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Show your chickens some love and they will reward you with special eggs that can be converted into crafting and building resources.

Level 1 Chickens

  • Clay Chicken
  • Coal Chicken
  • Stone Chicken
  • Wood Chicken

Level 2 Chickens

  • Bait Chicken
  • Copper Chicken
  • Fiber Chicken
  • Hardwood Chicken
  • Hay Chicken
  • Sap Chicken

Level 3 Chickens

  • Aquatic Chicken
  • Bone Chicken
  • Farmer Chicken
  • Geode Chicken
  • Iron Chicken
  • Moss Chicken
  • Quartz Chicken

Level 4 Chickens

  • Battery Chicken
  • Bomb Chicken
  • Gold Chicken
  • Librarian Chicken
  • Monster Chicken
  • Tapper Chicken

Level 5 Chickens

  • Artifact Chicken
  • Iridium Chicken
  • Qi Chicken
  • Radioactive Chicken
  • Sapling Chicken
  • Volcano Chicken

Purchase level 1 baby Resource Chickens from Marnie once you have a Coop constructed. Resource Chickens cost twice as much as vanilla chickens because they can be twice as helpful. Resource eggs can be converted into resources, turned into mayo, and used in cooking recipes.

Level 2 and above chickens produce eggs that provide higher tier resources but can only be obtained through gameplay.

Each subsequent increase in chicken level adds 10% to both the sell price of eggs and sell price of chickens!

Spoiler: How To Obtain All Resource Chickens
Chicken Type How To Obtain Requirement
Aquatic Forage around the Beach Tide Pools the day after rain or storms Fishing 3
Artifact Complete a quest from Gunther once reaching Mining Level 5, or trade with the Desert Trader at Mining Level 8 if quest isn't completed Mining 5
Bait Rare chance to appear in fishing treasure chests once reaching Fishing Level 2, also becomes purchasable from Willy after getting the Ol' Mariner Achievement Fishing 2
Battery Complete a quest from Clint once the Special Orders board is available, also becomes purchaseable from Clint once reaching Mining Level 10 Special Orders Board
Bone Rare drop from barrels in the Mines level 80+, fossil stones in the Skull Cavern, and some secret spots Foraging 4
Bomb Rare drop from barels in the Skull Cavern, also becomes purchasable from the Dwarf after 3 hearts of friendship with them Mining 4
Clay Purchase from Marnie Construct a Coop
Coal Purchase from Marnie Construct a Coop
Copper Craft and incubate a Copper Egg Fusion Chamber Farming 3
Farmer Complete a quest from Marnie after reaching 3 hearts of friendship with her, also becomes purchasable from Marnie after the quest is complete Farming 4
Fiber Drop from breaking weeds in the Forest or Railroad, forage in the Secret Woods Forage 3
Gold Craft and incubate a Gold Egg Fusion Chamber Farming 5
Geode Drop from rare custom mining nodes in the Mines and Skull Cavern, can also spawn in the Quarry Mining 3
Hardwood Craft and incubate a Hardwood Egg Fusion Chamber Farming 3
Hay Obtain in a trade from the Calico Egg Merchant at the Desert Festival (or cheaper from Marnie's shop at the festival) Foraging Level 3
Iridium Craft and incubate an Iridium Egg Fusion Chamber Farming 6
Iron Craft and incubate an Iron Egg Fusion Chamber Farming 4
Librarian Received in the mail once obtaining all lost library books, or can trade from the bookseller at Foraging Level 10 Foraging Level 5
Monster Drop from rare custom monster nest mining nodes in the Quarry mine, also becomes purchasable from Krobus after 3 hearts of friendship with them Combat 5
Moss Rare drop from shaking/chopping green rain trees, destroying green rain weeds, forage in the Forest day after green rain, destroying weeds in the forest day after normal rain Foraging 3
Qi Purchaseable from Qi's Walnut Room once room is unlocked and character has reached level 10 in all skills All Skills Level 10
Quartz Craft and incubate a Quartz Egg Fusion Chamber Farming 4
Radioactive Drop from rare custom mining nodes in the dangerous mode Mines and dangerous mode Skull Cavern Combat 10
Sap Rare drop from chopping Oak, Maple, or Pine trees Foraging 2
Sapling Received in the mail once you repair the north Ginger Island bridge and collecting at least 60 Golden Walnuts. Can also be acquired from the Island Trader Farming Level 10
Stone Purchase from Marnie Construct a Coop
Tapper Chance to be produced from tapping Mahogany trees. Rare drop from chopping or shaking Mahogany trees. Extremely rare chance to be produced from tapping Oak, Maple, or Pine trees Foraging 5
Volcano Rare drop from volcano egg nodes in the Volcano mines Mining 8
Wood Purchase from Marnie Construct a Coop

Spoiler: Help Obtaining a Fiber Chicken

Once you have reached Forage skill level 2, the following will have a chance to spawn:

  • A rare drop from breaking weeds in the Cindersap Forest that contain a fiber chicken egg
  • A rare drop from breaking weeds in the Railroad that contain a fiber chicken egg
  • A fiber chicken egg in the Secret Woods
  • Each map location will each have a maximum of 1 fiber chicken egg spawn per day
  • If a forage spawn has occurred in that map that day, it will reset and go away at the end of each day

Spoiler: How to Find and Process Geode Eggs

Once you have reached Mining skill level 3, a custom geode egg mining node will have a rare chance to spawn in the Mines containing a geode chicken egg. The geode egg node can also spawn in the Quarry.

