This website is part of the last assignment in the course ramverk1 at BTH. coinOverflow is a fully functioning forum with inspiration from stackoverflow and reddit.
git clone
make update OR composer update
cd config/
touch database.php
return [
"dsn" => "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname",
"username" => "username",
"password" => "password",
"driver_options" => [\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"],
"fetch_mode" => \PDO::FETCH_OBJ,
"table_prefix" => "",
"session_key" => "Anax\Database",
// True to be very verbose during development
"verbose" => null,
// True to be verbose on connection failed
"debug_connect" => false,
In order to create the database schema, go to the sql/ folder and Soruce all _mysql.sql files (follow the order in .setup.text to create the correct relationships between the tables).
*Update the first line 'USE vibe16;' in each _mysql.sql file to match your own database.
This software carries a MIT license.
..: Copyright (c) 2018 Viktor Bengtsson ([email protected])