Elixir processes are fast and lightweight units of concurrency. Not to be confused with OS processes, millions of them can be spawned on a single machine, and each are managed entirely by the Erlang VM. Processes live at the core of Elixir application architectures and can send and receive messages to other processes located locally, or remotely on another connected Node.
Spawn creates a new process and returns the Pid, or Process ID of the new process. Messages are sent to the processes using the send/2
Processes all contain a mailbox where messages are passively kept until consumed via a receive
block. receive
processes message in the order received and allows messages to be pattern matched. A common pattern is to send a message to a process with a tuple containing self
as the first element. This allows the receiving process to have a reference to message's "sender" and respond back to the sender Pid with its own response messages.
pid = spawn fn ->
receive do
{sender, :ping} ->
IO.puts "Got ping"
send sender, :pong
send pid, {self, :ping}
# Got ping
receive do
message -> IO.puts "Got #{message} back"
# Got pong back
blocks the current process until a message is received that matches a message clause. An after
clause can optionally be provided to exit the receive loop if no messages are receive after a set amount of time.
receive do
message -> IO.inspect message
after 5000 ->
IO.puts "Timeout, giving up"
Results in...
# Timeout, giving up
Similar to spawn
, spawn_link
creates a new process, but links the current and new process so that if one crashes, both processes terminate. Linking processes is essential to the Elixir and Erlang philosophy of letting programs crash instead of trying to rescue from errors. Since Elixir programs exist as a hierarchy of many processes, linking allows a predictable process dependency tree where failures in one process cascade down to all other dependent processes.
pid = spawn_link fn ->
receive do
:boom -> raise "boom!"
send pid, :boom
Results in...
=ERROR REPORT==== 27-Dec-2013::16:49:14 ===
Error in process <...> with exit value: {{'Elixir.RuntimeError','__exception__',<<5 bytes>>},[{erlang,apply,2,[]}]}
** (EXIT from #PID<...>) {RuntimeError[message: "boom!"], [{:erlang, :apply, 2, []}]}
pid = spawn fn ->
receive do
:boom -> raise "boom!"
send pid, :boom
Results in...
=ERROR REPORT==== 27-Dec-2013::16:49:50 ===
Error in process <0.71.0> with exit value: {{'Elixir.RuntimeError','__exception__',<<5 bytes>>},[{erlang,apply,2,[]}]}
The first example above using spawn_link
, we see the process termination cascade to our own iex session from the ** (EXIT from #PID<...>)
error. Our iex session stays alive because it is internally restarted by a process Supervisor. Supervisors are covered in the next section on OTP.
Since Elixir is immutable, you may be wondering how state is held. Holding and mutating state can be performed by spawning a process that exposes its state via messages and infinitely recurses on itself with its current state. For example:
defmodule Counter do
def start(initial_count) do
spawn fn -> listen(initial_count) end
def listen(count) do
receive do
:inc -> listen(count + 1)
{sender, :val} ->
send sender, count
{:module, Counter,...
iex> counter_pid = Counter.start(10)
iex> send counter_pid, :inc
iex> send counter_pid, :inc
iex> send counter_pid, :inc
iex> send counter_pid, {self, :val}
{#PID<...>, :val}
iex> receive do
...(13)> value -> value
...(13)> end
Pids can be registered under a name for easy lookup by other processes
iex> pid = Counter.start 10
iex> Process.register pid, :count
iex> Process.whereis(:count) == pid
iex> send :count, :inc
iex> receive do
...(30)> value -> value
...(30)> end
This application shows how to manage and hold state via "homegrown" processes and how OTP conventions have been built up around these ideas.
While Elixir is immutable, state can be held in processes that continuously recurse on themselves. Processes can then accept messages from other processes to return or change their current state.
defmodule Stack do
def start(initial_stack) do
spawn_link fn ->
:global.register_name :custom_server, self
listen initial_stack
def listen(stack) do
receive do
{sender, :pop} -> handle_pop(sender, stack)
{sender, :push, value} -> listen([value|stack])
def handle_pop(sender, []) do
send sender, nil
listen []
def handle_pop(sender, stack) do
send sender, hd(stack)
listen tl(stack)
iex> {:ok, pid} = Stack.start([])
{:ok, ...}
iex> sender pid, {self(), :pop}
iex> sender pid, {self(), :push, 7}
iex> sender pid, {self(), :pop}
"Starting" the custom stack server involves spawning a process that continually recurses on listen
with the stack's current state. To push a value onto the stack, the process listens for a message containing the sender's pid, and a value {sender, :push, value}
and then recurses back on itself with the value placed in the head of the stack. Similarly, to pop a value off the stack, the process listens for {sender, :pop}
and sends the top of the stack as a message back to the sender, then recurses back on itself with the popped value removed.
Ugh, a lot of boilerplate, isn't it?
The OTP library brings tried and true conventions to holding state, process supervision, and message passing. For almost all cases where state needs to be held, it should be placed in an OTP generic server. Originally it is called gen_server
in Erlang world, but Elixir has its own wrapper called GenServer
It is a behavior module for implementing the server of a client-server relation.
A GenServer is a process like any other Elixir process and it can be used to keep state, execute code asynchronously and so on. The advantage of using a generic server process (GenServer) implemented using this module is that it will have a standard set of interface functions and include functionality for tracing and error reporting. It will also fit into a supervision tree.
The GenServer behavior abstracts the common client-server interaction. Developers are only required to implement the callbacks and functionality they are interested in.
Let's start with a code example and then explore the available callbacks. Imagine we want a GenServer that works like a stack, allowing us to push and pop items:
defmodule Stack do
use GenServer
# Callbacks
def handle_call(:pop, _from, [h | t]) do
{:reply, h, t}
def handle_cast({:push, item}, state) do
{:noreply, [item | state]}
# Start the server:
iex> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(Stack, [:hello])
# This is the client:
iex> GenServer.call(pid, :pop)
iex> GenServer.cast(pid, {:push, :world})
iex> GenServer.call(pid, :pop)
We start our Stack by calling start_link/3, passing the module with the server implementation and its initial argument (a list representing the stack containing the item :hello). We can primarily interact with the server by sending two types of messages. call messages expect a reply from the server (and are therefore synchronous) while cast messages do not.
Every time you do a GenServer.call/3, the client will send a message that must be handled by the handle_call/3 callback in the GenServer. A cast/2 message must be handled by handle_cast/2.
It is a in-memory key-value storage built into Erlang VM. ETS allows us to store any Erlang and Elixir term in an table. Working with ETS tables is done via Erlang's :ets
iex> table = :ets.new(:buckets_registry, [:set, :protected])
iex> :ets.insert(table, {"foo", self()})
iex> :ets.lookup(table, "foo")
[{"foo", #PID<...>}]
When creating an ETS table, two arguments are required: the table name and a set of options. From the available options, we passed the table type and its access rules. We have chosen the :set
type, which means that keys cannot be duplicated. We've also set the table's access to :protected
, meaning only the process that created the table can write to it, but all processes can read from it. Those are actually the default values, so we will skip them from now on.
$ git checkout TASK_AM_1
$ git checkout TASK_AM_2
$ git reset .
$ git checkout .
$ git checkout master