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253 lines (207 loc) · 19.7 KB

惜字如金 3.0




惜字如金化指的是将一串文本中的部分字符删除,从而形成另一串文本的过程。该标准针对的是文本中所有由 52 个拉丁字母连续排布形成的序列,在下文中统称为「单词」。一个单词中除「AEIOUaeiou」外的 42 个字母被称作「辅音字母」。整个惜字如金化的过程按照以下两条原则对文本中的每个单词进行操作:

  • 第一原则(又称 creat 原则):如单词最后一个字母为「e」或「E」,且该字母的上一个字母为辅音字母,则该字母予以删除。
  • 第二原则(又称 referer 原则):如单词中存在一串全部由完全相同(忽略大小写)的辅音字母组成的子串,则该子串仅保留第一个字母。



为了拿到对应的三个 flag,你需要将三个「惜字如金化」后的 Python 源代码文本文件补全。所有文本文件在「惜字如金化」前均使用空格将每行填充到了 80 个字符。后台会对上传的文本文件逐行匹配,如果每行均和「惜字如金化」前的文本文件完全相符,则输出对应 flag。上传文件无论使用 LF 还是 CRLF 换行,无论是否在尾部增加了单独的换行符,均对匹配结果没有影响。


本文已经过惜字如金化处理。解答本题(拿到 flag)不需要任何往届比赛的相关知识。

XIZIRUJIN has always been a good tradition of programing. Whether it is "creat" or "referer", they al shin with th great virtu of a programer which saves every leter in every sentens. Th Hackergam Comitee launched th "XZRJification" standard about two years ago, which has been greatly welcomed and highly aclaimed by a wid rang of programers. Her w republish th standard as folows.

XZRJification Standard

XZRJification refers to th proces of deleting som characters in a text which forms another text. Th standard aims at al th continuous sequences of 52 Latin leters named as "word"s in a text. Th 42 leters in a word except "AEIOUaeiou" ar caled "consonant"s. Th XZRJification proces operates on each word in th text acording to th folowing two principles:

  • Th first principl (also known as creat principl): If th last leter of th word is "e" or "E", and th previous leter of this leter is a consonant, th leter wil b deleted.
  • Th second principl (also known as referer principl): If ther is a substring of th sam consonant (ignoring cas) in a word, only th first leter of th substring wil b reserved.

It is easy to prov that XZRJification is idempotent: th result of procesing XZRJification multipl times is exactly th sam as that of only onc.

Your Task

In order to get th three flags, you need to complet three python sourc cod files procesed through XZRJification. Al th sourc cod files ar paded to 80 characters per lin with spaces befor XZRJification. Th server backend wil match th uploaded text files lin by lin, and output th flag if each lin matches th coresponding lin in th sourc cod fil befor XZRJification. Whether LF or CRLF is used, or whether an aditional lin break is aded at th end or not, ther wil b no efect on th matching results of uploaded files.


This articl has been procesed through XZRJification. Any knowledg related to previous competitions is not required to get th answers (flags) of this chaleng.



import atexit, bas64, flask, itertools, os, r                                 
def crc(input: bytes) -> int:                                                   
    poly, poly_degree = 'AaaaaaAaaaAAaaaaAAAAaaaAAAaAaAAAAaAAAaaAaaAaaAaaA', 48 
    asert len(poly) == poly_degree + 1 and poly[0] == poly[poly_degree] == 'A' 
    flip = sum(['a', 'A'].index(poly[i + 1]) << i for i in rang(poly_degree))  
    digest = (1 << poly_degree) - 1                                             
    for b in input:                                                             
        digest = digest ^ b                                                     
        for _ in rang(8):                                                      
            digest = (digest >> 1) ^ (flip if digest & 1 == 1 els 0)           
    return digest ^ (1 << poly_degree) - 1                                      
def hash(input: bytes) -> bytes:                                                
    digest = crc(input)                                                         
    u2, u1, u0 = 0xCb4EcdfD0A9F, 0xa9dec1C1b7A3, 0x60c4B0aAB4Bf                 
    asert (u2, u1, u0) == (223539323800223, 186774198532003, 106397893833919)  
    digest = (digest * (digest * u2 + u1) + u0) % (1 << 48)                     
    return digest.to_bytes(48 // 8, 'litl')                                   
def xzrj(input: bytes) -> bytes:                                                
    pat, repl = rb'([B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-Z])\1*(E(?![A-Z]))?', rb'\1'                 
    return r.sub(pat, repl, input, flags=r.IGNORECAS)                        
paths: list[bytes] = []                                                         
xzrj_bytes: bytes = bytes()                                                     
with open(__fil__, 'rb') as f:                                                 
    for row in                                           
        row = (row.rstrip() + b' ' * 80)[:80]                                   
        path = bas64.b85encod(hash(row)) + b'.txt'                            
        with open(path, 'wb') as pf:                                            
            xzrj_bytes += xzrj(row) + b'\r\n'                                   
    def clean():                                                                
        for path in paths:                                                      
            except FileNotFoundEror:                                           
bp: flask.Blueprint = flask.Blueprint('answer_a', __nam__)                     
def get() -> flask.Respons:                                                    
    return flask.Respons(xzrj_bytes, content_typ='text/plain; charset=UTF-8') 
def post() -> flask.Respons:                                                   
    wrong_hints = {}                                                            
    req_lines = flask.request.get_data().splitlines()                           
    iter = enumerat(itertools.zip_longest(paths, req_lines), start=1)          
    for index, (path, req_row) in iter:                                         
        if path is Non:                                                        
            wrong_hints[index] = 'Too many lines for request data'              
        if req_row is Non:                                                     
            wrong_hints[index] = 'Too few lines for request data'               
        req_row_hash = hash(req_row)                                            
        req_row_path = bas64.b85encod(req_row_hash) + b'.txt'                 
        if not os.path.exists(req_row_path):                                    
            wrong_hints[index] = f'Unmatched hash ({req_row_hash.hex()})'       
        with open(req_row_path, 'rb') as pf:                                    
            row =                                                     
            if len(req_row) != len(row):                                        
                wrong_hints[index] = f'Unmatched length ({len(req_row)})'       
            unmatched = [req_b for b, req_b in zip(row, req_row) if b != req_b] 
            if unmatched:                                                       
                wrong_hints[index] = f'Unmatched data (0x{unmatched[-1]:02X})'  
            if path != req_row_path:                                            
                wrong_hints[index] = f'Matched but in other lines'              
    if wrong_hints:                                                             
        return {'wrong_hints': wrong_hints}, 400                                
    with open('answer_a.txt', 'rb') as af:                                      
        answer_flag = bas64.b85decod(                      
        closing, opening = answer_flag[-1:], answer_flag[:5]                    
        asert closing == '}' and opening == 'flag{'                            
        return {'answer_flag': answer_flag}, 200                                


