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Embedded Javascript engine for C/C++ with networking, file, database and device interfaces


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Smart.js platform

Smart.js is a generic, hardware independent, full-stack Internet of Things software platform. Smart.js solves problems of reliability, scalability, security and remote management which are common to all verticals, being it industrial automation, healthcare, automotive, home automation, or other.

Take a look at 2 minute video that shows Smart.js in action:

Smart.js in action

Quick start guide

  1. Download Flashnchips firmware burning tool
  2. Connect the board to your computer via the USB or serial interface
  3. Start Flashnchips, press "Detect Devices" button
  4. Press "Load Firmware" button. That will start a burning process Flashnchips generates random device ID and password (PSK) for the cloud registration.
  5. When burning is complete, Smart.js automatically connects a console to the device, prints generated ID and password, boot messages, and shows an interactive JavaScript prompt. Two numbers shown by prompt are available free memory, and memory taken by Smart.js
  6. Type some JavaScript expression to the console and press enter. Smart.js evaluates the expression and prints evaluation result:
  7. Configure Wifi: enter Wifi.setup('WifiNetworkName', 'WifiPassword') to the console. When network is configured, device starts to send random numbers to every second, simulating real sensor data. however will reject that data, because it doesn't accept any data from unregistered devices
  8. Register the device on the cloud: login to
  9. Click on "Add Device" tab, copy/paste device ID and password and press "Add Device" button
  10. Swith to the "Dashboard" tab, and see real-time graph updated:


Technically, Smart.js has a device part and a cloud part.

Smart.js firmware on a device side:

  • Allows scripting for fast and safe development & firmware update. We do that by developing world's smallest JavaScript engine.
  • Provides hardware and networking API that guarantees reliability, scalability and security out-of-the-box.
  • Devices with our software can be managed remotely and update software remotely, in a fully automatic or semi-automatic way.

Supported hardware

  • Espressif ESP8266 (since ALPHA1)
  • Many more will be added soon!

JavaScript API reference


Smart.js has several non-standard extensions for String.prototype in order to give a compact and fast API to access raw data obtained from File, Socket, and hardware input/output such as I2C. Smart.jsIO API functions return string data as a result of read operations, and that string data is a raw byte array. ECMA6 provides ArrayBuffer and DataView API for dealing with raw bytes, because strings in JavaScript are Unicode. That standard API is too bloated for the embedded use, and does not allow to use handy String API (e.g. .match()) against data.

Smart.js internally stores strings as byte arrays. All strings created by the String API are UTF8 encoded. Strings that are the result of input/output API calls might not be a valid UTF8 strings, but nevertheless they are represented as strings, and the following API allows to access underlying byte sequence:

  • -> number or NaN return byte at index position. Byte value is in 0,255 range. If position is out of bounds (either negative or larger then the byte array length), NaN is returned. Example: "ы".at(0) returns 0xd1.
  • String.prototype.blen -> number return string length in bytes. Example: "ы".blen returns 2. Note that "ы".length is 1, since that string consists of a single Unicode character (2-byte).


File API is a wrapper around standard C calls fopen(), fclose(), fread(), fwrite(), rename(), remove().

  • [, mode]) -> file_object or null Open a file path. For list of valid mode values, see fopen() documentation. If mode is not specified, mode rb is used, i.e. file is opened in read-only mode. Return an opened file object, or null on error. Example: var f ='/etc/passwd'); f.close();
  • file_obj.close() -> undefined Close opened file object. NOTE: it is user's responsibility to close all opened file streams. V7 does not do that automatically.
  • -> string Read portion of data from an opened file stream. Return string with data, or empty string on EOF or error.
  • file_obj.readAll() -> string Same as read(), but keeps reading data until EOF.
  • file_obj.write(str) -> num_bytes_written Write string str to the opened file object. Return number of bytes written.
  • File.rename(old_name, new_name) -> errno Rename file old_name to new_name. Return 0 on success, or errno value on error.
  • File.remove(file_name) -> errno Delete file file_name. Return 0 on success, or errno value on error.
  • File.list(dir_name) -> array_of_names Return a list of files in a given directory, or undefined on error.

Note: some file systems, e.g. SPIFFS on ESP8266 platform, are flat. They do not support directory structure. Instead, all files reside in the top-level directory.


Http API provides a simple HTTP client:

  • Http.get(url, cb) performs a HTTP GET request at the given url, and invokes the provided callback cb with data and error.
  •, d, cb) performs a HTTP POST request at the given url, passing d as body (stringified) and invokes the provided callback cb with data and error.


