You can follow the standard github approach to contribute code to YDLidar-SDK. Here is a sample setup:
- Fork a new repo with your GitHub username.
- Set up your GitHub personal email and user name
git config "XXX"
git config "XXX@[]"
- Clone your fork (Please replace "USERNAME" with your GitHub user name.)
(Use SSH) git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/YDLidar-SDK.git
(Use HTTPS) git clone
- Add YDLidar-SDK repository as upstream
(Use SSH) git remote add upstream [email protected]:YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK.git
(Use HTTPS) git remote add upstream
- Confirm that the upstream branch has been added
git remote -v
- Create a new branch, make changes and commit
git checkout -b "my_dev"
- Sync up with the YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK repo
git pull --rebase upstream master
- Push local developments to your own forked repository
git push -f -u origin "my_dev"
- Generate a new pull request between "YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK:master" and "forked repo:my_dev"
- Collaborators will review and merge the commit (this may take some time, please be patient)
Thanks a lot for your contributions!