/and.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/and.m
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z1=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z1);
+ Z1=logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,Z1.G,eye(length(Z1.G)));
-if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z2=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z2);
+ Z2=logicalPolyZonotope(Z2.c,Z2.G,eye(length(Z2.G)));
if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.c))
@@ -44,170 +44,20 @@
-% newG1 = Z1.GI;
-% for i =1:length(Z1.G)
-% newG1{i+length(Z1.GI)} = Z1.G{i};
-% end
-% if isempty(Z1.E)
-% newE1 = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
-% elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
-% newE1 = Z1.E;
-% else
-% newE1 = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
-% end
-% newG2 = Z2.GI;
-% for i =1:length(Z2.G)
-% newG2{i+length(Z2.GI)} = Z2.G{i};
-% end
-% if isempty(Z2.E)
-% newE2 = eye(size(Z2.GI,2));
-% elseif isempty(Z2.GI)
-% newE2 = Z2.E;
-% else
-% newE2 = blkdiag(eye(size(Z2.GI,2)),Z2.E);
-% end
-% index =1;
-% newE =[];
-% newGen ={};
-% zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z1.c)));
-% if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(newG1))
-% tempE1=newE1 ;
-% zerosE2=zeros(size(newE2,1),1);
-% tempE = [];
-% indexE = 1;
-% for i=1:length(newG1)
-% vecAnd = Z2.c & newG1{i};
-% if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
-% continue;
-% end
-% newGen{index} = vecAnd;
-% tempE(:,indexE) = [(tempE1(:,i));(zerosE2)];
-% index=index+1;
-% indexE=indexE+1;
-% end
-% newE = [newE tempE];
-% end
-% if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(newG2))
-% zerosE1=zeros(size(newE1,1),1);
-% tempE2=newE2 ;
-% tempE = [];
-% indexE = 1;
-% for i=1:length(newG2)
-% vecAnd= Z1.c & newG2{i};
-% if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
-% continue;
-% end
-% newGen{index} =vecAnd;
-% tempE(:,indexE) = [(zerosE1);(tempE2(:,i))];
-% index=index+1;
-% indexE=indexE+1;
-% end
-% newE = [newE tempE];
-% end
-% if(~isempty(newG1) && ~isempty(newG2))
-% %G1 * G1
-% tempE1=newE1 ;
-% tempE2=newE2;
-% tempE = [];
-% indexE = 1;
-% for i=1:length(newG1)
-% for k=1:length(newG2)
-% vecAnd = (newG1{i} & newG2{k});
-% if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
-% continue;
-% end
-% newGen{index} = vecAnd;
-% tempE(:,indexE) = [(tempE1(:,i));(tempE2(:,k))];
-% index=index+1;
-% indexE=indexE+1;
-% end
-% end
-% newE = [newE tempE];
-% end
-% Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,{},newGen,newE);
-% Z = unique(Z);
-% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-tempE1=eye(size(Z1.GI,2)) ;
zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z1.c)));
-indexI =1;
-newGenI ={};
newE =[];
index =1;
newGen ={};
% there is no generators in Z2 to multiply with Z1
-if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.GI) && isempty(Z2.GI) && isempty(Z2.G))
- for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
- vecAnd = Z2.c & Z1.GI{i};
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGenI{indexI} = vecAnd;
- indexI=indexI+1;
- end
-elseif (~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.GI))
- for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
- vecAnd = Z2.c & Z1.GI{i};
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [zeros(p1,1);tempE1(:,i);zeros(p2,1);zeros(q2,1)]];
- index=index+1;
- end
-% there is no generators in Z1 to multiply with Z2
-if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.GI) && isempty(Z1.GI) && isempty(Z1.G))
- for i=1:length(Z2.GI)
- vecAnd = Z1.c & Z2.GI{i};
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGenI{indexI} = vecAnd;
- indexI=indexI+1;
- end
-elseif (~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
- for i=1:length(Z2.GI)
- vecAnd = Z1.c & Z2.GI{i};
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [zeros(p1,1);zeros(q1,1);zeros(p2,1);tempE2(:,i)]];
- index=index+1;
- end
-if(~isempty(Z1.GI) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
- %GI1 * GI1
- for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
- for k=1:length(Z2.GI)
- vecAnd = (Z1.GI{i} & Z2.GI{k});
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [zeros(p1,1);tempE1(:,i);zeros(p2,1);tempE2(:,k)]];
- index = index +1;
- end
- end
%c2 * G1
if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.G))
@@ -217,7 +67,7 @@
newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [Z1.E(:,i);zeros(q1,1);zeros(p2,1);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ newE = [newE [Z1.E(:,i);zeros(p2,1)]];
@@ -230,7 +80,7 @@
newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [zeros(p1,1);zeros(q1,1);Z2.E(:,i);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ newE = [newE [zeros(p1,1);Z2.E(:,i)]];
@@ -243,40 +93,14 @@
newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [Z1.E(:,i);zeros(q1,1);Z2.E(:,k);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ newE = [newE [Z1.E(:,i);Z2.E(:,k)]];
-if(~isempty(Z1.GI) && ~isempty(Z2.G))
- for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
- for k=1:length(Z2.G)
- vecAnd = (Z1.GI{i} & Z2.G{k});
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [zeros(p1,1);tempE1(:,i);Z2.E(:,k);zeros(q2,1)]];
- index=index+1;
- end
- end
-if(~isempty(Z1.G) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
- for i=1:length(Z1.G)
- for k=1:length(Z2.GI)
- vecAnd = (Z1.G{i} & Z2.GI{k});
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- newE = [newE [Z1.E(:,i);zeros(q1,1);zeros(p2,1);tempE2(:,k)]];
- index=index+1;
- end
- end
-Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,newGenI,newGen,newE);
+Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,newGen,newE);
Z = unique(Z);
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/andE.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/andE.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed8e42..0000000
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/andE.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-function Z = and(Z1,Z2,varargin)
-% and - overloads & operator, computes the AND of two logical poly zonotopes
-% Syntax:
-% Z = and(Z1,Z2)
-% Inputs:
-% Z1 - zonotope
-% Z2 - zonotope,
-% Outputs:
-% Z - zonotope object enclosing the and zonotope
-% Example:
-% Other m-files required: none
-% Subfunctions: none
-% MAT-files required: none
-% See also: none
-% Author: Amr Alanwar
-% Written: 7-Jan-2023
-% Last update:
-% Last revision: ---
-%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
-if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
-if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.c))
- newcen = Z1.c & Z2.c;
-newG1 = Z1.GI;
-for i =1:length(Z1.G)
- newG1{i+length(Z1.GI)} = Z1.G{i};
-if isempty(Z1.E)
- newE1 = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
-elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
- newE1 = Z1.E;
- newE1 = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
-newG2 = Z2.GI;
-for i =1:length(Z2.G)
- newG2{i+length(Z2.GI)} = Z2.G{i};
-if isempty(Z2.E)
- newE2 = eye(size(Z2.GI,2));
-elseif isempty(Z2.GI)
- newE2 = Z2.E;
- newE2 = blkdiag(eye(size(Z2.GI,2)),Z2.E);
-index =1;
-newE =[];
-newGen ={};
-zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z1.c)));
-if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(newG1))
- tempE1=newE1 ;
- zerosE2=zeros(size(newE2,1),1);
- tempE = [];
- indexE = 1;
- for i=1:length(newG1)
- vecAnd = Z2.c & newG1{i};
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- tempE(:,indexE) = [(tempE1(:,i));(zerosE2)];
- index=index+1;
- indexE=indexE+1;
- end
- newE = [newE tempE];
-if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(newG2))
- zerosE1=zeros(size(newE1,1),1);
- tempE2=newE2 ;
- tempE = [];
- indexE = 1;
- for i=1:length(newG2)
- vecAnd= Z1.c & newG2{i};
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} =vecAnd;
- tempE(:,indexE) = [(zerosE1);(tempE2(:,i))];
- index=index+1;
- indexE=indexE+1;
- end
- newE = [newE tempE];
-if(~isempty(newG1) && ~isempty(newG2))
- %G1 * G1
- tempE1=newE1 ;
- tempE2=newE2;
- tempE = [];
- indexE = 1;
- for i=1:length(newG1)
- for k=1:length(newG2)
- vecAnd = (newG1{i} & newG2{k});
- if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
- continue;
- end
- newGen{index} = vecAnd;
- tempE(:,indexE) = [(tempE1(:,i));(tempE2(:,k))];
- index=index+1;
- indexE=indexE+1;
- end
- end
- newE = [newE tempE];
-Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,{},newGen,newE);
-Z = unique(Z);
-%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/cartProd.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/cartProd.m
index 46196c5..0a265af 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/cartProd.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/cartProd.m
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+% bring the exponent matrices to a common representation
+[idCom,E1Com,E2Com] = mergeExpMatrix(Z1.id,Z2.id,Z1.E,Z2.E);
if(~isempty(Z1.c) & ~isempty(Z2.c))
newCen = [ Z1.c;Z2.c ];
@@ -39,29 +40,6 @@
newCen = Z1.c ;
- newGenI = Z2.GI;
- newGenI = Z1.GI;
-elseif(isempty(Z1.GI) && isempty(Z2.GI))
- newGenI ={};
-elseif(~isempty(Z1.GI) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
- g1Len = length(Z1.GI);
- g2Len = length(Z2.GI);
- sizeOfGen1 = length(Z1.GI{1});
- sizeOfGen2 = length(Z2.GI{1});
- for i =1:g1Len
- newGenI{i} = [Z1.GI{i};zeros(sizeOfGen2,1)];
- end
- index =1;
- for i=g1Len+1:g1Len+g2Len
- newGenI{i} = [zeros(sizeOfGen1,1);Z2.GI{index}];
- index = index +1;
- end
newGen = Z2.G;
@@ -88,10 +66,10 @@
index = index +1;
- newE = blkdiag(Z1.E,Z2.E);
+ newE = blkdiag(E1Com,E2Com);
Z =unique(Z);
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/display.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/display.m
index d60d10a..6ae21ad 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/display.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/display.m
@@ -39,13 +39,6 @@ function display(Z)
disp('c: ');
-%display generators
-disp('GI: ');
-if ~isempty(Z.GI)
- for i = 1:length(Z.GI)
- disp(Z.GI{i});
- end
disp('G: ');
@@ -61,4 +54,9 @@ function display(Z)
if ~isempty(Z.G)
+disp('id: ');
+if ~isempty(Z.id)
%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/enclosePoints.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/enclosePoints.m
index f47848d..ee72f34 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/enclosePoints.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/enclosePoints.m
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.asv b/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.asv
deleted file mode 100644
index c541923..0000000
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.asv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-function points = evaluate(Z1)
-% and - overloads & operator, computes the intersection of two zonotopes
-% Syntax:
-% Z = not(Z1,Z2)
-% Inputs:
-% Z1 - zonotope
-% Z2 - zonotope,
-% Outputs:
-% Z - zonotope object enclosing the and zonotope
-% Example:
-% zono1 = zonotope([4 2 2;1 2 0]);
-% zono2 = zonotope([3 1 -1 1;3 1 2 0]);
-% res = zono1 & zono2
-% figure
-% hold on
-% plot(zono1,[1,2],'r');
-% plot(zono2,[1,2],'b');
-% plot(res,[1,2],'g');
-% Other m-files required: none
-% Subfunctions: none
-% MAT-files required: none
-% See also: none
-% Author: Amr Alanwar
-% Written: 8-Sept-2022
-% Last update:
-% Last revision: ---
-%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-points = [];
-newG = Z1.GI;
-startIdx = length(Z1.GI);
-for i =1:length(Z1.G)
- newG{i+startIdx} = Z1.G{i};
-if isempty(Z1.E)
- newE = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
-elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
- newE = Z1.E;
- newE = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
-if ~isempty(newG)
- numOfalphas = size(newE,1);%size( newG,2 );
- numOfGens= size( newG,2 );
- L=2^numOfalphas;
- for i=1:L
- table = de2bi(i-1,numOfalphas,'left-msb');
- multAlpha = 1;
- for iErow = 1:size(newE,1)
- multAlpha = multAlpha & (table(1,iErow)^newE(iErow,1) );
- end
- onePoint=[ multAlpha&newG{1}];
- for j=2:numOfGens
- multAlpha = 1;
- for iErow = 1:size(newE,1)
- multAlpha = multAlpha & (table(1,iErow)^newE(iErow,j) );
- end
