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dbadf76 · Nov 20, 2022


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File metadata and controls

98 lines (74 loc) · 2.52 KB

WordPress V2 parser

The wordpress-v2 parser has one of the most simple source files. It is a JSON file, and it can run only by providing a url and all the other options are for customization and are optional.



The scrape function contains an articles object that will have all the necessary data that the wordpress-v2 parser will need.


An array of field names that their values will be added to the article's extra field in a key-value format.

It supports only top level properties, such as the id and modified fields.


Default value: false

If set to true the pubDate field will be set to the date_gmt field instead of the date field.


Default value: false

If set to true and dates.gmt field is set to true but date_gmt field is not found, it will fall back to the dates field.


WordPress API supports filtering by using url parameters during the request. The filter field is an object that allows you to set these parameters.

Below you can find the ones that are supported:

  • search
  • author
  • authorExclude
  • after
  • before
  • slug
  • categories
  • categoriesExclude
  • tags
  • tagsExclude
  • sticky

For more information about these parameters consult the WordPress API documentation.


Default value: thumbnail

Takes as value the size of the image that is categorized as a thumbnail in the WordPres article.

The available sizes can be found using the _embedded parameter in the query and navigating to the path '_embedded'.'wp:featuredmedia'.0.'media_details'.'sizes'


By default, WordPress has an open API to requests articles and categories.

Some plugins (or the developer) may change this url to, for example, .../wp-json/wp/v2/announcements. To parse this cases you can change the path url for each request.


Default value: /wp-json/wp/v2/posts

The path that will serve the articles.


Default value: /wp-json/wp/v2/categories

The path that will serve the categories.


Below is an example of the WordPress parser source file:

    "type": "wordpress-v2",
    // ...
    "scrape": {
        "articles": {
            "include": ["id", "modified"],
            "dates": {
                "gmt": false,
                "fallback": false
            "filter": {
                // ...
            "thumbnail": "thumbnail"
        "paths": {
            // ...