/play <reply/url>
- Youtube url/play <reply audio>
- Song file to play song/play <song name>
- Play song you requested/song <song name>
- Download songs you want/search <query>
- Search videos on youtube with details/tgm or /telegraph
- Generate TeleGraph link of given media/id or /whois
- to know about a user/ping
- Shows the Bot Ping Pong@botusername <query>
- Get youtube url by inline
- Pause song play/resume
- Resume song play/skip
- Play next song/end
- Stop music play/cleandb
- Clear all files/userbotjoin
- Add assistant/userbotleave
- Remove assistant
- Restart bot/gcast <text/reply>
- Broadcast to groups (auto pinned)/broadcast <text>
- Broadcast to groups (without pinned)/exec <code>
- Excute a code/stats
- Shows the Bot's system stats/userbotleaveall
- remove assistant of all groups
In order to avoid conflicts in your project, you must have/installed
@M8N_SESSION_BOT by using this bot
M8N-Music-Bot follows good practices of security, but 100% security cannot be assured. M8N-Music-Bot is provided "as is" without any warranty. Use at your own risk.
For more information and to report security issues, please refer to our M8N β’ SUPPORT
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License See LICENSE.md
for more information.
Click here to see Credits
- CallsMusic
- PyTgCalls
- Pyrogram
- @Its_romeoo