- onePoint =xor( onePoint, (multAlpha&newG{j}) );
- end
- if ~isempty(Z1.c)
- points = [ points xor(Z1.c,onePoint)];
- else
- points = [ points onePoint];
- end
- end
- points=unique(points','rows')';
- points=Z1.c;
-% numOfgenI = length( Z1.GI );
-% L=2^numOfgen;
-% %T = zeros(L,N);
-% for i=1:L
-% table = de2bi(i-1,numOfgen,'left-msb');
-% onePoint=[ table(1,1)&Z1.G{1}];
-% for j=2:numOfgen
-% onePoint =xor( onePoint, (table(1,j)&Z1.G{j}) );
-% end
-% if ~isempty(Z1.c)
-% points = [ points xor(Z1.c,onePoint)];
-% else
-% points = [ points onePoint];
-% end
-% end
-% else
-% points = Z1.c;
-% end
-% function genBeta = computeGenBeta ()
-% end
-%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.m
index c111541..2d14d27 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/evaluate.m
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
function points = evaluate(Z1)
-% and - overloads & operator, computes the intersection of two zonotopes
+% evaluate - computes the points inside Z1
% Syntax:
-% Z = not(Z1,Z2)
+% points = evaluate(Z1)
% Inputs:
% Z1 - zonotope
-% Z2 - zonotope,
% Outputs:
-% Z - zonotope object enclosing the and zonotope
+% points inside the polynomial logical zonotope
% Example:
-% zono1 = zonotope([4 2 2;1 2 0]);
-% zono2 = zonotope([3 1 -1 1;3 1 2 0]);
-% res = zono1 & zono2
-% figure
-% hold on
-% plot(zono1,[1,2],'r');
-% plot(zono2,[1,2],'b');
-% plot(res,[1,2],'g');
+% c= logical(0);
+% g{1} = logical(1);
+% id = [1];
+% E =[1];
+% pZ = logicalPolyZonotope(c,g,E,id);
+% points = evaluate(pZ);
% Other m-files required: none
% Subfunctions: none
@@ -40,40 +35,27 @@
points = [];
-newG = Z1.GI;
-startIdx = length(Z1.GI);
-for i =1:length(Z1.G)
- newG{i+startIdx} = Z1.G{i};
-if isempty(Z1.E)
- newE = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
-elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
- newE = Z1.E;
- newE = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
-if ~isempty(newG)
- numOfalphas = size(newE,1);%size( newG,2 );
- numOfGens= size( newG,2 );
+if ~isempty(Z1.G)
+ numOfalphas = size(Z1.E,1);%size( Z1.G,2 );
+ numOfGens= size( Z1.G,2 );
for i=1:L
table = de2bi(i-1,numOfalphas,'left-msb');
multAlpha = 1;
- for iErow = 1:size(newE,1)
- multAlpha = multAlpha & (table(1,iErow)^newE(iErow,1) );
+ for iErow = 1:size(Z1.E,1)
+ multAlpha = multAlpha & (table(1,iErow)^Z1.E(iErow,1) );
- onePoint=[ multAlpha&newG{1}];
+ onePoint=[ multAlpha&Z1.G{1}];
for j=2:numOfGens
multAlpha = 1;
- for iErow = 1:size(newE,1)
- multAlpha = multAlpha & (table(1,iErow)^newE(iErow,j) );
+ for iErow = 1:size(Z1.E,1)
+ multAlpha = multAlpha & (table(1,iErow)^Z1.E(iErow,j) );
- onePoint =xor( onePoint, (multAlpha&newG{j}) );
+ onePoint =xor( onePoint, (multAlpha&Z1.G{j}) );
if ~isempty(Z1.c)
points = [ points xor(Z1.c,onePoint)];
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactAnd.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactAnd.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c64713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactAnd.m
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+function Z = exactAnd(Z1,Z2,varargin)
+% exactAnd - overloads & operator, computes the AND of two logical poly zonotopes
+% Syntax:
+% Z = exactAnd(Z1,Z2)
+% Inputs:
+% Z1 - zonotope
+% Z2 - zonotope,
+% Outputs:
+% Z - zonotope object enclosing the and zonotope
+% Example:
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: none
+% Author: Amr Alanwar
+% Written: 7-Jan-2023
+% Last update:
+% Last revision: ---
+%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z1=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z1);
+ Z1=logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,Z1.G,eye(length(Z1.G)));
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z2=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z2);
+ Z2=logicalPolyZonotope(Z2.c,Z2.G,eye(length(Z2.G)));
+if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.c))
+ newcen = Z1.c & Z2.c;
+zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z1.c)));
+indexI =1;
+newE =[];
+index =1;
+newGen ={};
+% bring the exponent matrices to a common representation
+[idCom,E1Com,E2Com] = mergeExpMatrix(Z1.id,Z2.id,Z1.E,Z2.E);
+[rE1,cE1] = size(E1Com);
+[rE2,cE2] = size(E2Com);
+if rE1 >rE2
+ E2ComZeros = [E2Com;zeros(rE1-rE2,cE2)];
+ E1ComZeros = E1Com;
+ E1ComZeros = [E1Com;zeros(rE2-rE1,cE1)];
+ E2ComZeros = E2Com;
+E1Com = E1ComZeros;
+E2Com = E2ComZeros;
+%c2 * G1
+if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.G)
+ vecAnd = Z2.c & Z1.G{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE E1Com(:,i)];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+%c1 * G2
+if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z2.G)
+ vecAnd = Z1.c & Z2.G{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE E2Com(:,i)];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+%G1 * G2
+if(~isempty(Z1.G) && ~isempty(Z2.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.G)
+ for k=1:length(Z2.G)
+ vecAnd = (Z1.G{i} & Z2.G{k});
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ tempECom=max([E1Com(:,i),E2Com(:,k)] ,[],2);
+ newE = [newE tempECom];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+ end
+% % and up all generators that belong to identical exponents+
+if ~isempty(newGen)
+ for i=1:length(newGen)
+ newGenVec(:,i) = newGen{i};
+ end
+ [newE,newGenComVec] = removeRedundantExponents(newE,newGenVec);
+ for i=1:size(newGenComVec,2)
+ newGenComCell{i}= newGenComVec(:,i) ;
+ end
+ Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,newGenComCell,newE,idCom);
+ Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,newGen,newE,idCom);
+%Z = unique(Z);
+%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactNand.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactNand.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95c680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactNand.m
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+function Z = exactNand(Z1,Z2)
+% nand - computes the nand of two logical zonotopes
+% Syntax:
+% Z = nand(Z1,Z2)
+% Inputs:
+% Z1 - zonotope
+% Z2 - zonotope,
+% Outputs:
+% Z - zonotope object enclosing the nand zonotope
+% Example:
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: none
+% Author: Amr Alanwar
+% Written: 8-Sept-2022
+% Last update:
+% Last revision: ---
+%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+%Z =unique(Z);
+%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactOr.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactOr.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d89f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactOr.m
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+function Z = exactOr(Z1,Z2)
+% and - overloads | operator, computes the or of two logical poly zonotopes
+% Syntax:
+% Z = exactOr(Z1,Z2)
+% Inputs:
+% Z1 - logical poly zonotope
+% Z2 - logical poly zonotope,
+% Outputs:
+% Z - logical poly zonotope object enclosing the exact or logical poly zonotope
+% Example:
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: none
+% Author: Amr Alanwar
+% Written: 7-Jan-2023
+% Last update:
+% Last revision: ---
+%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z1=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z1);
+ Z1=logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,Z1.G,eye(length(Z1.G)));
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z2=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z2);
+ Z2=logicalPolyZonotope(Z2.c,Z2.G,eye(length(Z2.G)));
+Z = exactNand(not(Z1),not(Z2));
+%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactXor.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactXor.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd37fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/exactXor.m
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+function Z = exactXor(Z1,Z2)
+% exactPlus - computes the XOR of two sets while preserving the
+% dependencies between the two sets
+% Syntax:
+% pZ = exactXOR(pZ1,pZ2)
+% Inputs:
+% pZ1 - polyZonotope object
+% pZ2 - polyZonotope object
+% Outputs:
+% pZ - polyZonotope object
+% Example:
+% pZ1 = polyZonotope([0;0],[2 1 2;0 2 2],[],[1 0 3;0 1 1]);
+% pZ2 = [1 2;-1 1]*pZ1;
+% pZ = xor(pZ1 + pZ2;
+% pZ_ = exactPlus(pZ1,pZ2);
+% figure
+% subplot(1,2,1);
+% plot(pZ,[1,2],'FaceColor','r','Splits',10);
+% title('Minkowski Sum');
+% subplot(1,2,2);
+% plot(pZ_,[1,2],'FaceColor','b');
+% title('Exact Addition');
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: mtimes, zonotope/plus
+% Authors: Niklas Kochdumper
+% Written: 26-March-2018
+% Last update: ---
+% Last revision: ---
+% ------------------------------ BEGIN CODE -------------------------------
+if isempty(Z1.G)
+ pZ1.G =[];
+if isempty(Z2.G)
+ pZ2.G =[];
+for i=1:length(Z1.G)
+ pZ1.G(:,i) = Z1.G{i};
+for i=1:length(Z2.G)
+ pZ2.G(:,i) = Z2.G{i};
+pZ2.E = Z2.E;
+pZ1.E = Z1.E;
+pZ2.id = Z2.id;
+pZ1.id = Z1.id;
+pZ2.c = Z2.c;
+pZ1.c = Z1.c;
+% bring the exponent matrices to a common representation
+[id,E1,E2] = mergeExpMatrix(pZ1.id,pZ2.id,pZ1.E,pZ2.E);
+% add up all generators that belong to identical exponents
+[Enew,Gnew] = removeRedundantExponents([E1,E2],[pZ1.G,pZ2.G]);
+% assemble the properties of the resulting polynomial zonotope
+%pZ = pZ1;
+newGen = Gnew;
+newE = Enew;
+newCen = xor(pZ1.c, pZ2.c);
+for i=1:size(newGen,2)
+ newGenCell{i} = newGen(:,i) ;
+if isempty(newGen)
+ newGenCell ={};
+Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newCen,newGenCell,newE,id);
+%Z = unique(Z);
+% ------------------------------ END OF CODE ------------------------------
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/generators.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/generators.m
index f17558b..5404603 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/generators.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/generators.m
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-G = Z.GI;
+G = Z.G;
%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/logicalPolyZonotope.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/logicalPolyZonotope.m
index d33cd52..5246b9a 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/logicalPolyZonotope.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/logicalPolyZonotope.m
@@ -4,22 +4,24 @@
% Syntax:
% obj = zonotope(c,G)
-% obj = zonotope(Z)
% Inputs:
% c - center vector
% G - generator matrix
-% Z - center vector and generator matrix Z = [c,G]
+% E - Exponent matrix
+% id - identifier for each factor (row vector)
% Outputs:
-% obj - generated zonotope object
+% obj - generated polynoamil logical zonotope object
% Example:
-% c = [1;1];
-% G = [1 1 1; 1 -1 0];
-% zono = zonotope(c,G);
-% plot(zono,[1,2],'r');
+% c= logical(0);
+% g{1} = logical(1);
+% id = [1];
+% E =[1];
+% pZ = logicalPolyZonotope(c,g,E,id);
% Other m-files required: none
% Subfunctions: none
% MAT-files required: none
@@ -28,33 +30,39 @@
% Author: Amr Alanwar
% Written: 16-October-2022
-% Last update: 16-October-2022
+% Last update: 12-December-2023 remove indep generator
% Last revision: ---
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-properties (SetAccess = protected, GetAccess = public)
+properties (SetAccess = public, GetAccess = public)
c = [];
- GI = {};
G = {};
E = [];
+ id; % identifier vector
function Obj = logicalPolyZonotope(varargin)
- Obj.c = varargin{1};
- Obj.GI = varargin{2};
- Obj.G = varargin{3};
- Obj.E = varargin{4};
+ Obj.c = varargin{1};
+ Obj.G = varargin{2};
+ Obj.E = varargin{3};
+ % number of dependent factors
+ if length(varargin)<4
+ p = size(Obj.E,1);
+ Obj.id = (1:p)'; % column vector
+ else
+ Obj.id = varargin{4};
methods (Static = true)
%Z = generateRandom(varargin) % generate random zonotope
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/not.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/not.m
index d2b43cf..255f80a 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/not.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/not.m
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
if (~isempty(Z1.c))
[rows,cols] = size(Z1.c);
- Z = logicalPolyZonotope(xor(ones(rows,1),Z1.c),Z1.GI,Z1.G,Z1.E);
+ Z = logicalPolyZonotope(xor(ones(rows,1),Z1.c),Z1.G,Z1.E,Z1.id);