Geode chicken eggs, when placed in the Resource Egg Converter will randomly produce the following:

  • A geode once any player has entered the Mines once
  • A frozen geode once any player has reached level 40 in the Mines
  • A magma geode once any player has reached level 80 in the Mines
  • An omni geode once any player has reached the bottom of the Mines

Spoiler: How Processing Bomb Eggs Works

Once you have reached Mining skill level 4, Bomb Eggs become obtainable.

Bomb chicken eggs, when placed in the Resource Egg Converter will randomly produce the following based on the player's current mining level:

  • Mining Level less than 6: 100% Cherry Bomb
  • Mining Level less than 8: 60% Cherry Bomb, 40% Bomb
  • Mining Level greater than 8: 50% Cherry Bomb, 33% Bomb, 17% Mega Bomb

Bombs and Mega Bombs are only available at higher mining levels to align with when their crafting recipes becoming available to attempt keeping them as balanced as possible.


Craft (or purchase) a Resource Egg Converter
The crafting recipe for the Resource Egg Converter is unlocked once reaching Farming skill level 2. Marnie will also start selling the Resource Egg Converter at that time as well. Once a resource egg is put into the machine, it takes 3 hours for them to be turned into a resource. (Production time can be adjusted in the configs).

Resource eggs can be put into a Resource Egg Converter to produce their respective resource, or, if you already have plenty of that resource available, put the special resource eggs into the vanilla Mayonnaise Maker to produce mayo (large resource eggs also produce gold quality mayo like vanilla eggs!) To expand on your chicken empire, resource eggs can also be put into the Incubator in the Big Coop or Deluxe Coop to make more Resource Chickens. Short on regular eggs for a cooking recipe? Resource eggs can also be used in cooking recipes as a substitute for regular eggs.

Machine Production Amounts Per Chicken Type


Can be increased or decreased in the configs


To help make room on your farm for all your new chickens, a 3rd upgrade to the Coop is now available to build from Robin. The Giant Coop can house up to 24 Coop animals and also comes with a second Egg Incubator with the building upgrade. The second incubator that comes with the Giant Coop upgrade can be picked up by hitting it with an axe or pickaxe and then placed anywhere else in the coop (must be placed in the coop to hatch chickens).

The larger Coop map gives you lots of space for your machines and chests. The building sprite was also made by the lovely Tophatta!

Note: if multiple incubators are ready to hatch chickens in the same coop, you must leave and re-enter the coop after naming each chicken. The game only allows for naming and spawning 1 chicken at a time. After naming the first chicken, simply exit and re-enter the coop to receive the prompt to name the next chicken.



Resource Chickens can start producing large resource eggs once you reach a 2 heart relationship with them (configurable), which can be turned into slightly more resources.

Works with Automate!

Also works with the Auto Grabber!


Feel like aspects of Resource Chickens are overpowered or underpowered? There are many difficulty and balancing settings to customise your playthrough. Either change directly in the config.json or by using GMCM (recommended).

Some of what can be customised:

  • The appearance of resource chickens (and vanilla chickens to match)
  • The sell and purchase price of Resource Chickens
  • Amount of resources you can get from your Resource Chickens
  • How quickly Resource Chickens produce eggs
  • How long it takes to incubate and hatch baby resource chickens
  • Change what tier of Coop (Coop, Big Coop, Deluxe Coop) is required before you can purchase Resource Chickens
  • And lots more!


Vanilla style sprites are edits done by Tophatta and I, of existing vanilla sprites originally made by ConcernedApe. Hatta style sprites are original creations made by Tophatta.

There are currently two appearance options for Resource Chickens sprites using GMCM. You can also select 'Both' in the config options to have chicken sprites be randomized between both styles using the 1.6 Skins feature (not all chickens have 2 styles).

Vanilla Style: recolouring and edits done by Tophatta and I of existing vanilla sprites originally made by ConcernedApe.


Hatta Style: custom and unique sprites created by the wonderfully talented Tophatta!


You can also enable vanilla chickens to look Hatta Style


Reference images are on the Nexus page and also in the mod folder.


Current languages supported: English πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, Chinese πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ (Thanks Orville9972), Spanish πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ (Thanks LuCiiel20), Turkish πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡· (Thanks Stola90), Portuguese (BR) πŸ‡§πŸ‡· (Thanks Pontassnape), and French πŸ‡«πŸ‡· (Thanks Hultra00)!

Want to help translate this mod into another language? This mod is fully prepared for i18n localisation. Download the default.json file in the i18n folder of this mod or reach out to me over Discord (UncleArya). I can then add your translation file to the main mod file for improved localisation support.


This mod relies entirely on Content Patcher, so it should be fully compatible with pretty much every other mod out there.

Direct compatibility has been added for the following mods:

Sapling Egg: If Cornucopia, Ridgeside, or Vapius is present, fruit trees from those mods will be in the drop pool Librarian Egg: If More Books and/or Button's Extra Books is present, books from that mod will be present in the drop pool for Large Librarian Eggs Visit Mount Vapius: If Vapius is present, items from Vapius will appear in the drop pool for: Geode Eggs, Artifact Eggs, Sapling Eggs, Tapper Eggs

Works with Machine Progression System. The mod author has added support for resource eggs into their mayo machines!

A custom item bag has been created by Spartan586 for the mod Item Bags.

Please let me know if you come across any compatibility issues.


  • Ensure you have Content Patcher
  • Ensure you have Farm Type Manager and Item Extensions
  • Download Resource Chickens
  • Add the Resource Chickens folder to your Mod folder
  • If playing multiplayer, all players will need this mod and the mod dependencies too
  • Resource Chickens can be added to an existing save
  • If removing from an in-progress save, be sure to sell all Resource Chickens and mod items prior to removal as