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File metadata and controls

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An Open Source Alternative to Airtable



Start PostgreSQL:

docker run -d --name pg \
 --hostname pg -e POSTGRES_DB=db -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
 --health-cmd="PGPASSWORD=password pg_isready -h pg -p 5432 -U user -d db" --health-interval=3s --health-timeout=3s \

Start the application:

docker run -d --name app --link pg:pg \
 -p 8080:8080 \
 -e NC_DB="pg://pg:5432?u=user&p=password&d=db" \
 -e NC_PUBLIC_URL=https://nocodb.localhost -e NC_DISABLE_TELE=true -e NC_INVITE_ONLY_SIGNUP=true \
 -e [email protected] -e -e NC_SMTP_PORT=587 -e [email protected] -e NC_SMTP_PASSWORD=myp@ssw0rd -e NC_SMTP_SECURE=true \
 --health-cmd="wget -q --spider --proxy=off localhost:8080 || exit 1" \

Test the application:

Use the application to create some tables


Stop the application

(remove the container - if there were some persitent files, put them in external volume):

docker stop app
docker rm   app

Start YugabyteDB

docker run -d --name yb  \
 --hostname yb -e YSQL_DB=db -e YSQL_USER=user -e YSQL_PASSWORD=password \
 --health-cmd="PGPASSWORD=password postgres/bin/pg_isready -h yb -p 5433 -U user -d db" --health-interval=3s --health-timeout=3s \
 yugabytedb/yugabyte:2024.1.1.0-b137 \
 bash -c 'rm -rf /tmp/.yb.* ; yugabyted start --enable_pg_parity_tech_preview --background=false --tserver_flags=ysql_colocate_database_by_default=true'

Migrate with YugabyteDB Voyager

Start a container with the YugabyteDB voyager image and run the migration steps

docker run -it --rm --name ybv --link pg:pg --link yb:yb \
 yugabytedb/yb-voyager:1.7.2 \
 bash -c '
yb-voyager assess-migration --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user user --source-db-password password --source-db-name db --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql --iops-capture-interval 0
cat /var/tmp/assessment/reports/assessmentReport.json
yb-voyager export schema    --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user user --source-db-password password --source-db-name db --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql
yb-voyager analyze-schema   --export-dir /var/tmp
cat /var/tmp/reports/schema_analysis_report.txt
yb-voyager import schema    --export-dir /var/tmp                    --target-db-host yb --target-db-user user --target-db-password password --target-db-name db --target-db-schema public
yb-voyager export data      --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user user --source-db-password password --source-db-name db --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql
yb-voyager import data      --export-dir /var/tmp                    --target-db-host yb --target-db-user user --target-db-password password --target-db-name db
PGPASSWORD=password psql -h yb -p 5433 -U user -c 'analyze' db

The creation of the indexes is long because it runs in CONCURRENTLY mode, which waits for the heartbeat to confirm all caches are synchronized.

Stop PostgreSQL

docker stop pg

Start the application with new database endpoint

Same command as before, but with host: yb and port: 5433

docker run -d --name app --link yb:yb \
 -p 8080:8080 \
 -e NC_DB="pg://yb:5433?u=user&p=password&d=db" \
 -e NC_PUBLIC_URL=https://nocodb.localhost -e NC_DISABLE_TELE=true -e NC_INVITE_ONLY_SIGNUP=true \
 -e [email protected] -e -e NC_SMTP_PORT=587 -e [email protected] -e NC_SMTP_PASSWORD=myp@ssw0rd -e NC_SMTP_SECURE=true \
 --health-cmd="wget -q --spider --proxy=off localhost:8080 || exit 1" \

Validate the application:

Verify your table is still there


remove PostgreSQL container

docker rm pg

Remains two containers: app with the application, and yb with yugabyted