[rows,cols] = size(Z1.G{1});
- Z = logicalPolyZonotope(logical(ones(rows,1)),Z1.GI,Z1.G,Z1.E);
+ Z = logicalPolyZonotope(logical(ones(rows,1)),Z1.G,Z1.E,Z1.id);
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/or.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/or.m
index ccbc47b..870f376 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/or.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/or.m
@@ -27,16 +27,17 @@
% Last revision: ---
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z1=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z1);
+ Z1=logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,Z1.G,eye(length(Z1.G)));
-if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z2=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z2);
+ Z2=logicalPolyZonotope(Z2.c,Z2.G,eye(length(Z2.G)));
Z = nand(not(Z1),not(Z2));
%Z = nand(nand(Z1,Z1),nand(Z2,Z2));
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/project.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/project.m
index 5f8947b..3cc108d 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/project.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/project.m
@@ -33,12 +33,9 @@
for i =1:length(Z.G)
-newGI ={};
-for i =1:length(Z.GI)
- newGI{i}=Z.GI{i}(proj,:);
-pZ =logicalPolyZonotope(cen,newGI,newG,Z.E);
+pZ =logicalPolyZonotope(cen,newG,Z.E);
%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.asv b/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.asv
deleted file mode 100644
index be0318d..0000000
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.asv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-function Zred = reduce(Z)
-% reduce - Reduces the number of generators of a logical zonotope
-% Syntax:
-% Zred = reduce(Z)
-% Inputs:
-% Z - zonotope object
-% Outputs:
-% Zred - reduced zonotope
-% Example:
-% See also: none
-% Author: Amr Alanwar
-% Written: 16-October-2022
-% Last update: 16-October-2022
-% Last revision: ---
-%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-%2 inputs
-cen = Z.c;
-gen = Z.G;
-newG = Z1.GI;
-startIdx = length(Z1.GI);
-for i =1:length(Z1.G)
- newG{i+startIdx} = Z1.G{i};
-if isempty(Z1.E)
- newE = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
-elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
- newE = Z1.E;
- newE = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
-if ~isempty(gen)
- points = evaluate(Z);
- removeGen =[];
- index=1;
- genMat = unique(cell2mat(gen)','rows')';
- gen= mat2cell(genMat,length(cen),ones(1,length(genMat(1,:))));
- for i = 1:length(gen)
- if gen{index} == cell2mat(gen)
- break;
- end
- genMat=cell2mat(gen);
- newgen = mat2cell(setdiff(genMat', gen{index}','rows')',length(cen),ones(1,length(gen(1,:))-1));
- newZ = logicalZonotope(cen,newgen);
- newPoints = evaluate(newZ);
- if ismember(points',newPoints','rows')
- removeGen =[removeGen i];
- gen = newgen;
- else
- index= index +1;
- end
- end
- Zred = logicalZonotope(cen,gen);
- Zred = logicalZonotope(cen,{});
-%------------- END OF CODE --------------
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.m
index be0318d..d024286 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduce.m
@@ -25,51 +25,65 @@
%2 inputs
-cen = Z.c;
-gen = Z.G;
-newG = Z1.GI;
-startIdx = length(Z1.GI);
-for i =1:length(Z1.G)
- newG{i+startIdx} = Z1.G{i};
-if isempty(Z1.E)
- newE = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
-elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
- newE = Z1.E;
- newE = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
+points = evaluate(Z);
+gen = Z.G;
+for i = 1:length(Z.G)
+ genMat=cell2mat(gen);
+ newGen = mat2cell(setdiff(genMat', Z.G{i}','rows')',length(Z.c),ones(1,length(Z.G)-1));
+ newE = Z.E(:,[1:i-1 i+1:size(Z.E,2)]);
+ newPolyZono = logicalPolyZonotope(cen,newGen,newE);
+ newPoints = evaluate(newPolyZono);
+ if ismember(points',newPoints','rows')
+ removeGen =[removeGen i];
+ gen = newGen;
+ end
-if ~isempty(gen)
- points = evaluate(Z);
- removeGen =[];
- index=1;
- genMat = unique(cell2mat(gen)','rows')';
- gen= mat2cell(genMat,length(cen),ones(1,length(genMat(1,:))));
- for i = 1:length(gen)
- if gen{index} == cell2mat(gen)
- break;
- end
- genMat=cell2mat(gen);
- newgen = mat2cell(setdiff(genMat', gen{index}','rows')',length(cen),ones(1,length(gen(1,:))-1));
- newZ = logicalZonotope(cen,newgen);
- newPoints = evaluate(newZ);
- if ismember(points',newPoints','rows')
- removeGen =[removeGen i];
- gen = newgen;
- else
- index= index +1;
- end
- end
- Zred = logicalZonotope(cen,gen);
- Zred = logicalZonotope(cen,{});
+% newG = Z1.GI;
+% startIdx = length(Z1.GI);
+% for i =1:length(Z1.G)
+% newG{i+startIdx} = Z1.G{i};
+% end
+% if isempty(Z1.E)
+% newE = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
+% elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
+% newE = Z1.E;
+% else
+% newE = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
+% end
+% if ~isempty(gen)
+% points = evaluate(Z);
+% removeGen =[];
+% index=1;
+% genMat = unique(cell2mat(gen)','rows')';
+% gen= mat2cell(genMat,length(cen),ones(1,length(genMat(1,:))));
+% for i = 1:length(gen)
+% if gen{index} == cell2mat(gen)
+% break;
+% end
+% genMat=cell2mat(gen);
+% newgen = mat2cell(setdiff(genMat', gen{index}','rows')',length(cen),ones(1,length(gen(1,:))-1));
+% newZ = logicalZonotope(cen,newgen);
+% newPoints = evaluate(newZ);
+% if ismember(points',newPoints','rows')
+% removeGen =[removeGen i];
+% gen = newgen;
+% else
+% index= index +1;
+% end
+% end
+% Zred = logicalZonotope(cen,gen);
+% else
+% Zred = logicalZonotope(cen,{});
+% end
%------------- END OF CODE --------------
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduceOneBit.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduceOneBit.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75fb512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/reduceOneBit.m
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+function Zred = reduceOneBit(Z)
+% reduce - Reduces the number of generators of a logical zonotope
+% Syntax:
+% Zred = reduce(Z)
+% Inputs:
+% Z - zonotope object
+% Outputs:
+% Zred - reduced zonotope
+% Example:
+% See also: none
+% Author: Amr Alanwar
+% Written: 16-October-2022
+% Last update: 16-October-2022
+% Last revision: ---
+%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+Zred = Z;
+%2 inputs
+if size(Z.c,1) ==1
+ %Z=rmZeroGens(Z);
+ pts=evaluate(Z);
+ if isequal(pts,[0 1])
+ Zred =Z;
+ % %Zono=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints([0,1]);
+ % if length(Z.id)==1
+ % %Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1},[1],Z.id);
+ % Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,Z.G,Z.E,Z.id) ;
+ % elseif length(Z.id)==2
+ % %Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1,0},eye(2),Z.id);
+ % Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,Z.G,Z.E,Z.id) ;
+ % elseif length(Z.id)==3
+ % %Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1,1,1},eye(3),Z.id);
+ % Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,Z.G,Z.E,Z.id) ;
+ % elseif length(Z.id)==4
+ % %Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1,1,1.0},eye(4),Z.id);
+ % Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,Z.G,Z.E,Z.id) ;
+ % elseif length(Z.id)==5
+ % %Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1,1,1,0,0},eye(5),Z.id) ;
+ % Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,Z.G,Z.E,Z.id) ;
+ % elseif length(Z.id)==8
+ % Zred= logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,Z.G,Z.E,Z.id) ;
+ % else
+ % Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1},[1],Z.id);
+ % end
+ elseif isequal(pts,1)
+ %Zono=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(1);
+ Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(1,{},[],Z.id);
+ elseif isequal(pts,0)
+ %Zono=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(0);
+ Zred=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{},[],Z.id);
+ end
+%------------- END OF CODE --------------
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.asv b/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.asv
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b04cb2..0000000
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.asv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-function [Zred] = rmZeroGens(Z)
-%RMZEROGENS Summary of this function goes here
-% Detailed explanation goes here
-zeroVec = zeros(size(Z.c));
-newGI = {};
-for i=1:length(Z.GI)
- if Z.GI{i} ~= zeroVec
- newGI{index}= Z.GI{i};
- index = index +1;
- end
-newG = {};
-newE = [];
-for i=1:length(Z.G)
- if Z.G{i} ~= zeroVec
- newG{index}= Z.G{i};
- newE(:,index)=Z.E(:,index);
- index = index +1;
- end
-zeroRow = zeros(1,size(Z.E,2));
-index = 1;
-for i=1:size(Z.E,1)
- if Z.E(i,:) ~= zeroRow
- newE(:,index)=Z.E(:,index);
- end
-Zred = logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,newGI,newG,newE);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.m
index 83d5a3f..601c44e 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/rmZeroGens.m
@@ -2,15 +2,8 @@
%RMZEROGENS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
-zeroVec = zeros(size(Z.c));
-newGI = {};
-for i=1:length(Z.GI)
- if ~isequal(Z.GI{i},zeroVec)
- newGI{index}= Z.GI{i};
- index = index +1;
- end
+zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z.c)));
newG = {};
newE = [];
@@ -18,7 +11,7 @@
for i=1:length(Z.G)
if ~isequal(Z.G{i},zeroVec)
newG{index}= Z.G{i};
- newE(:,index)=Z.E(:,index);
+ newE(:,index)=Z.E(:,i);
index = index +1;
@@ -28,10 +21,10 @@
index = 1;
for i=1:size(newE,1)
if ~isequal(newE(i,:),zeroRow)
- newE2(index,:)=newE(index,:);
+ newE2(index,:)=newE(i,:);
index = index +1;
-Zred = logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,newGI,newG,newE2);
\ No newline at end of file
+Zred = logicalPolyZonotope(Z.c,newG,newE,Z.id);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/semiKron.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/semiKron.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d88b59e..0000000
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/semiKron.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-function [C] = semiKron(A,ZB)
-%SEMIKRON Summary of this function goes here
-% Detailed explanation goes here
-if isa(A,'logicalZonotope') && isa(ZB,'logicalZonotope')
- % res{1} =semiKron(A.c,ZB);
- % index=2;
- % for i =1:length(A.G)
- % res{index} =semiKron(A.G{i},ZB);
- % index=index+1;
- % end
- % C= logicalZonotope.encloseMany(res);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- [m ,n]=size(A.c);
- [p ,q]=size(ZB.c);
- alpha = lcm(n,p);
- newCen = (kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %newCen = mtimesAndOr(kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)));
- %newCen = mod(kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)),2);
- index =1;
- newGen ={};
- for i =1:length(ZB.G)
- newGen{index} = (kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %newGen{index} = mtimesAndOr(kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)));
- %newGen{index} = mod(kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)),2);
- index=index+1;
- end
- for i =1:length(A.G)
- newGen{index} = (kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %newGen{index} = mtimesAndOr(kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)));
- %newGen{index} = mod(kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)),2);
- index=index+1;
- end
- for i =1:length(A.G)
- for j=1:length(ZB.G)
- newGen{index} = (kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{j},eye(alpha/p)));%>1;
- %newGen{index} = mtimesAndOr(kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.G{j},eye(alpha/p)));
- %newGen{index} = mod(kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{j},eye(alpha/p)),2);
- index=index+1;
- end
- end
- C = logicalZonotope(newCen,newGen);
- %C = unique(C);
-elseif ~isa(A,'logicalZonotope')
- % [m ,n]=size(A);
- %
- % [p ,q]=size(ZB.c);
- %
- % alpha = lcm(n,p);
- % %C = kron(eye(alpha/n),A) * tensorMultiplication(eye(alpha/p),ZB);
- % C = kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * tensorMultiplication(ZB,eye(alpha/p));
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- [m ,n]=size(A);
- [p ,q]=size(ZB.c);
