All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.3.1 (2024-03-31)
- lint: use described_class (afba961)
- contional: #unless (#12) (5d141b3)
- join: cross join (#14) (9657d6b)
- json: allow string keys as input (#10) (4b47b1d)
0.3.0 (2024-03-29)
- collect: count (7620a62)
- collect: uniq (59a5c53)
- collect: uniq with block (5fab50e)
- rubocop-performance: init & fix rubocop perf (fa91115)
0.2.8 (2024-03-26)
- changelog: bump changlog (b50d44a)
- gem: remove required mfa (7b4b9c4)
- gem: remove required mfa (d342636)
- lint: Lintfix (be99af7)
- collect: add left_join, right_join, full_join (bca2af5)
- collection: add sort, append, prepend, map and test chainable collection (8084fc9)
- collection: first initial collection & array fn (2009281)
- collection: first initial collection & array fn (04efd77)
- data: data accessor based on dot notation (92efb9e)
- diff: add diff & refactor array spec (d0e3a66)
- helper: add collect helper (13c4efb)
- join: inner join (d1f011b)
- utils: add when, only, except (77da9e8)
- Initial release