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File metadata and controls

281 lines (198 loc) · 12.5 KB

Travellers' community. Sharing, hosting and getting people together.

Trustroots logo


  • React Native 0.30
  • Re-natal
  • Clojure/ClojureScript (1.9.x)
    • Reagent
    • Re-frame
    • Prismatic/schema
  • For testing:
    • mocha.js and chai.js (with a spec wrapper helper in tests)

See Archictecture in nutshell section for more details on stack.

Configure development enviroment


  1. Install React Native and everything that react native requires for development.
  2. Install Leiningen
  3. Install re-natal: npm install -g re-natal
  4. Install the Android SDK
  5. Create an Android Virtual Device. You can use the build-in emulator from the Android SDK.

In working directory:

  1. Install npm dependencies: npm install


Development build when using android avd

First start up your android virtual device. (e.g if you're using the android sdk emulator, Android/Sdk/tools/emulator -avd [emulator name])

If you've installed a different version of re-natal than the one listed packages.json, then use the local version in the ./node_modules folder (e.g ./node_modules/.bin/) when running the following:

re-natal use-android-device avd
re-natal enable-source-maps
re-natal use-figwheel

lein figwheel android

Start your development server:

npm start

Install the app to the device:

react-native run-android

Enable remote debugging:

  • ctrl-m, click "start remote debugging"
  • this will open [http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui] in your browser
  • you might need to also open dev tools

For more comprehensive instructions see: Re-natal's readme

Run tests

Run tests once by running:

lein cljsbuild test

Start auto test runner:

lein cljsbuild auto test

TODO: use Enzyme to mock React Native

Add modules. images and dependencies

  • After you have added a clojure dependency:
    • Restart figwheel lein figwheel android and restart React Packager react-native run-android
  • After you have added a npm dependency:
    • Add dependency to .re-natal file in modules array. Otherwise it won't be included in the package when using figwheel.
    • Run re-natal use-figwheel
    • Restart figwheel lein figwheel android and restart React Packager react-native run-android
  • After you have added an image to images folder:
    • Run re-natal use-figwheel
    • Restart figwheel lein figwheel android and restart React Packager react-native run-android


Problem: React packages gives errors relating missing platform and UI does not update as it should.


Patches RN packager to server *.map files from filesystem, so that chrome can download them by running:

re-natal enable-source-maps
re-natal use-figwheel
lein figwheel android

And once figwheel have started:

react-native run-android

I get an compilation error and I have no clue what's the problem.

Solution 1: In figwheel REPL run:


You should get more informative error message.

Solution 2: Open develper menu by keyboard short cut Command ⌘ + M and click "Enable remote debuging" in Android emulator. This opens browser. Open console in browser - it often gives you better idea what is happening.

Solution 3: Check Android logs using command adb logcat. (You probable get insane amount of log entiries, and thus you might want to clear log by adb logcat -c

Architecture in nutshell

Re-frame is a architectural framework that is similar to Redux and other Flux implementations.

The idea is simple:

  1. In re-frame, application state is stored in an ratom called db (database). Ratom (reactive atom) is an observable data structure that ensure atomic modifications (i.e. only one change at time to the latest version of data it contains). The structure of db is constrained by a schema. Currently plumatic schema is used, but it will change to core.spec at some point.
  2. The database is modified by events. The logic of how an event changes db is specifed by a handler.
  3. UI component listens for re-frame subscriptions. Each subscription is an observable view to db. You need to specify view to data in subs.cljs first, then you can subscribe it in UI component by using re-frame.core/subscribe function that returns an ratom.
  4. UI component will dispatch events to re-frame dispatch. The events are handled by a handler in the order they arrive to the dispatcher sequentially. If you dispatch an event in a handler, it will be handled after the current handler function call is finished. (I.e. you cannot dispatch event synchronously in a handler.) Each handler must return an updated version of db, and as they're called they get curent db as parameter. After a handler returns, subscriptions trigger.

In most cases, you need to answer these question when you develop a new feature:

  1. What data does the feature need? #. You may need to extend the schema and db. (in the /domain folder) #. You need to write a subscrition or maybe two. UI components should not depend directly on the db's structure.
  2. How does the data change? #. Implement a handler for each reason to change. (handlers.cljs) #. Re-frame encourages you to think about how the data changes. If the data should be changed by a REST call, you probably need a handler for a successful call and one for an unsuccessful call. That's where you start. Then you probably add a handler that does the REST call and changes db so that users know that something is happening. Handlers for successful or erroneous events do not know where the data related to an event comes from. Handlers that do the REST request don't know how the response is used. Pros of this approach is that you can easily change any of the parts without modifying other parts (open/closed principle) and easily trigger any change from the REPL or in tests; cons for this this approach is that it can be hard to understand how the data flows and where it comes.
  3. When should data be fetched? There are three options: #. When the app starts. In this case you dispatch fetch events in [platform]/core.clsj init function. There are separate core.cljs files for Androind and iOS. #. When the user does something, you dispatch the event from a react-native UI component event handler. #. Periodically (e.g. once per 1 minute). You can use JavaScript setTimeout and put it in the handler.cljs file. Currently this is a bit clumsy and probably a helper function should be created for it.
  4. How does the user interact with the data (in the UI)? #. The goal is that there are as much shared components as possible. UI components are located in shared, android and ios directories. In addition to documentation there is no way to know what component works in which framework. Not all components support all features in React Native and components may behave differently on differnt platforms. This is a React Native design decision.
  5. What should the components look like? #. Until now we have used a lot of inline style. They should be refactored to platform specific styles.cljs files.