- alpha = lcm(n,p);
- %C = kron(eye(alpha/n),A) * tensorMultiplication(eye(alpha/p),ZB);
- Ccen = (kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %Ccen = mtimesAndOr(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)));
- %Ccen = mod(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)),2);
- for i =1:length(ZB.G)
- Cgen{i} = (kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %Cgen{i} = mtimesAndOr(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)));
- %Cgen{i} = mod(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)),2);
- end
- C = logicalZonotope(Ccen,Cgen);
- %C = unique(C);
-elseif ~isa(ZB,'logicalZonotope')
- % [m ,n]=size(A);
- %
- % [p ,q]=size(ZB.c);
- %
- % alpha = lcm(n,p);
- % %C = kron(eye(alpha/n),A) * tensorMultiplication(eye(alpha/p),ZB);
- % C = kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * tensorMultiplication(ZB,eye(alpha/p));
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- [m ,n]=size(A.c);
- [p ,q]=size(ZB);
- alpha = lcm(n,p);
- %C = kron(eye(alpha/n),A) * tensorMultiplication(eye(alpha/p),ZB);
- Ccen = (kron(A.c,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB,eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %Ccen = mtimesAndOr(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)));
- %Ccen = mod(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.c,eye(alpha/p)),2);
- for i =1:length(A.G)
- Cgen{i} = (kron(A.G{i},eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB,eye(alpha/p)) );%>1;
- %Cgen{i} = mtimesAndOr(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) , kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)));
- %Cgen{i} = mod(kron(A,eye(alpha/n)) * kron(ZB.G{i},eye(alpha/p)),2);
- end
- C = logicalZonotope(Ccen,Cgen);
- %C = unique(C);
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/unique.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/unique.m
index bc1eda2..5353e6e 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/unique.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/unique.m
@@ -25,10 +25,12 @@
% Last revision: ---
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
%independent generators
-gMatI = cell2mat(Z1.GI);
-gMatI = unique(gMatI','rows')';
-newGenI = mat2cell( gMatI ,size(gMatI,1),ones(1,size(gMatI,2)) );
+% gMatI = cell2mat(Z1.GI);
+% gMatI = unique(gMatI','rows')';
+% newGenI = mat2cell( gMatI ,size(gMatI,1),ones(1,size(gMatI,2)) );
% %dep generators
@@ -44,23 +46,10 @@
%if isequal(indexgMat,indexE)
% Z = logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,newGenI,newGen,newE);
- Z = logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,newGenI,Z1.G,Z1.E);
+ % Z = logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,newGenI,Z1.G,Z1.E,Z1.id);
-if size(Z1.c,1) ==1
- Z=rmZeroGens(Z);
- pts=evaluate(Z);
- if isequal(pts,[0 1])
- %Zono=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints([0,1]);
- Z=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{1},{},[]);
- elseif isequal(pts,1)
- %Zono=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(1);
- Z=logicalPolyZonotope(1,{},{},[]);
- elseif isequal(pts,0)
- %Zono=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(0);
- Z=logicalPolyZonotope(0,{},{},[]);
- end
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/xnor.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/xnor.m
index 5504ac2..5490efe 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/xnor.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/xnor.m
@@ -27,14 +27,17 @@
% Last revision: ---
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
-if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z1=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z1);
+ Z1=logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,Z1.G,eye(length(Z1.G)));
-if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z2=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z2);
+ Z2=logicalPolyZonotope(Z2.c,Z2.G,eye(length(Z2.G)));
Z = not(xor(Z1,Z2));
%Z =unique(Z);
diff --git a/@logicalPolyZonotope/xor.m b/@logicalPolyZonotope/xor.m
index cbb6f19..6c6b0d9 100644
--- a/@logicalPolyZonotope/xor.m
+++ b/@logicalPolyZonotope/xor.m
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@
% Last revision: ---
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z1=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z1);
+ Z1=logicalPolyZonotope(Z1.c,Z1.G,eye(length(Z1.G)));
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+ Z2=logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(Z2);
+ Z2=logicalPolyZonotope(Z2.c,Z2.G,eye(length(Z2.G)));
if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.c))
newCen = xor( Z1.c,Z2.c );
@@ -69,26 +79,15 @@
newE = blkdiag(Z1.E,Z2.E);
- newGenI = Z2.GI;
- newGenI = Z1.GI;
-elseif(isempty(Z1.GI) && isempty(Z2.GI))
- newGenI ={};
-elseif(~isempty(Z1.GI) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
- g1Len = length(Z1.GI);
- g2Len = length(Z2.GI);
- newGenI = Z1.GI;
- index =1;
- for i=g1Len+1:g1Len+g2Len
- newGenI{i} = Z2.GI{index};
- index = index +1;
- end
+if isempty(Z1.id)
+ newId = Z2.id;
+ newId = [Z1.id;max(Z1.id) + Z2.id];
-Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newCen,newGenI,newGen,newE);
+Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newCen,newGen,newE,newId);
Z = unique(Z);
diff --git a/@logicalZonotope/exactXor.m b/@logicalZonotope/exactXor.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43b630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/@logicalZonotope/exactXor.m
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+function Z = exactXor(Z,Z2,varargin)
+% exactPlus - adds two zonotopes by adding all generators of common
+% generator factors. Caution: The correspondance of generator factors
+% has to be ensured before calling the function; this function is not a
+% replacement for the Minkowski sum
+% Syntax:
+% Z = exactPlus(Z,Z2)
+% Inputs:
+% Z - zonotope object
+% Z2 - zonotope object
+% nrOfGens - (optional) limit on the number of generators that can be
+% added exactly
+% Outputs:
+% Z - zonotope object
+% Example:
+% Z1 = zonotope([0;0],[1 2 -1; 1 -1 3]);
+% Z2 = zonotope([0;0],[2 4 -1; 2 -2 3]);
+% Zexact = exactXor(Z1,Z2);
+% Z = Z1 + Z2;
+% figure; hold on;
+% plot(Z1);
+% plot(Z2);
+% plot(Zexact,[1,2],'g');
+% plot(Z,[1,2],'r--');
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: zonotope/plus
+% Authors: Matthias Althoff
+% Written: 30-August-2013
+% Last update: 06-September-2013
+% Last revision: ---
+% ------------------------------ BEGIN CODE -------------------------------
+% number of generators
+nrOfgens1 = size(Z.G,2);
+nrOfgems2 = size(Z2.G,2);
+if nargin == 2
+ nrOfGens = min([nrOfgens1, nrOfgems2]);
+elseif nargin == 3
+ nrOfGens = min([nrOfgens1, nrOfgems2, varargin{1}]);
+% resulting zonotope
+Z.c = xor(Z.c , Z2.c);
+Z.G = [xor(Z.G(:,1:nrOfGens) , Z2.G(:,1:nrOfGens)),...
+ Z.G(:,nrOfGens+1:end), ...
+ Z2.G(:,nrOfGens+1:end)];
+% ------------------------------ END OF CODE ------------------------------
diff --git a/BoolFunctionExample.m b/BoolFunctionExample.m
index bed9c34..b978bd9 100644
--- a/BoolFunctionExample.m
+++ b/BoolFunctionExample.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
g{j} = logical(randi([0 1],dim,1));
Az{i} = logicalZonotope(c,g);
- Apz{i} = logicalPolyZonotope(c,g,{},[]);
+ Apz{i} = logicalPolyZonotope(c,g,eye(length(g)));
Apt{i} = evaluate(Az{i});
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
g{j} = logical(randi([0 1],dim,1));
Uz{i} = logicalZonotope(c,g);
- Upz{i} = logicalPolyZonotope(c,g,{},[]);
+ Upz{i} = logicalPolyZonotope(c,g,eye(length(g)));
pointsU{i} = evaluate(Uz{i});
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9488acf..0c1411c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ Authors: Amr Alanwar, Frank J. Jiang, and Karl Henrik Johansson
1- Logical Zonotope: A Set Representation for the Formal Verification of Boolean Functions
Authors: Amr Alanwar, Frank J. Jiang, Samy Amin and Karl Henrik Johansson
+CDC 2023 talk for the
## Abstract
In this paper, we introduce a set representation called polynomial logical zonotopes
@@ -55,19 +58,22 @@ Zred = reduce(Z): Reduces the number of generators of a logical zonotope
title={Polynomial Logical Zonotopes: A Set Representation for Reachability Analysis of Logical Systems},
- author={Alanwar, Amr and Jiang, Frank J. and Johansson, Karl Henrik},
- journal={arXiv preprint },
- year={2022}
+ author={Alanwar, Amr and Jiang, Frank J and Johansson, Karl H},
+ journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.12508},
+ year={2023}
- title={Logical Zonotopes: A Set Representation for the Formal Verification of Boolean Functions},
- author={Alanwar, Amr and Jiang, Frank J. and Amin, Samy and Johansson, Karl Henrik},
- journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08596},
- year={2022}
+ author={Alanwar, Amr and Jiang, Frank J. and Amin, Samy and Johansson, Karl H.},
+ booktitle={2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
+ title={Logical Zonotopes: A Set Representation for the Formal Verification of Boolean Functions},
+ year={2023},
+ volume={},
+ number={},
+ pages={60-66}}
diff --git a/TestExactLogic.m b/TestExactLogic.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6d80c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestExactLogic.m
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+clear all
+c1= [logical(randi([0 1],dim,1)) ];
+numOfInd1 = 3;
+for i=1:numOfInd1
+ g1{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
+E1 = [1 0 1;1 1 0];
+id1 = [1;2];
+c2= [logical(randi([0 1],dim,1)) ];
+for i=1:2
+ g2{i} = logical(randi([0 1],dim,1));
+E2 = [1 0;0 1];
+id2 = [3; 4];
+pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,g1,E1,id1);
+pZ2 = logicalPolyZonotope(c2,g2,E2,id2);
+% manually
+ExactAndORFormulaPoints =[] ;
+for i =1:p1Col
+ ExactXorPoints = [ExactXorPoints, xor(p1(:,i),p1(:,i))];
+ ExactAndPoints = [ExactAndPoints, and(p1(:,i),p1(:,i))];
+ ExactNandPoints =[ExactNandPoints, nand(p1(:,i),p1(:,i))];
+ ExactOrPoints =[ExactOrPoints, or(p1(:,i),p1(:,i))];
+for i =1:p1Col
+ for j=1:p2Col
+ ExactAndORFormulaPoints = [ExactAndORFormulaPoints, or(p1(:,i),and(not(p1(:,i)),p2(:,j)))];
+ end
+ExactXorPoints = unique(ExactXorPoints','rows')';
+ExactAndPoints = unique(ExactAndPoints','rows')';
+ExactNandPoints = unique(ExactNandPoints','rows')';
+ExactOrPoints = unique(ExactOrPoints','rows')';
+ExactAndORFormulaPoints = unique(ExactAndORFormulaPoints','rows')';
+pZ1ExactXorpZ1 = exactXor(pZ1,pZ1);
+pZ1ExactAndpZ1 = exactAnd(pZ1,pZ1);
+pZ1ExactOrpZ1 = exactOr(pZ1,pZ1);
+pZ1ExactNandpZ1 = exactNand(pZ1,pZ1);
+tempAnd= and(not(pZ1),pZ2);
+%tempAnd.id = [1;2;1;2];
+pZ1ExactAndORpZ2 = exactOr(pZ1,tempAnd);
+pZ1XorpZ1Points= evaluate(pZ1ExactXorpZ1);
+pZ1AndpZ1Points= evaluate(pZ1ExactAndpZ1);
+pZ1OrpZ1Points= evaluate(pZ1ExactOrpZ1);
+pZ1NandpZ1Points= evaluate(pZ1ExactNandpZ1);
+pZ1ExactAndORpZ2Points= evaluate(pZ1ExactAndORpZ2);
+%% checks
+if isequal(ExactXorPoints,pZ1XorpZ1Points) && isequal(ExactNandPoints,pZ1NandpZ1Points) && isequal(ExactAndPoints,pZ1AndpZ1Points) && isequal(ExactAndORFormulaPoints,pZ1ExactAndORpZ2Points)
+ disp('All tests passed')
+ disp('Test problem(s)')
+if ~isequal(ExactXorPoints,pZ1XorpZ1Points)
+ disp('Exact Xor problem')
+if ~isequal(ExactNandPoints,pZ1NandpZ1Points)
+ disp('Exact Nand problem')
+if ~isequal(ExactAndPoints,pZ1AndpZ1Points)
+ disp('Exact And problem')
+if ~isequal(ExactOrPoints,pZ1OrpZ1Points)
+ disp('Exact Or problem')
+if ~isequal(ExactAndORFormulaPoints,pZ1ExactAndORpZ2Points)
+ disp('exactOr(pZ1,and(pZ1,pZ2)) problem')
diff --git a/TestExactXor.asv b/TestExactXor.asv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d9c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestExactXor.asv
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+clear all
+c1= [logical(randi([0 1],dim,1)) ];
+for i=1:1
+ gI1{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
+gI1 = {};%{randi([0 1],dim,1)};
+g1 ={randi([0 1],dim,1)};;
+% for i=1:2
+% g1{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
+% end
+% E1 = [1 0;1 1];
+c2= [logical(randi([0 1],dim,1)) ];
+for i=1:3
+ gI2{i} = logical(randi([0 1],dim,1));
+%gI2 = {randi([0 1],dim,1)};
+for i=1:2
