- General Example
- Performance Comparison (Non-ARC vs ARC)
- Results
- Pointers and ref objects have similar performance, but ref objects are safer.
- Results
- See This
- NOTE: Heap variables require pointers to be mutated when using threads (or ref objects when using ARC/ORC).
│ data type │ address │ repr │ repr with ARC / ORC │ stack / heap │
│ char │ 4411560 │ 'a' │ 'a' │ stack │
│ string │ 4538960 │ 000000000036F060"test" │ "test" │ heap │
│ int │ 4411568 │ 1 │ 1 │ stack │
│ float │ 4411576 │ 1.0 │ 1.0 │ stack │
│ seq │ 4538944 │ 0000000000370050@[0, 1, 2, 3] │ @[0, 1, 2, 3] │ heap │
│ array │ 4411584 │ [0, 1, 2, 3] │ [0, 1, 2, 3] │ stack │
│ table │ 4538976 │ [data = 0000000000371050@[[Field0 = │ Table[system.int, system.int](data: │ heap │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = 0], [Field0 = │ @[(hcode: 0, key: 0, val: 0), (hcode: │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = 0], [Field0 = │ 0, key: 0, val: 0), (hcode: 0, key: 0, │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = 0], [Field0 = │ val: 0), (hcode: 0, key: 0, val: 0), │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = 0], [Field0 = │ (hcode: 0, key: 0, val: 0), (hcode: │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = 0], [Field0 = │ 8641844181895329213, key: 1, val: 1), │ │
│ │ │ 8641844181895329213,Field1 = 1,Field2 = │ (hcode: 0, key: 0, val: 0), (hcode: 0, │ │
│ │ │ 1], [Field0 = 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = 0], │ key: 0, val: 0)], counter: 1) │ │
│ │ │ [Field0 = 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = │ │ │
│ │ │ 0]],counter = 1] │ │ │
│ json │ 4538848 │ ref 00000000003700D0 --> [JObjectfields │ JsonNode(isUnquoted: false, kind: │ heap │
│ │ │ = [data = 0000000000372050@[[Field0 = │ JObject, fields: │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = "",Field3 = nil], │ OrderedTable[system.string, │ │
│ │ │ [Field0 = 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = │ json.JsonNode](data: @[(hcode: 0, next: │ │
│ │ │ "",Field3 = nil], [Field0 = 0,Field1 = │ 0, key: "", val: nil), (hcode: 0, next: │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field2 = "",Field3 = nil], [Field0 = │ 0, key: "", val: nil), (hcode: 0, next: │ │
│ │ │ 2484513939,Field1 = -1,Field2 = │ 0, key: "", val: nil), (hcode: │ │
│ │ │ 000000000036F0C0"1",Field3 = ref │ 2484513939, next: -1, key: "1", val: │ │
│ │ │ 0000000000370090 --> [JIntnum = 1]], │ JsonNode(isUnquoted: false, kind: JInt, │ │
│ │ │ [Field0 = 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = │ num: 1)), (hcode: 0, next: 0, key: "", │ │
│ │ │ "",Field3 = nil], [Field0 = 0,Field1 = │ val: nil), (hcode: 0, next: 0, key: "", │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field2 = "",Field3 = nil], [Field0 = │ val: nil), (hcode: 0, next: 0, key: "", │ │
│ │ │ 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = "",Field3 = nil], │ val: nil), (hcode: 0, next: 0, key: "", │ │
│ │ │ [Field0 = 0,Field1 = 0,Field2 = │ val: nil)], counter: 1, first: 3, last: │ │
│ │ │ "",Field3 = nil]],counter = 1,first = │ 3)) │ │
│ │ │ 3,last = 3]] │ │ │
-d:release => Use for release builds. Disables run-time checks.
-d:lto | --passL:-flto => perform link time optimizations
-d:useMalloc => Disable Nims own memory allocator, reducing executable size. Enable use of Valgrind to detect memory leaks
-d:passC:-march=native => Instruct the compiler to use the best optimizations for your CPU (may not be compatible with other CPUs)
$ nim c -r --threads:on -d:release -d:lto --gc:arc
Testing 100_000 iterations of regular object with copy
2020-11-20T17:05:45-06:00 TimeIt: 100000 Repetitions on 6 seconds, 119 milliseconds, 967 microseconds, and 600 nanoseconds, CPU Time 6.119.
Testing 100_000 iterations of direct mutation using pointer.
2020-11-20T17:05:50-06:00 TimeIt: 100000 Repetitions on 4 seconds, 977 milliseconds, 301 microseconds, and 400 nanoseconds, CPU Time 4.978.
Testing 100_000 iterations of direct mutation using reference object.
2020-11-20T17:05:53-06:00 TimeIt: 100000 Repetitions on 3 seconds, 606 milliseconds, 399 microseconds, and 700 nanoseconds, CPU Time 3.606.
100 - ((3.871 / 5.156) * 100) = 24.92242048
ARC w/ptr => 18.64 % faster
ARC w/ref => 41.06 % faster
$ nim c -r --threads:on -d:release -d:lto --gc:orc
Testing 100_000 iterations of regular object with copy
2020-11-20T17:03:42-06:00 TimeIt: 100000 Repetitions on 3 seconds, 86 milliseconds, 220 microseconds, and 500 nanoseconds, CPU Time 3.086.
Testing 100_000 iterations of direct mutation using pointer.
2020-11-20T17:03:45-06:00 TimeIt: 100000 Repetitions on 2 seconds, 592 milliseconds, 353 microseconds, and 300 nanoseconds, CPU Time 2.592.
Testing 100_000 iterations of direct mutation using reference object.
2020-11-20T17:03:47-06:00 TimeIt: 100000 Repetitions on 2 seconds, 643 milliseconds, 999 microseconds, and 200 nanoseconds, CPU Time 2.644.
100 - ((2.837 / 4.809) * 100) = 41.00644625
ORC w/ptr => 16.01 % faster
ORC w/ref => 14.32 % faster