- Docker
- Java 11
- SpringBoot 2
- Spring Security with OAuth2
- PostgreSQL
- Adminer
- RabbitMQ
- Junit 5
- Thymeleaf
- Bootstrap
- Jquery and Noty
- StompJs
- messageservice - implemented messagebase and has restapi
- authservice - stored users and tokens
- chatroomservice - central service has web pages and ajax controllers for management messages and chats
Requirement packages:
- docker and docker-compose
- You can install it for debian-based using:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose
- You can install it for debian-based using:
- openjdk11 and maven
- You can install it for debian-based using:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk maven
- And sets $JAVAHOME
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
- You can install it for debian-based using:
- Use this command for start:
git clone https://github.com/WitalijBukatkin/ChatRoom
cd ChatRoom
mvn package
sudo mvn docker-compose:up
Find out you local ip with
hostname -I
and type this in you Web Browser as {ip}:8080 for example: -
Register and login in
Create chat (maybe can update page), open and waiting your companion
When he comes in you can talk to him