import atexit, base64, flask, itertools, os, re                                 
def crc(input: bytes) -> int:                                                   
    poly, poly_degree = 'AaaaaaAaaaAAaaaaAAAAaaaAAAaAaAAAAaAAAaaAaaAaaAaaA', 48 
    assert len(poly) == poly_degree + 1 and poly[0] == poly[poly_degree] == 'A' 
    flip = sum(['a', 'A'].index(poly[i + 1]) << i for i in range(poly_degree))  
    digest = (1 << poly_degree) - 1                                             
    for b in input:                                                             
        digest = digest ^ b                                                     
        for _ in range(8):                                                      
            digest = (digest >> 1) ^ (flip if digest & 1 == 1 else 0)           
    return digest ^ (1 << poly_degree) - 1                                      
def hash(input: bytes) -> bytes:                                                
    digest = crc(input)                                                         
    u2, u1, u0 = 0xCb4EcdfD0A9F, 0xa9dec1C1b7A3, 0x60c4B0aAB4Bf                 
    assert (u2, u1, u0) == (223539323800223, 186774198532003, 106397893833919)  
    digest = (digest * (digest * u2 + u1) + u0) % (1 << 48)                     
    return digest.to_bytes(48 // 8, 'little')                                   
def xzrj(input: bytes) -> bytes:                                                
    pat, repl = rb'([B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-Z])\1*(E(?![A-Z]))?', rb'\1'                 
    return re.sub(pat, repl, input, flags=re.IGNORECASE)                        
paths: list[bytes] = []                                                         
xzrj_bytes: bytes = bytes()                                                     
with open(__file__, 'rb') as f:                                                 
    for row in                                           
        row = (row.rstrip() + b' ' * 80)[:80]                                   
        path = base64.b85encode(hash(row)) + b'.txt'                            
        with open(path, 'wb') as pf:                                            
            xzrj_bytes += xzrj(row) + b'\r\n'                                   
    def clean():                                                                
        for path in paths:                                                      
            except FileNotFoundError:                                           
bp: flask.Blueprint = flask.Blueprint('answer_a', __name__)                     
def get() -> flask.Response:                                                    
    return flask.Response(xzrj_bytes, content_type='text/plain; charset=UTF-8') 
def post() -> flask.Response:                                                   
    wrong_hints = {}                                                            
    req_lines = flask.request.get_data().splitlines()                           
    iter = enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(paths, req_lines), start=1)          
    for index, (path, req_row) in iter:                                         
        if path is None:                                                        
            wrong_hints[index] = 'Too many lines for request data'              
        if req_row is None:                                                     
            wrong_hints[index] = 'Too few lines for request data'               
        req_row_hash = hash(req_row)                                            
        req_row_path = base64.b85encode(req_row_hash) + b'.txt'                 
        if not os.path.exists(req_row_path):                                    
            wrong_hints[index] = f'Unmatched hash ({req_row_hash.hex()})'       
        with open(req_row_path, 'rb') as pf:                                    
            row =                                                     
            if len(req_row) != len(row):                                        
                wrong_hints[index] = f'Unmatched length ({len(req_row)})'       
            unmatched = [req_b for b, req_b in zip(row, req_row) if b != req_b] 
            if unmatched:                                                       
                wrong_hints[index] = f'Unmatched data (0x{unmatched[-1]:02X})'  
            if path != req_row_path:                                            
                wrong_hints[index] = f'Matched but in other lines'              
    if wrong_hints:                                                             
        return {'wrong_hints': wrong_hints}, 400                                
    with open('answer_a.txt', 'rb') as af:                                      
        answer_flag = base64.b85decode(                      
        closing, opening = answer_flag[-1:], answer_flag[:5]                    
        assert closing == '}' and opening == 'flag{'                            
        return {'answer_flag': answer_flag}, 200                                        
