This document contains details about event handlers (also known as Hooks) provided by Semantic MediaWiki to enable users to extent and integrate custom specific solutions.
Implementing a hook should be made in consideration of the expected performance impact for the front-end (additional DB read/write transactions etc.) and/or the back-end (prolonged job backlog etc.) process.
to replace or amend text elements shown in a Factbox. See also$smwgFactboxUseCache
settings.Use ofsmwShowFactbox
was deprecated with 1.9SMW::Job::updatePropertyJobs
to add additional update jobs for a property and related subjects.Use ofsmwUpdatePropertySubjects
was deprecated with 1.9SMW::DataType::initTypes
to add additional DataType support.Use ofsmwInitDatatypes
was deprecated with 1.9SMW::SQLStore::updatePropertyTableDefinitions
to add additional table definitions during initialization.
to return aQueryResult
object before the standard selection process is started and allows to suppress the standard selection process completely by returningfalse
to manipulate aQueryResult
after the selection process.SMW::Property::initProperties
to add additional predefined properties.Use ofsmwInitProperties
was deprecated with 2.1SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDeleteSubjectComplete
called before deletion of a subject is completed.SMW::SQLStore::AfterDeleteSubjectComplete
called after deletion of a subject is completed.SMW::SQLStore::BeforeChangeTitleComplete
called before change to a subject is completed.
allows to extend the magic words list that theInTextAnnotationParser
should search for the wikitext.
to add update jobs while running the rebuild process.Use ofsmwRefreshDataJobs
was deprecated with 2.3SMW::SQLStore::AddCustomFixedPropertyTables
to add fixed property table definitionsSMW::Browse::AfterIncomingPropertiesLookupComplete
to extend the incoming properties display forSpecial:Browse
to replace the standardSearchByProperty
with a custom link to an extended list of results (returnfalse
to replace the link)SMW::SQLStore::AfterDataUpdateComplete
to add processing after the update has been completed and providesCompositePropertyTableDiffIterator
to identify entities that have been added/removed during the update. Use ofSMWSQLStore3::updateDataAfter
was deprecated with 2.3
to add extra annotations before the store update is triggered
For implementation details and examples, see the integration test.
Subsequent hooks should be renamed to follow a common naming practice that help distinguish them from other hook providers. In any case this list needs details and examples.
, smwAddToRDFExport (SMW::Exporter::AfterRdfExportComplete)SMWParamFormat
, SMWResultFormat\SMW\Store
, SMWStore::updateDataBefore (SMW::Store::BeforeDataUpdateComplete)\SMW\Store
, SMWStore::updateDataAfter (SMW::Store::AfterDataUpdateComplete)\SMW\Store
, smwInitializeTables (SMW::Store::initTables)SMWSQLStore3SetupHandlers
, SMWCustomSQLStoreFieldTypeSMWSQLStore3SetupHandlers
, smwRefreshDataJobs (SMW::SQLStore::AfterRefreshDataJob)SMWSQLStore3Writers
, SMWSQLStore3::updateDataBefore (SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDataUpdateComplete)SMWSetupScript
, smwDropTables (SMW::Store::dropTables)SMW_refreshData
, smwDropTables (SMW::Store::dropTables)