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very wip: finite for all intro
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TimothyEarley committed Jan 12, 2025
1 parent 6845db6 commit 5af7da1
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Showing 7 changed files with 198 additions and 34 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/decidable/FormulaCode.ard
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,18 +14,18 @@
| code-encode => formulaCode-encode
| code-decode => formulaCode-decode
| decideCode => formulaCode-decide
\where {
\func FormulaCode {_ : Language} {c : Context} (a b : Formula c) : \Prop \elim a, b
| equal a b, equal a1 b1 => \Sigma (a = a1) (b = b1)
| atomic r terms, atomic r1 terms1 => \Sigma (r = r1) (terms = {Array (Term c)} terms1)
| notH a, notH b => FormulaCode a b
| impH a a1, impH b b1 => \Sigma (FormulaCode a b) (FormulaCode a1 b1)
| cAnd a a1, cAnd b b1 => \Sigma (FormulaCode a b) (FormulaCode a1 b1)
| forAllH a, forAllH b => FormulaCode a b
| cExists a, cExists b => FormulaCode a b
| _, _ => Empty
\where {
\func FormulaCode {_ : Language} {c : Context} (a b : Formula c) : \Prop \elim a, b
| equal a b, equal a1 b1 => \Sigma (a = a1) (b = b1)
| atomic r terms, atomic r1 terms1 => \Sigma (r = r1) (terms = {Array (Term c)} terms1)
| notH a, notH b => FormulaCode a b
| impH a a1, impH b b1 => \Sigma (FormulaCode a b) (FormulaCode a1 b1)
| cAnd a a1, cAnd b b1 => \Sigma (FormulaCode a b) (FormulaCode a1 b1)
| forAllH a, forAllH b => FormulaCode a b
| cExists a, cExists b => FormulaCode a b
| _, _ => Empty

\func formulaCode-encode {_ : Language} {c : Context} {a b : Formula c} (p : a = b) : FormulaCode a b
\func formulaCode-encode {_ : Language} {c : Context} {a b : Formula c} (p : a = b) : FormulaCode a b
\elim a, b, p
| equal a b, _, idp => (idp, idp)
| atomic r terms, _, idp => (idp, idp)
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| forAllH a1, _, idp => formulaCode-encode idp
| cExists a, _, idp => formulaCode-encode idp

\func formulaCode-decode {_ : Language} {c : Context} {a b : Formula c} (code : FormulaCode a b) : a = b
\func formulaCode-decode {_ : Language} {c : Context} {a b : Formula c} (code : FormulaCode a b) : a = b
\elim a, b, code
| equal a b1, equal a1 b, (p,p1) => pmap2 equal p p1
| atomic r terms, atomic _ terms1, (idp,p1) => pmap (atomic r) (convertArrayEquality p1)
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| forAllH a, forAllH b, code => pmap forAllH $ formulaCode-decode code
| cExists a, cExists b, code => pmap cExists $ formulaCode-decode code

\func formulaCode-decide {L : DecLanguage} {c : Context} (a b : Formula c) : Dec (FormulaCode a b)
\func formulaCode-decide {L : DecLanguage} {c : Context} (a b : Formula c) : Dec (FormulaCode a b)
\elim a, b
| equal a b, equal a1 b1 => \case TermCodeDec.decideEq a a1, TermCodeDec.decideEq b b1 \with {
| yes e, yes e1 => yes (e, e1)
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34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion src/proof/PrfFinite.ard
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
\import Function.Meta
\import Logic
\import Paths
\import Paths.Meta
\import Set
\import Set.Fin
\import Set.Subset
Expand All @@ -9,12 +10,19 @@
\import proof.PrfWeaken
\import proof.Proof
\import syntax.Context
\import syntax.Free
\import syntax.Lift
\import syntax.Substitution
\import syntax.Syntax
\import util.SetUtil