+ g2{i} = logical(randi([0 1],dim,1));
+%g2 = {};
+E2 = [1 0;0 1];
+Z1 = logicalZonotope(c1,gI1);
+Z2 = logicalZonotope(c2,gI2);
+pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,gI1,g1,E1);
+pZ2 = logicalPolyZonotope(c2,gI2,g2,E2);
+%plot(Z1,[1 2 3],'r*');
+% manually
+for i =1:p1Col
+ ExactXorPoints = [ExactXorPoints, xor(p1(:,i),p1(:,i))];
+ExactXorPoints = unique(ExactXorPoints','rows')';
+pZ1ExactXorpZ1 = exactXor(pZ1,pZ1);
+pZ1XorpZ1Points= evaluate(pZ1ExactXorpZ1);
+%% checks
+if isequal(ExactXorPoints,pZ1XorpZ1Points)
+ disp('All tests passed')
+ disp('Test problem(s)')
+if ~isequal(ExactXorPoints,pZ1XorpZ1Points)
+ disp('Exact Xor problem')
diff --git a/TestLogicalFunctions.m b/TestLogicalFunctions.m
index 17ae54e..1e7938f 100644
--- a/TestLogicalFunctions.m
+++ b/TestLogicalFunctions.m
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
close all
-c1 = [0;0];
-c2 = [0;1];
-g1 = {[1;0]};
+dim =5;
+c1 = randi([0 1],dim,1);
+c2 = randi([0 1],dim,1);
+g1 = {randi([0 1],dim,1)};
%g1 = {[0 1;1 1]};
-g2 = {[1;1]};
+g2 = {randi([0 1],dim,1)};
%g2 = {[1 0;0 1]};
-dim =3;
c3= [randi([0 1],dim,1) ];
for i=1:10
g3{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
diff --git a/TestPolyLogicalFunctions.m b/TestPolyLogicalFunctions.m
index bfa139a..e0c3ab0 100644
--- a/TestPolyLogicalFunctions.m
+++ b/TestPolyLogicalFunctions.m
@@ -4,54 +4,31 @@
for kk=1:1
c1= [randi([0 1],dim,1) ];
-% for i=1:1
-% gI1{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
-% end
-gI1 = {};%{randi([0 1],dim,1)};
-g1 ={};
-% for i=1:2
-% g1{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
-% end
-% E1 = [1 0;1 1];
+for i=1:2
+ g1{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
+E1=[1 1; 0 1];
+id1 = [ 1;2];
c2= [randi([0 1],dim,1) ];
-for i=1:3
- gI2{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
%gI2 = {randi([0 1],dim,1)};
-for i=1:2
+for i=1:1
g2{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
%g2 = {};
E2 = [1 0;0 1];
+id2 = [ 3;4];
-% c1 = [0;1;0];
-% gI1 = {[1;0;1]};
-% g1 = {[0;1;1],[1;1;1]};
-% E1 = [1 1;0 1];
-% pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,gI1,g1,E1);
-% evaluate(pZ1)
-% c2 = [1;0;1];
-% gI2 = {[0;1;1],[1;0;0]};
-% g2 = {};
-% E2 = [ ];
-% dim =20;
-% c3= [randi([0 1],dim,1) ];
-% for i=1:10
-% g3{i} = randi([0 1],dim,1);
-% end
-Z1 = logicalZonotope(c1,gI1);
-Z2 = logicalZonotope(c2,gI2);
-pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,gI1,g1,E1);
-pZ2 = logicalPolyZonotope(c2,gI2,g2,E2);
+Z1 = logicalZonotope(c1,g1);
+Z2 = logicalZonotope(c2,g2);
+pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,g1,E1,id1);
+pZ2 = logicalPolyZonotope(c2,g2,E2,id2);
%plot(Z1,[1 2 3],'r*');
% manually
@@ -99,7 +76,8 @@
notpZ1 = not(pZ1);
notpZ2 = not(pZ2);
pZ1NorpZ2 = nor(pZ1 , pZ2);
-pZ1AndpZ2 = and(pZ1, pZ2);
+%ExactpZ1AndpZ2 = exactAnd(pZ1, pZ2);
+pZ1AndpZ2 = exactAnd(pZ1, pZ2);
pZ1OrpZ2 = or(pZ1, pZ2);
pZ1NandpZ2 = nand(pZ1, pZ2);
pZ1XorpZ2 = xor(pZ1,pZ2);
diff --git a/VechIntersection4cars.asv b/VechIntersection4cars.asv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69b7ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VechIntersection4cars.asv
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+clear all
+steps = 2;
+VPl{1}{1} = logical(1);
+VPl{1}{2} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+VPl{1}{3} = logical(0);
+VPl{1}{4} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+VplOrig = VPl;
+CFl{1}{1} = logical(1);
+CFl{1}{2} = logical(1);%logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+CFl{1}{3} = logical(0);
+CFl{1}{4} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+CFlOrig = CFl;
+Ul{1} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+Ul{2} = logical(0);
+Ul{3} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+Ul{4} = logical(0);logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+Ul{5} = logical(1);%logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+Ul{6} = logical(0);
+Ul{7} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+Ul{8} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
+UlOrig = Ul;
+for i=1:steps
+ [VPl{i+1},CFl{i+1}] = vehLogicZono4(Ul,VPl{i},CFl{i});
+execlogicZono = toc
+totalPointsZono = VP1NPoints + VP2NPoints +VP3NPoints + VP4NPoints ...
+ + CF1NPoints + CF2NPoints + CF3NPoints + CF4NPoints
+%%-----------Exact Poly Zonotope ---------%%
+%VPl ={};
+%CFl ={};
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(VplOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ VPl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(VPl{1}{i}.c,VPl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(VPl{1}{i}.G)),i);
+ elseif VplOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ VPl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ VPl{1}{i}= logical(1);
+ end
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(CFlOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ CFl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(CFl{1}{i}.c,CFl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(CFl{1}{i}.G)),i+4);
+ elseif CFlOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ CFl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ CFl{1}{i}= logical(1);
+ end
+for i =1:8
+ if isa(UlOrig{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ Ul{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(Ul{i}.c,Ul{i}.G,eye(length(Ul{i}.G)),i+8);
+ end
+for i=1:steps
+ [VPl{i+1},CFl{i+1}] = vehLogicExactPolyZono4(Ul,VPl{i},CFl{i});
+ % CFl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{1});
+ % CFl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{2});
+ % VPl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{1});
+ % VPl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{2});
+execlogicExactPolyZono = toc
+totalExactPointsPZ = VP1PZNPoints + VP2PZNPoints + CF1PZNPoints + CF2PZNPoints ...
+ +VP3PZNPoints + VP4PZNPoints + CF3PZNPoints + CF4PZNPoints
+%%----------- Poly Zonotope ---------%%
+%VPl ={};
+%CFl ={};
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(VplOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ VPl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(VPl{1}{i}.c,VPl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(VPl{1}{i}.G)),i);
+ elseif VplOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ VPl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ VPl{1}{i}= logical(1);
+ end
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(CFlOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ CFl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(CFl{1}{i}.c,CFl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(CFl{1}{i}.G)),i+4);
+ elseif CFlOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ CFl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ CFl{1}{i}= logical(1);
+ end
+for i =1:8
+ if isa(UlOrig{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ Ul{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(Ul{i}.c,Ul{i}.G,eye(length(Ul{i}.G)),i+8);
+ end
+for i=1:steps
+ [VPl{i+1},CFl{i+1}] = vehLogicPolyZono4(Ul,VPl{i},CFl{i});
+ % CFl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{1});
+ % CFl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{2});
+ % VPl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{1});
+ % VPl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{2});
+execlogicPolyZono = toc
+totalPointsPZ = VP1PZNPoints + VP2PZNPoints + CF1PZNPoints + CF2PZNPoints ...
+ +VP3PZNPoints + VP4PZNPoints + CF3PZNPoints + CF4PZNPoints
+%%----------- BCN ---------%%
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(VplOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ VPl{1}{i}= [[0;1],[1;0]];
+ elseif VplOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ VPl{1}{i}= [0;1];
+ else
+ VPl{1}{i}= [1;0];
+ end
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(CFlOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ CFl{1}{i}= [[0;1],[1;0]];
+ elseif CFlOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ CFl{1}{i}= [0;1];
+ else
+ CFl{1}{i}= [1;0];
+ end
+for i =1:8
+ if isa(UlOrig{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ Ul{i}= [[0;1],[1;0]];
+ elseif UlOrig{i}== logical(0)
+ Ul{i}= [0;1];
+ else
+ Ul{i}= [1;0];
+ end
+xpoints{1}= [];
+for i1=1:length(VPl{1}{1}(1,:))
+ for i2=1:length(VPl{1}{2}(1,:))
+ for i3=1:length(VPl{1}{3}(1,:))
+ for i4=1:length(VPl{1}{4}(1,:))
+ for j1 = 1:length(CFl{1}{1}(1,:))
+ for j2 = 1:length(CFl{1}{2}(1,:))
+ for j3 = 1:length(CFl{1}{3}(1,:))
+ for j4 = 1:length(CFl{1}{4}(1,:))
+ xVP =semiKron(VPl{1}{1}(:,i1),semiKron(VPl{1}{2}(:,i2), semiKron(VPl{1}{3}(:,i3),VPl{1}{4}(:,i4))));
+ xCF =semiKron(CFl{1}{1}(:,j1),semiKron(CFl{1}{2}(:,j2), semiKron(CFl{1}{3}(:,j3),CFl{1}{4}(:,j4))));
+ xpoints{1} = [ xpoints{1} semiKron(xVP,xCF)];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+for s = 1:steps
+ xpoints{s+1} = [];
+ for i=1:length(xpoints{s}(1,:))
+ for j=1:length(Ul{1}(1,:))
+ for j2 = 1:length(Ul{2}(1,:))
+ for j3=1:length(Ul{3}(1,:))
+ for j4 = 1:length(Ul{4}(1,:))
+ for j5=1:length(Ul{5}(1,:))
+ for j6 = 1:length(Ul{6}(1,:))
+ for j7=1:length(Ul{7}(1,:))
+ for j8 = 1:length(Ul{8}(1,:))
+ usemi = semiKron(Ul{1}(:,j),semiKron(Ul{2}(:,j2),semiKron(Ul{3}(:,j3),Ul{4}(:,j4))));
+ newx = semiKron(semiKron(Lcomp,usemi),xpoints{s}(:,i));
+ xpoints{s+1} = [ xpoints{s+1} newx];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ xpoints{s+1} = unique(xpoints{s+1}','rows')';
+execBCN = toc
+%%----------- BDD ---------%%
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(VplOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ VPl{1}{i}= [[0],[1]];
+ elseif VplOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ VPl{1}{i}= [0];
+ else
+ VPl{1}{i}= [1];
+ end
+for i =1:4
+ if isa(CFlOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ CFl{1}{i}= [[0],[1]];
+ elseif CFlOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ CFl{1}{i}= [0];
+ else
+ CFl{1}{i}= [1];
+ end
+for i =1:8
+ if isa(UlOrig{i},'logicalZonotope')
+ Ul{i}= [[0],[1]];
+ elseif UlOrig{i}== logical(0)
+ Ul{i}= [0];
+ else
+ Ul{i}= [1];
+ end
+for s = 1:steps
+ VP1points{s+1} = [];
+ VP2points{s+1} = [];
+ VP3points{s+1} = [];
+ VP4points{s+1} = [];
+ CF1points{s+1} = [];
+ CF2points{s+1} = [];
+ CF3points{s+1} = [];
+ CF4points{s+1} = [];
+ for iVP1=1:length(VP1points{s}(1,:))
+ for iVP2=1:length(VP2points{s}(1,:))
+ for iVP3=1:length(VP3points{s}(1,:))
+ for iVP4=1:length(VP4points{s}(1,:))
+ for iCF1=1:length(CF1points{s}(1,:))
+ for iCF2=1:length(CF2points{s}(1,:))
+ for iCF3=1:length(CF3points{s}(1,:))
+ for iCF4=1:length(CF4points{s}(1,:))
+ for j=1:length(Ul{1}(1,:))
+ for j2 = 1:length(Ul{2}(1,:))
+ for j3=1:length(Ul{3}(1,:))
+ for j4 = 1:length(Ul{4}(1,:))
+ for j5=1:length(Ul{5}(1,:))
+ for j6 = 1:length(Ul{6}(1,:))
+ for j7=1:length(Ul{7}(1,:))
+ for j8 = 1:length(Ul{8}(1,:))
+ Uin{1}=Ul{1}(j);
+ Uin{2}=Ul{2}(j2);
+ Uin{3}=Ul{3}(j3);
+ Uin{4}= Ul{4}(j4);
+ Uin{5}=Ul{5}(j5);
+ Uin{6}=Ul{6}(j6);
+ Uin{7}=Ul{7}(j7);
+ Uin{8}= Ul{8}(j8);
+ VPin{1}=VP1points{s}(iVP1);
+ VPin{2}=VP2points{s}(iVP2);
+ VPin{3}=VP3points{s}(iVP3);
+ VPin{4}=VP4points{s}(iVP4);
+ CFin{1}=CF1points{s}(iCF1);
+ CFin{2}=CF2points{s}(iCF2);
+ CFin{3}=CF3points{s}(iCF3);
+ CFin{4}=CF4points{s}(iCF4);
+ %[VPin,CFin] = vehLogicZono4(Uin,VPin,CFin);
+ [VPin,CFin] = vehLogicBDD4(Uin,VPin,CFin);
+ VP1points{s+1} = [ VP1points{s+1} VPin{1}];
+ VP2points{s+1} = [ VP2points{s+1} VPin{2}];
+ VP3points{s+1} = [ VP3points{s+1} VPin{3}];
+ VP4points{s+1} = [ VP4points{s+1} VPin{4}];
+ CF1points{s+1} = [ CF1points{s+1} CFin{1}];
+ CF2points{s+1} = [ CF2points{s+1} CFin{2}];
+ CF3points{s+1} = [ CF3points{s+1} CFin{3}];
+ CF4points{s+1} = [ CF4points{s+1} CFin{4}];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ VP1points{s+1} = unique(VP1points{s+1}','rows')';
+ VP2points{s+1} = unique(VP2points{s+1}','rows')';
+ VP3points{s+1} = unique(VP3points{s+1}','rows')';
+ VP4points{s+1} = unique(VP4points{s+1}','rows')';
+ CF1points{s+1} = unique(CF1points{s+1}','rows')';
+ CF2points{s+1} = unique(CF2points{s+1}','rows')';
+ CF3points{s+1} = unique(CF3points{s+1}','rows')';
+ CF4points{s+1} = unique(CF4points{s+1}','rows')';
+execBDD = toc
+totalPointsBDD = VP1BDDNPoints + VP2BDDNPoints + CF1BDDNPoints + CF2BDDNPoints ...
