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108 lines (88 loc) · 8.17 KB

Mark It and Market

UCLA CS 35L Project, Spring 2021, under the supervision of Professor Paul Eggert and our lovely TAs.

A brief introductory presentation can be found here. Note that you need to be signed in with your Google Apps for UCLA Account to be able to view.

Here is a demo video showcasing the features of our project.


  • Alan Yao
  • Annie Liu
  • Sumith Nalabolu
  • Daniel Liu
  • Jonathan Xu
  • Leonard Chen


With the proliferation of big companies and corporate chains, it can be difficult for local farmers, hobbyists, bakers, etc. to have a reliable way to reach an audience of consumers interested in purchasing their homemade or home-grown goods. This project, a novel web application built using the MERN Stack, aims to alleviate this issue. We aim to connect these local producers with everyday members of the community around them, so that customers can buy locally and support small/home businesses instead of relying on big corporations.


The Home Page: Home Page A individual post's page: Individual Posting The submission page to create a posting: Submission Page The page aggregating all posts, so that you can see which listings are closest to you. Aggregate Post Map


  1. Clone this repo by running git clone
  2. Create the .env file with all of our secrets, and place it into ./backend/. You may have to source the .env file with . .env.
  3. Install dependencies for the backend: cd backend; npm install
  4. Install dependencies for the frontend: cd frontend; npm install
  5. If installing fails due to dependency conflicts, pass --force.
  6. Start the backend: cd ../backend; npm start
  7. Start the frontend: cd ../frontend; npm start
  8. Insert Google Maps API key in GoogleMapsLinker.js
  9. Visit the website at localhost:3000

Misc Info:

Environment Variables

The environment variables should be stored into ./backend/.env. This file should contain 8 entries:

Environment Variable Name Example Description Where you can generate the key
USERNAME MongoUser1 The Username used by the backend to log into MongoDB Follow the instructions at
PASSWORD MongoPswd1 The Password used by the backend to log into MongoDB Follow the instructions at
DB_LOCATION The address that your database is hosted at Follow the instructions at
API_PORT 8000 The port that the backend will be hosted on Choose a port number that doesn't conflict with an pre-existing process on your machine
GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY aBcDeFgH12345 The API Key used for Google Maps Follow the instructions at
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID asdfq273450652393adf; App identifier used in OAuth flow Set up OAuth in a Google Cloud project
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET LasdouHgsfgTasdf Identifier used in OAuth flow to make sure app isn't being impersonated Set up OAuth in a Google Cloud project
COOKIE_KEY asdfgkjhsdlkgf;sd The cookie sent back on requests Type anything you want

Put these 8 entries into ./backend/.env in the format ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=ENVIRONMENT_KEY

For example,


Git How-to Guide:

Cloning A Repo:

  1. cd into the folder you want to clone (aka download) this repo to
  2. Run the command git clone (Note that you will need git installed on your machine)

Adding Contributions:

  1. Make a branch. To make a branch, run git branch [NAME OF THE BRANCH]
  2. Type your code/contributions
  3. Once your done, you want to stage your changes, by running git add [FILES THAT YOU WANT TO ADD]
  4. Make a commit: git commit -m [DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CHANGES]
  5. Push these changes to the server: git push origin HEAD
  6. Go to GitHub and open a Pull Request.
  7. Wait for a code review, and if everything looks good, we'll see your contributions onto the main branch!

Thanks for the help!

Useful commands

  • Add every file: git add -A
  • Switch between branches: git checkout [NAME OF THE BRANCH]
  • Get updates from the server: git pull
  • List branches: git branch
  • For other commands, reference here

Special Thanks