[openxc7] prtimitive CHIPDB generation logic
[openxc7] prtimitive CHIPDB generation logic
restore oritingal nextpnr and openfpgaloader flows
restore oritingal nextpnr and openfpgaloader flows
[vivado_synth] improved handling of user XDC and TCL
[vivado_synth] improved handling of user XDC and TCL
[vivado_synth] add out_of_context option for project-based synth flow
[vivado_synth] add out_of_context option for project-based synth flow
tweak yosys FPGA flow and fix outdated flag
tweak yosys FPGA flow and fix outdated flag
yosys: initial support for [yosys-slang] plugin
yosys: initial support for [yosys-slang] plugin
convert str value for list fields to a list by splitting around ','
convert str value for list fields to a list by splitting around ','
[Vivado] Revert Vivado path changes
[Vivado] Revert Vivado path changes
[Vivado.sim] re-enable checks for
[Vivado.sim] re-enable checks for
[tests] prepate fake_tools dir to $PATH
[tests] prepate fake_tools dir to $PATH
[Vivado][Yosys] Quote source filename in case their paths contain spaces
[Vivado][Yosys] Quote source filename in case their paths contain spaces
Update pydantic requirement from <2.0,>=1.10 to >=1.10,<3.0
Update pydantic requirement from <2.0,>=1.10 to >=1.10,<3.0
Update cattrs requirement from <24.0,>=22.2 to >=22.2,<25.0
Update cattrs requirement from <24.0,>=22.2 to >=22.2,<25.0
Update attrs requirement from <24.0,>=22.1 to >=22.1,<25.0
Update attrs requirement from <24.0,>=22.1 to >=22.1,<25.0