\func prfFinite {_ : DecLanguage} {c : Context} {axioms : Theory c} {toShow : Formula c}
(prf : Prf axioms toShow) : \Sigma (axioms' : Theory c) (axioms' ⊆ axioms) (FinSet (Elements axioms')) (Prf axioms' toShow)
(prf : Prf axioms toShow) :
(axioms' : Theory c)
(axioms' ⊆ axioms)
(FinSet (Elements axioms'))
(Prf axioms' toShow)
\elim prf
| AXM e => (single toShow, SubsetHelper.subsetSingle e, FinSets.FinSingle, AXM idp)
| contra f prf1 prf2 =>
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| h => prfFinite prf
\in (h.1, h.2, h.3, cAndElim2 h.4 p)
| forAllIntro f prf p =>
| h => prfFinite prf
| h3 : FinSet (Elements h.1) => h.3
-- | ourSet : Set (Formula c) => mapSet' h.1 (liftFormula 1)
| zeroNotFreeInH1 : 0 ∉ {Fin (suc c)} freeVars h.1 => \case \elim __ \with {
| inP (f, e, free) => \case h.2 e \with {
| inP (f', e', p') => notFreeInLift $ rewriteI p' $ free
| ourSet : Set (Formula c) => mapSet h.1 (\lam x xe => liftFormula.unliftFormula1 x (\lam free => zeroNotFreeInH1 (inP (x, xe, free))))
\in (
-- \lam e => \case h.2 e \with {
-- | inP (x', e', p') => \let z => liftFormula.unliftPath 1 p' \in rewrite z e'
-- },
\lam {x} => \case \elim x, \elim __ \with {
| _, inP (f, e, idp) => \case h.2 {f} e \with {
| inP (f', e', p') => \let p'' => p' \in {?}
forAllIntro f {?} p
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/semantics/Interpretation.ard
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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\func lifted {_ : Language} {c : Context} {I : Interpretation c} {f : Formula c}
{u : I.structure.Universe}
(m : I ⊧ f) (dummy : Term c)
: extend I u ⊧ liftFormula {_} {1} f => fromSub.substitutionLemma->
: extend I u ⊧ liftFormula 1 f => fromSub.substitutionLemma->
{suc c} {c} {liftFormula {_} {1} f}
{suc c} {c} {liftFormula 1 f}
I {extend I u} {reverseLift.reverse1S dummy}
(\lam v free => \case \elim v, \elim free \with {
| 0, free => absurd $ notFreeInLift free
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18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions src/syntax/Free.ard
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
\import Data.Fin
\import Function.Meta
\import Logic
\import Logic.Meta
\import Meta
\import Set.Subset
\import syntax.Context
\import syntax.Lift
\import syntax.Substitution
\import syntax.Syntax
\import util.NatUtil
\import util.SetUtil

\func FreeinTerm {_ : Language} {c : Context} (t : Term c) (v : Context.variable c) : \Prop
\elim t
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}) h

\func notFreeInLift {_ : Language} {c : Context} {f : Formula c}
(h : FreeInFormula (liftFormula {_} {1} f) 0)
(h : FreeInFormula (liftFormula 1 f) 0)
: Empty
=> notFreeInRename
(\lam v' (p : 0 = {Fin (suc c)} suc v') => usingOnly p contradiction)

\func freeVarsFormula {_ : Language} {c : Context} (f : Formula c) : Set (Context.variable c)
=> \lam v => FreeInFormula f v

\func freeVars {_ : Language} {c : Context} (T : Theory c) : Set (Context.variable c)
=> \lam v => ∃ (f : Formula c) (f ∈ T) (FreeInFormula f v)

\func RenameFreeTerm {_ : Language} (c c' : Context) (t : Term c) => \Pi (v : Context.variable c) (FreeinTerm t v) -> Context.variable c'
\func RenameFree {_ : Language} (c c' : Context) (f : Formula c) => \Pi (v : Context.variable c) (FreeInFormula f v) -> Context.variable c'
29 changes: 24 additions & 5 deletions src/syntax/Lift.ard
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
\import Data.Fin
\import Function.Meta
\import Logic
\import Meta
\import Paths
\import Paths.Meta
\import syntax.Context
\import syntax.Free
\import syntax.Substitution
\import syntax.SubstitutionReverse
\import syntax.Syntax
Expand All @@ -25,6 +27,11 @@
\elim delta
| 0 => idp
| suc delta => pmap suc isActuallyJustAddition

