This project was generated using
This project is similar to node-v10.x-aws-serverless, but uses to simplify the babel/webpack configuration. Use this for a quick POC/test project. Beware that you won't be able to customise webpack/babel configurations using serverless-bundle (simplicity over flexibility). For instance, it's not possible to customise webpack in order to configure Sentry. The Sentry integration has therefore been removed from this boilerplate.
In case of any doubt, don't use this boilerplate and use
- TODO (after generating a project from this boilerplate)
- Getting started
- Features/defaults provided by this boilerplate
See instructions
- Rename occurrences of
- Look for
- Use your own AWS profile instead of
- Use your own AWS profile instead of
- Enable sentry, if needed (or delete)
- Delete this
- Usage of in order to simplify the webpack/babel setup, at the cost of flexibility
- SLS handles stages/environments and settings per environment (memorySize, AWS profile, etc.)
- "staging" and "production" environments built-in
- SLS scripts (helpers)
- Environment variables built-in by default (both from .env* files and serverless.yml), using
- Jest for testing
- Jest extended included
- Support for ENV variables built-in
- Use YARN for packaging
- 30s timeout on lambda (max allowed)
- 128Mo RAM on lambda (min allowed)
- 60 days logs retention (avoid infinite logs and lambda price increase)
- Enable API GW logs by default
yarn install
yarn start
yarn deploy # Deploy to staging env
NODE_ENV=production yarn deploy # Deploy to production env
yarn logs:status
Similar to reading the logs from the AWS Console
yarn test
yarn test:coverage
Will prompt version to release, run tests, commit/push commit + tag
yarn release
Check the ./package.json file to see what other utility scripts are available