+ + VP3BDDNPoints + VP4BDDNPoints + CF3BDDNPoints + CF4BDDNPoints
+if ~isequal(VP1PZdata,VP1points{steps+1})
+ disp('VP1 problem')
+ disp('VP1 success')
+if ~isequal(VP2PZdata,VP2points{steps+1})
+ disp('VP2 problem')
+ disp('VP2 success')
+if ~isequal(VP3PZdata,VP3points{steps+1})
+ disp('VP3 problem')
+ disp('VP3 success')
+if ~isequal(VP4PZdata,VP4points{steps+1})
+ disp('VP4 problem')
+ disp('VP4 success')
+if ~isequal(CF1PZdata,CF1points{steps+1})
+ disp('CF1 problem')
+ disp('CF1 success')
+if ~isequal(CF2PZdata,CF2points{steps+1})
+ disp('CF2 problem')
+ disp('CF2 success')
+if ~isequal(CF3PZdata,CF3points{steps+1})
+ disp('CF3 problem')
+ disp('CF3 success')
+if ~isequal(CF4PZdata,CF4points{steps+1})
+ disp('CF4 problem')
+ disp('CF4 success')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VechIntersection4cars.m b/VechIntersection4cars.m
index d77e7b0..9764c08 100644
--- a/VechIntersection4cars.m
+++ b/VechIntersection4cars.m
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
-steps = 1000;
+steps = 5;
VPl{1}{1} = logical(1);
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
Ul{7} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
Ul{8} = logicalZonotope.enclosePoints(logical([0,1]));
UlOrig = Ul;
for i=1:steps
@@ -59,39 +61,119 @@
totalPointsZono = VP1NPoints + VP2NPoints +VP3NPoints + VP4NPoints ...
+ CF1NPoints + CF2NPoints + CF3NPoints + CF4NPoints
%%----------- Poly Zonotope ---------%%
%VPl ={};
%CFl ={};
+% for i =1:4
+% if isa(VplOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+% VPl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(VPl{1}{i}.c,VPl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(VPl{1}{i}.G)),i);
+% elseif VplOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+% VPl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+% else
+% VPl{1}{i}= logical(1);
+% end
+% end
+% for i =1:4
+% if isa(CFlOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
+% CFl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(CFl{1}{i}.c,CFl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(CFl{1}{i}.G)),i+4);
+% elseif CFlOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+% CFl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+% else
+% CFl{1}{i}= logical(1);
+% end
+% end
+% for i =1:8
+% if isa(UlOrig{i},'logicalZonotope')
+% Ul{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(Ul{i}.c,Ul{i}.G,eye(length(Ul{i}.G)),i+8);
+% elseif UlOrig{i}== logical(0)
+% Ul{i}= logical(0);
+% else
+% Ul{i}= logical(1);
+% end
+% end
+% tic
+% for i=1:steps
+% [VPl{i+1},CFl{i+1}] = vehLogicPolyZono4(Ul,VPl{i},CFl{i});
+% % CFl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{1});
+% % CFl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{2});
+% % VPl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{1});
+% % VPl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{2});
+% end
+% execlogicPolyZono = toc
+% VP1PZdata=evaluate(VPl{steps+1}{1});
+% VP2PZdata=evaluate(VPl{steps+1}{2});
+% VP3PZdata=evaluate(VPl{steps+1}{3});
+% VP4PZdata=evaluate(VPl{steps+1}{4});
+% CF1PZdata=evaluate(CFl{steps+1}{1});
+% CF2PZdata=evaluate(CFl{steps+1}{2});
+% CF3PZdata=evaluate(CFl{steps+1}{3});
+% CF4PZdata=evaluate(CFl{steps+1}{4});
+% VP1PZNPoints=length(VP1PZdata);
+% VP2PZNPoints=length(VP2PZdata);
+% VP3PZNPoints=length(VP3PZdata);
+% VP4PZNPoints=length(VP4PZdata);
+% CF1PZNPoints=length(CF1PZdata);
+% CF2PZNPoints=length(CF2PZdata);
+% CF3PZNPoints=length(CF3PZdata);
+% CF4PZNPoints=length(CF4PZdata);
+% totalPointsPZ = VP1PZNPoints + VP2PZNPoints + CF1PZNPoints + CF2PZNPoints ...
+% +VP3PZNPoints + VP4PZNPoints + CF3PZNPoints + CF4PZNPoints
+%%-----------Exact Poly Zonotope ---------%%
+%VPl ={};
+%CFl ={};
for i =1:4
if isa(VplOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
- VPl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(VPl{1}{i}.c,VPl{1}{i}.G,{},[]);
+ VPl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(VPl{1}{i}.c,VPl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(VPl{1}{i}.G)),i);
+ elseif VplOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ VPl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ VPl{1}{i}= logical(1);
for i =1:4
if isa(CFlOrig{1}{i},'logicalZonotope')
- CFl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(CFl{1}{i}.c,CFl{1}{i}.G,{},[]);
+ CFl{1}{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(CFl{1}{i}.c,CFl{1}{i}.G,eye(length(CFl{1}{i}.G)),i+4);
+ elseif CFlOrig{1}{i}== logical(0)
+ CFl{1}{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ CFl{1}{i}= logical(1);
for i =1:8
if isa(UlOrig{i},'logicalZonotope')
- Ul{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(Ul{i}.c,Ul{i}.G,{},[]);
+ Ul{i}= logicalPolyZonotope(Ul{i}.c,Ul{i}.G,eye(length(Ul{i}.G)),i+8);
+ elseif UlOrig{i}== logical(0)
+ Ul{i}= logical(0);
+ else
+ Ul{i}= logical(1);
for i=1:steps
- [VPl{i+1},CFl{i+1}] = vehLogicZono4(Ul,VPl{i},CFl{i});
+ [VPl{i+1},CFl{i+1}] = vehLogicExactPolyZono4(Ul,VPl{i},CFl{i});
% CFl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{1});
% CFl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(CFl{i+1}{2});
% VPl{i+1}{1}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{1});
% VPl{i+1}{2}=rmZeroGens(VPl{i+1}{2});
-execlogicPolyZono = toc
+execlogicExactPolyZono = toc
@@ -112,9 +194,10 @@
-totalPointsPZ = VP1PZNPoints + VP2PZNPoints + CF1PZNPoints + CF2PZNPoints ...
+totalExactPointsPZ = VP1PZNPoints + VP2PZNPoints + CF1PZNPoints + CF2PZNPoints ...
