The following are examples of questions that might be asked during the show. They won’t all be asked, and there will be plenty of ad-hoc questions following-up on the answers you give. Other than the introduction and wrap-up, the topics won’t be in any particular order, and nor will the questions within those topics.
- Welcome
- Co-host
- Guest
- Thank listeners, ask question on Twitter
- Invite introduction.
“Good afternoon, this is {host}, and you are listening to the UK Genesis Podcast, the show that showcases UK web professionals who use the Genesis Framework for WordPress.”
“This is episode number #{number}, and my co-host is {cohost}. Hi {cohost}.”
“Our guest today is {guest}. How are you doing today?”
“Thanks for taking the time to join us, and also thank you to our listeners for tuning in. If you have any questions you want us to ask {guest}, then please ask them on Twitter, sending it to @ukgenesis if you don’t want your tweet to be sent to all your followers, and include the #ukgenesis hashtag.”
“For those who don’t know you {guest}, can you give us an introduction and tell us a little bit about yourself?”
- What do you consider to be your main type of service - design, development, copywriting, marketing, SEO, something else?
- Do you provide training for clients?
- Do you provide maintenance packages?
- What is your workflow from the initial lead up until delivery?
- Do you use any tools for managing the project, invoicing, getting quotes to the clients, time tracking, etc.?
- Who is your target audience, and how do you market yourselves to them?
- Do you use value-based, hourly or project pricing?
- How do you structure your deposit requirements?
- Do you use a contract, and if so, how did that come about?
- Do you work from home? If so, how do you avoid distractions?
- Where do you see your business in 12 months time?
- Would you ever go back to being an employee at another company?
- Where did your logo and branding originate from? Any story or inspiration behind that?
- How did you decide which projects to put into your portfolio?
- Have you been to a WordCamp? What did you get out of it? / Any reason for not going to one?
- Are there any local WordPress meetups near you?
- What would you most like to see disappear within the WordPress Community?
- What’s the best thing about the Genesis community?
- What did you want to be when you grew up?
- Mac or PC?
- What code editor do you use?
- How do you manage your code snippets?
- What do use use for localhost?
- What do you use to deploy sites?
- What do you use for design/wireframes/mockups?
- What’s your must have plugin? / Go to plugins?
- Do you have a starter child theme for Genesis?
- Have you written a public plugin?
- Have you written a public theme?
- What do you think of the Customizer?
- How do you see WordPress changing over the next 5 years?
- What would you like to see changed in the Genesis Framework?
- What would you say are the benefits of Genesis to developers?
- What would you say are the benefits of Genesis to your clients?
- How much do you consider accessibility, internationalisation, localisation and right-to-left scripts when creating themes for clients or to sell?
- Did you watch GenesisCamp? Which presentations did you enjoy most?
- Do you pronounce it “Gif” or “Jif”?
- Do you prefer www or no-www for domains? Why?
- What was the first domain you purchased?
- Which is your preferred tool (or plugin) for post types & custom fields implementation?
- Who would you like to see on the podcast in the future?
- Where can people find you online?
- The guest for the next show in two weeks is ...
- Thank the guest, and people for listening.