- No prior assumption on network structure. (i.e. Do not put any constraint on how features may interact.)
- Good for tabular data.
- Previously when applying MLP on image data, we simply flattening an image's spatial structure into a long 1D vector, and feeding it through the MLP network. -> A lot of network parameters. -> Need enormous amount of data to train -> Low data efficiency.
- A powerful family of neural networks that are efficient for natural signals.
- In image processing, CNNs typically require many fewer parameters than MLPs.
- The price paid for this drastic reduction in parameters is that our features are now translation invariant and that our layer can only incorporate local information, when determining the value of each hidden activation.
Translational Invariance <-> Parameters (weights) sharing
- Similar patterns repeat throughout a signal / in different regions of an image.
- Convolution kernel: use a small set of parameters multiple times across the network structure.
Locality <-> Sparsity
- Nearby pixels/points are more correlated with each other than pixels/points far away.
e.g. X[0,0] is blue → high probability that the next pixel is also blue. - Connection sparsity : Drop connections between far away neurons.
- Nearby pixels/points are more correlated with each other than pixels/points far away.
Compositionality <-> Stacking of Layers
- Everything in nature is composed of parts that are composed of sub-parts.
- Earlier layers learn more basic patterns. Later layters learn more complex structures composed from simpler patterns.
* Reference : Properties of natural signals -- Alfredo Canziani.
- In machine learning, inductive bias refers to a set of (explicit or implicit) assumptions made by a learning algorithm to learn the target function and to generalize beyond training data.
- If those biases do not agree with reality, e.g., if images turned out not to be translation invariant, our models might struggle even to fit our training data.
* Reference : Inductive Bias.
- Channels on input and output allow our model to capture multiple aspects of an image at each spatial location.