+VP3PZNPoints + VP4PZNPoints + CF3PZNPoints + CF4PZNPoints
%%----------- BCN ---------%%
for i =1:4
@@ -266,26 +349,27 @@
for j6 = 1:length(Ul{6}(1,:))
for j7=1:length(Ul{7}(1,:))
for j8 = 1:length(Ul{8}(1,:))
- Uin{1}=Ul{1}(:,j);
- Uin{2}=Ul{2}(:,j2);
- Uin{3}=Ul{3}(:,j3);
- Uin{4}= Ul{4}(:,j4);
- Uin{5}=Ul{5}(:,j5);
- Uin{6}=Ul{6}(:,j6);
- Uin{7}=Ul{7}(:,j7);
- Uin{8}= Ul{8}(:,j8);
- VPin{1}=VP1points{s}(:,iVP1);
- VPin{2}=VP2points{s}(:,iVP2);
- VPin{3}=VP3points{s}(:,iVP3);
- VPin{4}=VP4points{s}(:,iVP4);
- CFin{1}=CF1points{s}(:,iCF1);
- CFin{2}=CF2points{s}(:,iCF2);
- CFin{3}=CF3points{s}(:,iCF3);
- CFin{4}=CF4points{s}(:,iCF4);
+ Uin{1}=Ul{1}(j);
+ Uin{2}=Ul{2}(j2);
+ Uin{3}=Ul{3}(j3);
+ Uin{4}= Ul{4}(j4);
+ Uin{5}=Ul{5}(j5);
+ Uin{6}=Ul{6}(j6);
+ Uin{7}=Ul{7}(j7);
+ Uin{8}= Ul{8}(j8);
+ VPin{1}=VP1points{s}(iVP1);
+ VPin{2}=VP2points{s}(iVP2);
+ VPin{3}=VP3points{s}(iVP3);
+ VPin{4}=VP4points{s}(iVP4);
+ CFin{1}=CF1points{s}(iCF1);
+ CFin{2}=CF2points{s}(iCF2);
+ CFin{3}=CF3points{s}(iCF3);
+ CFin{4}=CF4points{s}(iCF4);
[VPin,CFin] = vehLogicZono4(Uin,VPin,CFin);
+ %[VPin,CFin] = vehLogicBDD4(Uin,VPin,CFin);
VP1points{s+1} = [ VP1points{s+1} VPin{1}];
VP2points{s+1} = [ VP2points{s+1} VPin{2}];
VP3points{s+1} = [ VP3points{s+1} VPin{3}];
diff --git a/exactAnd - Copy.txt b/exactAnd - Copy.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd7a1ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exactAnd - Copy.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+function Z = exactAnd(Z1,Z2,varargin)
+% and - overloads & operator, computes the AND of two logical poly zonotopes
+% Syntax:
+% Z = and(Z1,Z2)
+% Inputs:
+% Z1 - zonotope
+% Z2 - zonotope,
+% Outputs:
+% Z - zonotope object enclosing the and zonotope
+% Example:
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: none
+% Author: Amr Alanwar
+% Written: 7-Jan-2023
+% Last update:
+% Last revision: ---
+%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
+if ~isa(Z1,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if ~isa(Z2,'logicalPolyZonotope')
+if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.c))
+ newcen = Z1.c & Z2.c;
+% newG1 = Z1.GI;
+% for i =1:length(Z1.G)
+% newG1{i+length(Z1.GI)} = Z1.G{i};
+% end
+% if isempty(Z1.E)
+% newE1 = eye(size(Z1.GI,2));
+% elseif isempty(Z1.GI)
+% newE1 = Z1.E;
+% else
+% newE1 = blkdiag(eye(size(Z1.GI,2)),Z1.E);
+% end
+% newG2 = Z2.GI;
+% for i =1:length(Z2.G)
+% newG2{i+length(Z2.GI)} = Z2.G{i};
+% end
+% if isempty(Z2.E)
+% newE2 = eye(size(Z2.GI,2));
+% elseif isempty(Z2.GI)
+% newE2 = Z2.E;
+% else
+% newE2 = blkdiag(eye(size(Z2.GI,2)),Z2.E);
+% end
+% index =1;
+% newE =[];
+% newGen ={};
+% zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z1.c)));
+% if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(newG1))
+% tempE1=newE1 ;
+% zerosE2=zeros(size(newE2,1),1);
+% tempE = [];
+% indexE = 1;
+% for i=1:length(newG1)
+% vecAnd = Z2.c & newG1{i};
+% if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+% continue;
+% end
+% newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+% tempE(:,indexE) = [(tempE1(:,i));(zerosE2)];
+% index=index+1;
+% indexE=indexE+1;
+% end
+% newE = [newE tempE];
+% end
+% if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(newG2))
+% zerosE1=zeros(size(newE1,1),1);
+% tempE2=newE2 ;
+% tempE = [];
+% indexE = 1;
+% for i=1:length(newG2)
+% vecAnd= Z1.c & newG2{i};
+% if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+% continue;
+% end
+% newGen{index} =vecAnd;
+% tempE(:,indexE) = [(zerosE1);(tempE2(:,i))];
+% index=index+1;
+% indexE=indexE+1;
+% end
+% newE = [newE tempE];
+% end
+% if(~isempty(newG1) && ~isempty(newG2))
+% %G1 * G1
+% tempE1=newE1 ;
+% tempE2=newE2;
+% tempE = [];
+% indexE = 1;
+% for i=1:length(newG1)
+% for k=1:length(newG2)
+% vecAnd = (newG1{i} & newG2{k});
+% if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+% continue;
+% end
+% newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+% tempE(:,indexE) = [(tempE1(:,i));(tempE2(:,k))];
+% index=index+1;
+% indexE=indexE+1;
+% end
+% end
+% newE = [newE tempE];
+% end
+% Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,{},newGen,newE);
+% Z = unique(Z);
+% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+tempE1=eye(size(Z1.GI,2)) ;
+zeroVec = logical(zeros(size(Z1.c)));
+indexI =1;
+newGenI ={};
+newE =[];
+index =1;
+newGen ={};
+% bring the exponent matrices to a common representation
+[idCom,E1Com,E2Com] = mergeExpMatrix(Z1.id,Z2.id,Z1.E,Z2.E);
+p1Com = size(E1Com,1);
+p2Com = size(E2Com,1);
+% there is no generators in Z2 to multiply with Z1
+if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.GI) && isempty(Z2.GI) && isempty(Z2.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
+ vecAnd = Z2.c & Z1.GI{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGenI{indexI} = vecAnd;
+ indexI=indexI+1;
+ end
+elseif (~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.GI))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
+ vecAnd = Z2.c & Z1.GI{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [zeros(p1Com,1);tempE1(:,i);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+% there is no generators in Z1 to multiply with Z2
+if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.GI) && isempty(Z1.GI) && isempty(Z1.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z2.GI)
+ vecAnd = Z1.c & Z2.GI{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGenI{indexI} = vecAnd;
+ indexI=indexI+1;
+ end
+elseif (~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
+ for i=1:length(Z2.GI)
+ vecAnd = Z1.c & Z2.GI{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [zeros(p1Com,1);zeros(q1,1);tempE2(:,i)]];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+if(~isempty(Z1.GI) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
+ %GI1 * GI1
+ for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
+ for k=1:length(Z2.GI)
+ vecAnd = (Z1.GI{i} & Z2.GI{k});
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [zeros(p1Com,1);tempE1(:,i);tempE2(:,k)]];
+ index = index +1;
+ end
+ end
+%c2 * G1
+if(~isempty(Z2.c) && ~isempty(Z1.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.G)
+ vecAnd = Z2.c & Z1.G{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [E1Com(:,i);zeros(q1,1);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ idNew =[idNew; idCom(1)];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+%c1 * G2
+if(~isempty(Z1.c) && ~isempty(Z2.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z2.G)
+ vecAnd = Z1.c & Z2.G{i};
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [E2Com(:,i);zeros(q1,1);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ if length(idCom)>1
+ idNew =[idNew; idCom(2)];
+ elseif length(idCom) == 1 & isempty(idNew)
+ idNew =[ idCom(1)];
+ end
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+%G1 * G2
+if(~isempty(Z1.G) && ~isempty(Z2.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.G)
+ for k=1:length(Z2.G)
+ vecAnd = (Z1.G{i} & Z2.G{k});
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ tempECom=max([E1Com(:,i),E2Com(:,k)] ,[],2);
+ newE = [newE [tempECom;zeros(q1,1);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ index=index+1;
+ if isempty(idNew)
+ idNew = idCom;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if(~isempty(Z1.GI) && ~isempty(Z2.G))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.GI)
+ for k=1:length(Z2.G)
+ vecAnd = (Z1.GI{i} & Z2.G{k});
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [E2Com(:,k);tempE1(:,i);zeros(q2,1)]];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+ end
+if(~isempty(Z1.G) && ~isempty(Z2.GI))
+ for i=1:length(Z1.G)
+ for k=1:length(Z2.GI)
+ vecAnd = (Z1.G{i} & Z2.GI{k});
+ if isequal(vecAnd,zeroVec)
+ continue;
+ end
+ newGen{index} = vecAnd;
+ newE = [newE [E1Com(:,i);zeros(q1,1);tempE2(:,k)]];
+ index=index+1;
+ end
+ end
+% for i=1:length(newGen)
+% newGenVec(:,i) = newGen{i};
+% end
+% % and up all generators that belong to identical exponents
+% [newE,newGenComVec] = removeRedundantExponentsAnd(newE,newGenVec);
+% for i=1:size(newGenComVec,2)
+% newGenComCell{i}= newGenComVec(:,i) ;
+% end
+Z = logicalPolyZonotope(newcen,newGenI,newGen,newE,idNew);
+Z = unique(Z);
+%------------- END OF CODE --------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examplesInPapers.asv b/examplesInPapers.asv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da183fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examplesInPapers.asv
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+clear all
+% example 1 in polynomial logical zonotope paper
+c1= [0;1;0 ];
+g1{1} = [0;1;1];
+g1{2} = [1;1;1];
+E1=[1 1; 0 1];
+id1 = [ 1;2];
+pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,g1,E1,id1);
+% Example 2
+c2= [1;0;0 ];
+g2{1} = [1;0;1];
+g2{2} = [0;1;0];
+E2=[0 1; 1 1];
+id2 = [ 1;3];
+pZ2 = logicalPolyZonotope(c2,g2,E2,id2);
+[id,E1,E2] = mergeExpMatrix(id1,id2,E1,E2)
+% Example 3
+c3= 0;
+g3{1} = 1;
+id3 = 1;
+pZ3 = logicalPolyZonotope(c3,g3,E3,id3);
diff --git a/examplesInPapers.m b/examplesInPapers.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cdc8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examplesInPapers.m
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+clear all
+% example 1 in polynomial logical zonotope paper
+c1= [0;1;0 ];
+g1{1} = [0;1;1];
+g1{2} = [1;1;1];
+E1=[1 1; 0 1];
+id1 = [ 1;2];
+pZ1 = logicalPolyZonotope(c1,g1,E1,id1);
+% Example 2
+c2= [1;0;0 ];
+g2{1} = [1;0;1];
+g2{2} = [0;1;0];
+E2=[0 1; 1 1];
+id2 = [ 1;3];
+pZ2 = logicalPolyZonotope(c2,g2,E2,id2);
+[id,E1,E2] = mergeExpMatrix(id1,id2,E1,E2);
+% Example 3
+c3= 0;
+g3{1} = 1;
+id3 = 1;
+pZ3 = logicalPolyZonotope(c3,g3,E3,id3);
+pZ3Xor= xor(pZ3,pZ3)
+pZ3ExactXor= exactXor(pZ3,pZ3)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/mergeExpMatrix.m b/utilities/mergeExpMatrix.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3adc322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/mergeExpMatrix.m
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+function [id,E1,E2] = mergeExpMatrix(id1,id2,E1,E2)
+% mergeExpMatrix - Merge the ID-vectors of two polyZonotope objects
+% and adapte the exponent matrices accordingly
+% Syntax:
+% [id,E1,E2] = mergeExpMatrix(id1,id2,E1,E2)
+% Inputs:
+% id1 - ID-vector of the first polynomial zonotope
+% id2 - ID-vector of the second polynomial zonotope
+% E1 - exponent matrix of the first polynomial zonotope
+% E2 - exponent matrix of the second polynomial zonotope
+% Outputs:
+% id - merged ID-vector
+% E1 - adapted exponent matrix of the first polynomial zonotope
+% E2 - adapted exponent matrix of the second polynomial zonotope
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: ---
+% Authors: Niklas Kochdumper
+% Written: 25-June-2018
+% Last update: ---
+% Last revision: ---
+% ------------------------------ BEGIN CODE -------------------------------
+L1 = length(id1);
+L2 = length(id2);
+% ID vectors are identical
+if L1 == L2 && all(id1 == id2)
+ id = id1;
+% ID vectors not identical -> MERGE
+ % merge the two sets
+ id = id1;
+ ind2 = zeros(size(id2));
+ for i = 1:length(id2)
+ ind = find(id == id2(i));
+ if isempty(ind)
+ id = [id;id2(i)];
+ ind2(i) = length(id);
+ else
+ ind2(i) = ind;
+ end
+ end
+ % construct the new exponent matrices
+ L = length(id);
+ E1 = [E1;zeros(L-L1,size(E1,2))];
+ temp = zeros(L,size(E2,2));
+ temp(ind2,:) = E2;
+ E2 = temp;
+% ------------------------------ END OF CODE ------------------------------
diff --git a/utilities/removeRedundantExponents.m b/utilities/removeRedundantExponents.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f396b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/removeRedundantExponents.m
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+function [Enew,Gnew] = removeRedundantExponents(E,G)