\func unliftFinPath {delta n : Nat} {i j : Fin n} (p : liftFin i = {Fin (delta + n)} liftFin j) : i = j
\elim delta
| 0 => p
| suc delta => \let p' => unfsuc p \in unliftFinPath p'

\func liftTerm {_ : Language} {delta c : Context} (t : Term c) : Term (delta + c) =>
Expand All @@ -40,17 +47,29 @@
unfold liftTerm Rename.renameTerm.compose

\func liftFormula {_ : Language} {delta c : Context} (f : Formula c) : Formula (delta + c) =>
\func liftFormula {_ : Language} (delta : Context) {c : Context} (f : Formula c) : Formula (delta + c) =>
Rename.rename f (\lam v => liftFin v)
\where {
\private \func example {_ : Language} :
liftFormula {_} {2} (forAllH $ forAllH (equal #0 #1)) = {Formula 5}
liftFormula 2 (forAllH $ forAllH (equal #0 #1)) = {Formula 5}
(forAllH $ forAllH $ equal #0 #1) => idp

\func unliftFormula1 {_ : Language} {c : Context}
(f : Formula (suc c))
(h : Not (FreeInFormula f 0))
: Formula c
=> Rename.renameFree f (\lam (v : Fin (suc c)) free => \case \elim v, \elim free \with {
| 0, free => absurd $ h free
| suc v, _ => v

\func unliftPath {_ : Language} (delta : Context) {c : Context} {f f' : Formula c} (p : liftFormula delta f = liftFormula delta f')
: f = f' => Rename.unrename liftFin.unliftFinPath p

\func reverseLift {_ : Language} {c : Context} {f : Formula c} (dummy : Term c)
: Substitution.substitute (liftFormula {_} {1} f) (reverse1S dummy) = f =>
reverseRename (\lam v => liftFin {1} v) (reverse1S dummy) (\lam t => reverseTerm)
: Substitution.substitute (liftFormula 1 f) (reverse1S dummy) = f =>
reverseRename (\lam v => liftFin {1} v) (reverse1S dummy) (\lam _ => reverseTerm)
\where {
\func reverse1S {_ : Language} {c : Context} (dummy : Term c) : Substitution (suc c) c =>
\lam v => \case \elim v \with {
Expand All @@ -65,7 +84,7 @@
| apply f args => pmap (apply f) (ext $ ext (\lam j => reverseTerm {_} {c} {args j}))

\func liftTheory {_ : Language} {delta c : Context} (T : Theory c) : Theory (delta + c) => mapSet T liftFormula
\func liftTheory {_ : Language} {delta c : Context} (T : Theory c) : Theory (delta + c) => mapSet T (\lam f _ => liftFormula delta f)

\func subsituteLiftTerm1S {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} {t : Term c} {s : Substitution (suc c) c'}
: Substitution.substituteTerm (liftTerm {_} {1} t) s = Substitution.substituteTerm t (\lam v => s (fsuc v))
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91 changes: 88 additions & 3 deletions src/syntax/Substitution.ard
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
\import Data.Fin
\import Function
\import Function.Meta
\import Logic
\import Logic.Meta
\import Meta
\import Paths
\import Paths.Meta
\import decidable.FormulaCode
\import decidable.TermCode
\import syntax.Context
\import syntax.Free
\import syntax.Lift
\import syntax.Syntax
\import util.ArrayUtil
\open Context
\open Nat (+)

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| apply f args => pmap (apply f) $ ext $ ext (\lam j => compose {_} {c} {c'} {c''} {args j})