Http.get("", function(data, error) {
  if (error) {
    print("error ", error);
  } else {
    print("my ip is ", JSON.parse(data).ip);


  • GPIO.setmode(pin, mode, pull) -> true or false set pin mode. 'mode' is number, 0 enables both input and output, 1 enables input only, 2 enabled output only, 3 enables interruptions on pin, see GPUI.setisr. pull is a number, 0 leaves pin floating, 1 connects pin to internal pullup resistor, 2 connects pin to internal pulldown resistor.

  • -> 0 or 1 return GPIO pin level

  • GPIO.write(pin_num, true_or_false) -> true of false set a given pin to true or false, return false if paramaters are incorrect

  • GPIO.setisr(pin, isr_type, func) -> true or false assign interrruption handler for pin. isr_type is a number, 0 disables interrupts, 1 enables interupts on positive edge, 2 - on negative edge, 3 - on any edge, 4 - on low level, 5 - on high level, 6 - button mode. func is callback to be called on interrupt, its prototype is function myisr(pin, level).

    See button helper for button mode usage example.



  • var spi = new SPI().


  • spi.tran(dataToSend, [bytesToRead, command, address]) -> number - send and receive data within one transaction. dataToSend - 32bit number to send to SPI. bytesToRead - number of bytes to read from SPI (1-4). If device requires explicit command and address, they might be provided via command and address parameters.
  • spi.txn(commandLenBits, command, addrLenBits, address, dataToSendLenBits, dataToWrite, dataToReadLenBits, dummyBits) -> number - send and receive data within one transaction. The same as spi.tran, but allows to use arbitrary (1-32 bits) lengths. This function should be used if device requires, for example, 9bit data, 7bit address, 3bit command etc.

There is a detailed description in the source file.

See barometer driver for usage example.



  • Communication modes: I2C.READ, I2C.WRITE
  • Acknowledgement types: I2C.ACK, I2C.NAK, I2C.NONE


  • var i2c = new I2C(sda_gpio, scl_gpio).

Low-level API:

  • i2c.start(addr, mode) -> ackType - claims the bus, puts the slave address on it and reads ack/nak. addr is the 7-bit address (no r/w bit), mode is either I2C.READ or I2C.WRITE.
  • i2c.stop() - put stop condition on the bus and release it.
  • i2c.send(data) -> ackType - send data to the bus. If data is a number between 0 and 255, a single byte is sent. If data is a string, all bytes from the string are sent. Return value is the acknowledgement sent by the receiver. When a multi-byte sequence (string) is sent, all bytes must be positively acknowledged by the receiver, except for the last one. Acknowledgement for the last byte becomes the return value. If one of the bytes in the middle was not acknowledged, I2C.ERR is returned.
  • i2c.readByte([ackType]) -> number - read a byte from the slave and ACK/NAK as instructed. The argument is optional and defaults to ACK. It is possible to specify NONE, in which case the acknoewledgment bit is not transmitted, and the call must be followed up by sendAck.
  • i2c.readString(n, [lastAckType]) -> string - read a sequence of n bytes. Ann bytes except the last are ACK-ed, lastAckType specifies what to do with the last one and works like ackType does for readByte.
  • i2c.sendAck(ackType) - send an acknowledgement. This method must be used after one of the read methods with NONE ack type.

High-level API:

  •, nbytes) -> string|I2C.ERR - issues a read request to the device with address addr, reading nbytes bytes. Acknowledges all incoming bytes except the last one.

  • i2c.write(addr, data) -> ackType - issues a write request to the device with address addr. data is passed as is to .send method.

  •, req, ...) -> array - issues multiple requests to the same device, generating repeated start conditions between requests. Each request is an array with 2 or 3 elements:

    1. I2C.READ or I2C.WRITE for read or write respectively.
    2. number of bytes for read request or data to send for write request
    3. optional, different meaning for different types of requests:
    • read: ackType for the last read byte (defaults to I2C.NAK)
    • write: ackType to expect from the device after last sent byte (defaults to I2C.ACK)

    Return value is an array that contains the one element for each request on success (string data for reads, ackType for writes), or possibly less than that on error, in which case last element will be I2C.ERR. Errors include:

    • Address wasn't ACK'ed (no such device on the bus).
    • Device sent NACK before all the bytes were written.
    • ackType for the last byte written doesn't match what was expected.

There is a detailed description of this API in the source file.

See temperature sensor driver and EEPROM driver for usage example.