Project structure

Actual source code you should modify are in the ./src/trustroots/ and ./test/ directories, and images are in the /images/ directory. In addition to those there are two files you need to modify:

  • package.json contains npm packages.
  • .re-natal is used by leiningen to bundle JavaScript source for react-native. You need to list there all npm packages that should be included in the react native app. Leiningen does not use package.json for this. I.e. if you want to use a 3rd party library you need install it first by using npm and then add the name of packages to .re-natal. This file also contains some other build-related information, and it is modified e.g. when you swap between emulator and physical machine.

src/trustroots structure

  • android: android specific UI components goes in this folder
  • domain: contains schema definitions.
  • ios: iOS specific UI components goes to this folder. Currently the app does not support iOS so there's not much here.
  • shared: all component that should work both in android and iOS are located here.
  • api.cljs: REST api call helpers goes here.
  • db.cljs: This file contains helpers for persisting data, including caching mechanims.
  • fetch_helper.cljs: contains wrapper for react native fetch function. This is used for REST calls.
  • handlers.clsj: contains all re-frame handlers. Currently this file is rather long and it might be split to many files.
  • subs.cljs: contains observable re-frame subscriptions.

App state (db) schema

Currently the domain model closely reflects what the REST APIs return. This needs to be changed as the app should support offline use and rest APIs may not return all data at once (they page data).

Proposal for new schema

  • users: map of all users the current user has had a conversation with, or that are their friends.
    • { : }
  • me: Current user id
  • last-sync-time: last change timestamp (this should come form server)
  • inbox: { thread: list of messages }
  • current-page: vector, e.g. [:discussion thread]
  • errors: vector of errors
  • services: { :toaster obj :fetch obj }

Other notes

  • In future Plumatic schema should be changed to core.spec.


  • Initialization

    • [:initialize-db] loads intial version of database.
    • [:register-service service-obj] Register helper function for dependency injection.
  • Navigation

    • [:set-page page] Change UI view.
  • Authentication related

    • [:auth/login {:user username :pwd password}]
    • [:auth/login-success user-obj]
    • [:auth/login-error error-obj]
  • [:message/send-to to-user-id content]

    • [:message/send-to-success message]
    • [:message/send-to-fail error]

Requires refactoring

Currently support only one page and are clumsy to use.

  • [:inbox/fetch] get users discussion threads form REST API
    • [:inbox/fetch-success data]
    • [:inbox/fetch-failed error-obj]
  • [:conversation/fetch user-id] get conversion with given username
    • [:conversation/fetch-success data]
    • [:conversation/fetch-fail]
  • [:show/conversation-with user-id] Fetch discusison, move to conversation page and set current conversation (that should be shown to given user id).

Obsolete handlers

  • [:load-db] load whole db form local storage.
  • [:save-db] save whole db to local storage.
  • [:set-db] Helper for setting whole database.
  • [:storage-error] error in loading or saving data to local storage.
  • [:logout] Should be :auth/logout
  • [:login user-pwd-obj] us :auth/login instead.

Handler ideas

  • [:sync/from-remote timestamp] get all users, conversations related current user. This handler replaces `:inbox and :conversation handlers
    • [:sync/from-remote-success data]
    • [:sync/from-remote-failed data]
  • [:sync/from-local] load data from local storage. This is run always when user starts the app.
    • [:sync/from-local-success data]
    • [:sync/from-local-fail error-data] (possibly user has never logged in)
  • [:sync/to-local] save users, last-sync-timestamp and inbox to local storage.
    • [:sync/to-local-success]
    • [:sync/to-local-fail]

Other notes

  • In new version of re-frame events with and without side-effects are separated more in more elegent way. This should be upgraded at somepoint to never version.


  • [:get-db] returns db as is. This is mainly for testing in REPL, don't use it in any component.
  • [:inbox/get] Returns user conversation listing.
  • [:get-page] Get currently active page.
  • [:current-conversation] Return currently active conversation (or nil)
  • [:get-user-of-current-converation] Get user id of person with whom user have conversation with.
  • [:auth-status] Return object that informs if authentication is in progress and succeed and possible error, if authentication have failed.


Naming should be consistent with handlers. E.g. :current-conversation should be :conversation/current.