+% removeRedundantExponents - add up all generators that belong to terms
+% with identical exponents
+% Syntax:
+% [Enew, Gnew] = removeRedundantExponents(E,G)
+% Inputs:
+% E - matrix containing the exponent vectors
+% G - generator matrix
+% Outputs:
+% Enew - modified exponent matrix
+% Gnew - modified generator matrix
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: none
+% Authors: Niklas Kochdumper, Tobias Ladner
+% Written: 25-June-2018
+% Last update: 21-April-2020 (remove zero-length generators)
+% 23-June-2022 (performance optimizations)
+% Last revision: ---
+% ------------------------------ BEGIN CODE -------------------------------
+% return directly if G is empty
+if isempty(G)
+ Enew = E;
+ Gnew = G;
+ return;
+% remove zero-length generators
+idxD = any(G,1);
+% skip if all non-zero
+if ~all(idxD)
+ if all(~idxD)
+ Enew = zeros(size(E,1),1);
+ Gnew = zeros(size(G,1),1);
+ return;
+ else
+ G = G(:,idxD);
+ E = E(:,idxD);
+ end
+% create a deterministic random hash vector
+rs = RandStream('mt19937ar', 'Seed', 0); % to not interfer with the outside
+hashVec = rs.rand(1, size(E, 1));
+hashMat = (hashVec*E)';
+% sort the exponent vectors according to the hash value
+[hashes, ind] = sortrows(hashMat);
+ind = ind'; % row
+% test if all (sorted) hashes are different
+uniqueHashIdx = [hashes(1:end-1) ~= hashes(2:end); true] ... % succ
+ & [true; hashes(1:end-1) ~= hashes(2:end)]; % pred
+% if so, return directly
+numUnique = sum(uniqueHashIdx);
+if numUnique == size(E, 2)
+ Enew = E;
+ Gnew = G;
+ return
+% initialize new matrices
+Enew = zeros(size(E));
+Gnew = zeros(size(G));
+% copy unique hashes
+uniqueColumns = ind(uniqueHashIdx);
+Enew(:, 1:numUnique) = E(:, uniqueColumns);
+Gnew(:, 1:numUnique) = G(:, uniqueColumns);
+current = numUnique + 1;
+% continue with potential redundancies
+ind = ind(~uniqueHashIdx);
+E = E(:, ind);
+G = G(:, ind);
+hashMat = hashMat(ind);
+ind = 1:length(ind);
+% first entry
+ind_i = ind(1);
+exp_c = E(:,ind_i);
+hash_c = hashMat(ind_i);
+Enew(:,current) = exp_c;
+Gnew(:,current) = G(:,ind_i);
+% loop over all exponent vectors
+for ind_i = ind(2:end)
+ hash_i = hashMat(ind_i);
+ exp_i = E(:,ind_i);
+ if hash_c == hash_i && all(exp_c == exp_i)
+ Gnew(:,current) = xor(Gnew(:,current) ,G(:,ind_i));
+ else
+ current = current + 1;
+ exp_c = exp_i;
+ hash_c = hash_i;
+ Enew(:,current) = exp_c;
+ Gnew(:,current) = G(:,ind_i);
+ end
+% truncate exponent and generator matrix
+Enew(:,current+1:end) = [];
+Gnew(:,current+1:end) = [];
+% ------------------------------ END OF CODE ------------------------------
diff --git a/utilities/setDefaultValues.m b/utilities/setDefaultValues.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2324ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/setDefaultValues.m
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+function varargout = setDefaultValues(defaultValues,givenValues)
+% setDefaultValues - set default values for input arguments; if some value
+% is given, then this value is kept (check for admissible values is done
+% using inputArgsCheck)
+% Syntax:
+% varargout = setDefaultValues(defaultValues,givenValues)
+% Inputs:
+% defaultValues - default values in a cell-array: {dV1,dV2,...,dVend}
+% givenValues - user-provided values in a cell-array
+% Outputs:
+% varargout - values for input arguments (1xn cell-array), where the
+% the non-given values are set to default values
+% Example:
+% defValues = {1,'standard','lower',true};
+% givenValues = {10,'gaussian'};
+% [N,type,mode,flag] = setDefaultValues(defValues,givenValues);
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: none
+% MAT-files required: none
+% See also: inputArgsCheck
+% Authors: Mingrui Wang, Mark Wetzlinger
+% Written: 30-May-2022
+% Last update: 23-December-2022 (TL, speed up)
+% Last revision: ---
+% ------------------------------ BEGIN CODE -------------------------------
+% number of given input arguments
+n_given = length(givenValues);
+% number of default values
+n_default = max(size(defaultValues));
+% assign default values if corresponding values are not provided
+varargout = [givenValues(1:n_given), defaultValues(n_given+1:n_default)];
+% ------------------------------ END OF CODE ------------------------------
diff --git a/utilities/vehLogicBDD4.m b/utilities/vehLogicBDD4.m
index 5be89e4..a2ff7db 100644
--- a/utilities/vehLogicBDD4.m
+++ b/utilities/vehLogicBDD4.m
@@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
function [VPn,CFn] = vehLogicBDD4(U,VP,CF)
VPn{1} = U{1} & not(VP{1}) & not(CF{1}) ;
VPn{2} = U{2} & not(VP{2}) & not(CF{2}) ;
-%CFn{1} =and(or(and( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{3}),not(VPn{1}));
-%CFn{2} =and(or(and(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{4}),not(VPn{2}));
+VPn{3} = U{5} & not(VP{4}) & not(CF{3}) ;
+VPn{4} = U{6} & not(VP{3}) & not(CF{4}) ;
+CFn{1} =and(or(and( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{3}),not(VPn{1}));
+CFn{2} =and(or(and(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{4}),not(VPn{2}));
+CFn{3} =and(or(and(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),U{7}),not(VPn{3}));
+CFn{4} =and(or(and(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),U{8}),not(VPn{4}));
-CFn{1} =and(U{3},(or(CF{1},(or(not(U{3}),VP{1})))));
-CFn{2} =and(U{3},(or(CF{2},(or(not(U{4}),VP{2})))));
+% VPn{1} = U{1} & not(VP{1}) & not(CF{1}) ;
+% VPn{2} = U{2} & not(VP{2}) & not(CF{2}) ;
+% %CFn{1} =and(or(and( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{3}),not(VPn{1}));
+% %CFn{2} =and(or(and(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{4}),not(VPn{2}));
+% CFn{1} =and(U{3},(or(CF{1},(or(not(U{3}),VP{1})))));
+% CFn{2} =and(U{3},(or(CF{2},(or(not(U{4}),VP{2})))));
% VPn{1} = or(U{1} & U{3} & not(CF{2}), U{1});
% VPn{2} =or(U{2} &U{4}¬(CF{1})& VP{1},VP{2});
diff --git a/utilities/vehLogicExactPolyZono4.m b/utilities/vehLogicExactPolyZono4.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92b822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/vehLogicExactPolyZono4.m
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+function [VPn,CFn] = vehLogicExactPolyZono4(U,VP,CF)
+% VPn{1} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{1} , not(VP{1}))) , not(CF{1}))) ;
+% VPn{2} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{2} , not(VP{2}))) , not(CF{2}))) ;
+% VPn{3} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{5} , not(VP{4}))) , not(CF{3}))) ;
+% VPn{4} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{6} & not(VP{3}) , not(CF{4}))) ;
+% CFn{1} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd( not(VP{1}),VPn{1})) ,U{3})),not(VPn{1})));
+% CFn{2} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(not(VP{2}),VPn{2})),U{4})),not(VPn{2})));
+% CFn{3} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(not(VP{3}),VPn{3})),U{7})),not(VPn{3})));
+% CFn{4} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(not(VP{4}),VPn{4})),U{8})),not(VPn{4})));
+VPn{1} = (exactAnd(exactAnd(U{1} , not(VP{1})) , not(CF{1}))) ;
+VPn{2} =(exactAnd(exactAnd(U{2} , not(VP{2})) , not(CF{2}))) ;
+VPn{3} = (exactAnd(exactAnd(U{5} , not(VP{4})) , not(CF{3}))) ;
+%VPn{4} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(exactAnd(U{6} , not(VP{3})) , not(CF{4}))) ;
+VPn{4} = (exactAnd(U{6} & not(VP{3}) , not(CF{4}))) ;
+CFn{1} =(exactAnd(exactOr(exactAnd( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{3}),not(VPn{1})));
+CFn{2} =(exactAnd(exactOr(exactAnd(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{4}),not(VPn{2})));
+CFn{3} =(exactAnd(exactOr(exactAnd(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),U{7}),not(VPn{3})));
+CFn{4} =(exactAnd(exactOr(exactAnd(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),U{8}),not(VPn{4})));
+% VPn{1} = or(U{1} & U{3} & not(CF{2}), U{1});
+% VPn{2} =or(U{2} &U{4}¬(CF{1})& VP{1},VP{2});
+% VPn{3} =or(U{3},U{1} &U{2} ¬(VP{2})¬(VP{3})&CF{3});
+% VPn{4} =or(U{4},U{1} &U{2} ¬(VP{1})¬(VP{4})&CF{4});
+% CFn{1} =or(U{3},and(U{1},not(VPn{1})));
+% CFn{2} =or(U{4},and(U{2},not(VPn{2})));
+% CFn{3} =or(U{1}, and(or(and(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),U{1}),not(VPn{3})));
+% CFn{4} =or(U{2}, and(or(and(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),U{2}),not(VPn{4})));
+% VPn{1} = not(VP{2}) & not(VP{4}) & not(VP{1}) & CF{1} & not(CF{2}) & not(CF{4});
+% VPn{2} = not(VP{1})& not(VP{3})& not(VP{2})&CF{2}¬(CF{1})¬(CF{3});
+% VPn{3} =not(VP{2})¬(VP{3})&CF{3};
+% VPn{4} =not(VP{1})¬(VP{4})&CF{4};
+% CFn{1} =and(or(and( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{1}),not(VPn{1}));
+% CFn{2} =and(or(and(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{2}),not(VPn{2}));
+% CFn{3} = and(or(and(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),CF{3}),not(VPn{3}));
+% CFn{4} = and(or(and(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),CF{4}),not(VPn{4}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities/vehLogicPolyZono4.m b/utilities/vehLogicPolyZono4.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa176e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/vehLogicPolyZono4.m
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+function [VPn,CFn] = vehLogicPolyZono4(U,VP,CF)
+% VPn{1} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{1} , not(VP{1}))) , not(CF{1}))) ;
+% VPn{2} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{2} , not(VP{2}))) , not(CF{2}))) ;
+% VPn{3} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{5} , not(VP{4}))) , not(CF{3}))) ;
+% VPn{4} = reduceOneBit(exactAnd(U{6} & not(VP{3}) , not(CF{4}))) ;
+% CFn{1} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd( not(VP{1}),VPn{1})) ,U{3})),not(VPn{1})));
+% CFn{2} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(not(VP{2}),VPn{2})),U{4})),not(VPn{2})));
+% CFn{3} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(not(VP{3}),VPn{3})),U{7})),not(VPn{3})));
+% CFn{4} =reduceOneBit(exactAnd(reduceOneBit(exactOr(reduceOneBit(exactAnd(not(VP{4}),VPn{4})),U{8})),not(VPn{4})));
+VPn{1} = reduceOneBit(and(and(U{1} , not(VP{1})) , not(CF{1}))) ;
+VPn{2} = reduceOneBit(and(and(U{2} , not(VP{2})) , not(CF{2}))) ;
+VPn{3} = reduceOneBit(and(and(U{5} , not(VP{4})) , not(CF{3}))) ;
+VPn{4} = reduceOneBit(and(U{6} & not(VP{3}) , not(CF{4}))) ;
+CFn{1} =reduceOneBit(and(or(and( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{3}),not(VPn{1})));
+CFn{2} =reduceOneBit(and(or(and(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{4}),not(VPn{2})));
+CFn{3} =reduceOneBit(and(or(and(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),U{7}),not(VPn{3})));
+CFn{4} =reduceOneBit(and(or(and(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),U{8}),not(VPn{4})));
+% VPn{1} = or(U{1} & U{3} & not(CF{2}), U{1});
+% VPn{2} =or(U{2} &U{4}¬(CF{1})& VP{1},VP{2});
+% VPn{3} =or(U{3},U{1} &U{2} ¬(VP{2})¬(VP{3})&CF{3});
+% VPn{4} =or(U{4},U{1} &U{2} ¬(VP{1})¬(VP{4})&CF{4});
+% CFn{1} =or(U{3},and(U{1},not(VPn{1})));
+% CFn{2} =or(U{4},and(U{2},not(VPn{2})));
+% CFn{3} =or(U{1}, and(or(and(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),U{1}),not(VPn{3})));
+% CFn{4} =or(U{2}, and(or(and(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),U{2}),not(VPn{4})));
+% VPn{1} = not(VP{2}) & not(VP{4}) & not(VP{1}) & CF{1} & not(CF{2}) & not(CF{4});
+% VPn{2} = not(VP{1})& not(VP{3})& not(VP{2})&CF{2}¬(CF{1})¬(CF{3});
+% VPn{3} =not(VP{2})¬(VP{3})&CF{3};
+% VPn{4} =not(VP{1})¬(VP{4})&CF{4};
+% CFn{1} =and(or(and( not(VP{1}),VPn{1}) ,U{1}),not(VPn{1}));
+% CFn{2} =and(or(and(not(VP{2}),VPn{2}),U{2}),not(VPn{2}));
+% CFn{3} = and(or(and(not(VP{3}),VPn{3}),CF{3}),not(VPn{3}));
+% CFn{4} = and(or(and(not(VP{4}),VPn{4}),CF{4}),not(VPn{4}));
\ No newline at end of file