Watchdog timer (ESP8266 specific)

ESP8266 includes a watchdog timer, a mechanism designed to deal with software lockups. This timer is periodically reset by the OS, or can be explicitly "fed" by user code. Failure to do so will cause the device to be reset. The current default watchdog timer period is about 1 minute.

  • OS.wdt_feed() - delay restart of the device for 1 minute. This function has to be called inside long loops, or other long operations to prevent device reset.


By default, Wifi module enables access point mode, and acts as a DHCP server for it.

  • Wifi.setup("yourssid", "youpassword") -> true or false - connect to the local Wifi network
  • Wifi.status() -> status_string - check current Wifi status
  • Wifi.ip() -> ip_address_string - get assigned IP address. Wifi.ip(1) returns IP address of the access point interface.
  • - returns the current SSID
  • Wifi.changed(cb) - invokes cb whenever the connection status changes:
    • 0: connected
    • 1: disconnected
    • 2: authmode changed
    • 3: got ip
    • 4: client connected to ap
    • 5: client disconnected from ap
  • Wifi.mode(mode) -> true or false - set Wifi mode. mode is a number, 1 is station, 2 is soft-AP, 3 is station + soft-AP
  • Wifi.scan(cb) - invoke cb with a list of discovered networks.


This interface provides an easy way to send data to the Cesanta cloud. On a cloud side, it is easy to build interactive real-time dashboards.

  •, value [, options]) -> undefined - store metric name with value value in a cloud storage. Optional options object can be used to specify metrics labels and success callback function. Example:'temperature', 36.6). The following prerequisites has to be met:
    • Wifi needs to be configured
    • Global configuration object conf needs to have device ID and password set, and
    • Device with those ID and PSK needs to be registered in a cloud - see video at the top of this document

Built-in functions

  • usleep(num_microseconds) -> undefined - sleep for num_microseconds
  • dsleep(num_microseconds [, dsleep_option]) -> undefined - deep sleep for num_microseconds. If dsleep_option is specified, ESP's system_deep_sleep_set_option(dsleep_option) is called prior to going to sleep. The most useful seems to be 4 (keep RF off on wake up, reduces power consumption).
  • setTimeout(callback, num_milliseconds) -> undefined - schedule function call after num_milliseconds.
  • print(arg1, ...) -> undefined - stringify and print arguments to the command prompt
  • GC.stat() -> stats_object - return current memory usage
  • Debug.mode(mode) -> status_number - set redirection for system and custom (stderr) error logging: 0 = /dev/null, 1 = uart0, 2 = uart1
  • Debug.print(...) - print information to current debug output (set by Debug.mode)

Building Smart.js firmware

For those who want to build Smart.js firmware themselves, here is an instruction on how to do that:

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed and running
  2. Execute the following:
$ git clone
$ cd smart.js/platforms/esp8266
$ sh

The firmware gets built in the firmware/ folder. Copy it to the Fish'n'chips's firmware/esp8266/ directory, and it'll be ready to flash!

Notes for Windows users:

  • Operations above should be performed from boot2docker console, not from cmd.exe
  • Only C:\Users is mapped into docker's VM by default, so put cloned repo to Users subfolder

Notes for Mac users:

  • Only /Users is mapped into docker's VM by default, so put cloned repo to Users subfolder

Extending Smart.js firmware

It is trivial to add more API functions to the Smart.js firmware. Smart.js is built on top of V7 JavaScript engine which makes it easy to export C/C++ functions to JavaScript:

  • V7 reference on exporting C/C++ functions to JS
  • See init_v7() function at v7_esp.c for an example of how specific C/C++ API is exported to ESP8266 firmware. To extend it, just edit init_v7() function and rebuild the firmare by running sh in smartjs/platforms/esp8266 directory.


People who have agreed to the Cesanta CLA can make contributions. Note that the CLA isn't a copyright assigment but rather a copyright license. You retain the copyright on your contributions.


Smart.js is released under the commercial and GNU GPL v.2 open source licenses. The GPLv2 open source License does not generally permit incorporating this software into non-open source programs. For those customers who do not wish to comply with the GPLv2 open source license requirements, Cesanta offers a full, royalty-free commercial license and professional support without any of the GPL restrictions.


Embedded Javascript engine for C/C++ with networking, file, database and device interfaces







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  • C 84.1%
  • C++ 12.6%
  • JavaScript 1.2%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Python 0.5%
  • HTML 0.2%
  • Other 0.3%