Palette.js is a framework to make drawing a canvas easy, providing all the features available from vanilla JavaScript, but without the complexity and verbosity of it.
Add the script to your page:
<script src="palette.min.js"></script>
You can also use jsDelivr as CDN if you prefer:
<!-- latest relase -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- tagged relase -->
<script src="[email protected]/palette.min.js"></script>
Add a canvas:
<canvas id="my_canvas"></canvas>
Finally, use the Palette.js APIs to manipulate your canvas. Remember that you can also chain the APIs.
const paper = new Palette('#my_canvas');
// draw a text
paper.text({ text: 'Hello World!', x: 10, y: 30, font: '20px Arial', fill: 'black' });
// draw a circle{ x: 50, y: 30, r: 10, fill: 'black' });
// draw an image
paper.image({ src: 'path/to/image.png', x: 10, y: 100 });
// draw a custom path
paper.path({ path: 'M,10,10 L,20,20 M,10,20 L,20,10', stroke: 'black' });
palette.js is released under MIT License (X11 License). Read the full license.
Created and maintained by Daniele Veneroni.