\func renameTermFree {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} (t : Term c) (remap : RenameFreeTerm c c' t) : Term c'
\elim t
| var v => var $ remap v idp
| apply f args => apply f (\lam i => renameTermFree (args i) (\lam v free => remap v (inP (i, free))))

\func rename {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} (f : Formula c) (r : Rename c c') : Formula c'
\elim f
| equal a b => equal (renameTerm a r) (renameTerm b r)
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| cAnd a b => cAnd (rename a r) (rename b r)
| forAllH f => forAllH $ rename f (Extend.extend r)
| cExists f => cExists $ rename f (Extend.extend r)

-- same as above but we additionally guarantee r is only applied on the free vars
\func renameFree {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} (f : Formula c) (r : RenameFree c c' f) : Formula c'
\elim f
| equal a b => equal (renameTermFree a (\lam v free => r v (byLeft free))) (renameTermFree b (\lam v free => r v (byRight free)))
| atomic rel terms => atomic rel $ \lam i => renameTermFree (terms i) {?}
| notH f => notH $ renameFree f r
| impH antecedent consequent => impH (renameFree antecedent r) (renameFree consequent r)
| cAnd a b => cAnd (renameFree a r) (renameFree b r)
| forAllH f => forAllH $ renameFree f (Extend.extend r)
| cExists f => cExists $ renameFree f (Extend.extend r)

\func unrenameTerm {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} {t t' : Term c} {r : Rename c c'}
(rInj : \Pi {v v' : variable c} (r v = r v') -> v = v')
(p : renameTerm t r = renameTerm t' r) : t = t'
\elim t, t', p
| var v, var v1, p => \let p' => TermCodeDec.termCode-encode p \in pmap var $ rInj p'
| apply f args, apply f1 args1, p =>
| (p1, p2) => TermCodeDec.termCode-encode p
\in \case \elim f1, \elim args1, p1, p2 \with {
| _, args1, idp, p2 => pmap
(apply f)
(ext $ ext (\lam j => \let p2' => convertArrayEquality p2 | p2Result => pmap (\lam (z : Array _ _) => z j) p2' \in unrenameTerm rInj p2Result))

\func unrename {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} {f f' : Formula c} {r : Rename c c'}
(rInj : \Pi {v v' : variable c} (r v = r v') -> v = v')
(p : rename f r = rename f' r) : f = f'
\elim f, f', p
| equal a b, equal a1 b1, p => \let (p1, p2) => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p \in
pmap2 equal (unrenameTerm rInj p1) (unrenameTerm rInj p2)
| atomic r1 terms, atomic r2 terms1, p =>
| (p1, p2) => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p
\in \case \elim r2, \elim terms1, p1, p2 \with {
| _, _, idp, p2 => pmap
(atomic r1)
(ext $ ext (\lam j => \let p2' => convertArrayEquality p2 | p2Result => pmap (\lam (z : Array _ _) => z j) p2' \in unrenameTerm rInj p2Result))
| notH f, notH f', p =>
\let p' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode $ FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p
\in pmap notH $ unrename rInj p'
| impH a f, impH a1 f', p =>
| (p1, p2) => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p
| p1' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode p1
| p2' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode p2
\in pmap2 impH (unrename rInj p1') (unrename rInj p2')
| cAnd a f, cAnd a1 f', p =>
| (p1, p2) => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p
| p1' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode p1
| p2' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode p2
\in pmap2 cAnd (unrename rInj p1') (unrename rInj p2')
| forAllH f, forAllH f', p =>
| p' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode $ FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p
\in pmap forAllH (unrename (\lam {v : variable (suc c)} {v' : variable (suc c)} p => \case \elim v, \elim v', \elim p \with {
| 0, 0, p => idp
| 0, suc f1, p => \let p : 0 = suc _ => p \in usingOnly p contradiction
| suc f1, 0, p => \let p : suc _ = 0 => p \in usingOnly p contradiction
| suc f1, suc f2, p => \let p' => unfsuc p \in pmap fsuc (rInj p')
}) p')
| cExists f, cExists f', p =>
| p' => FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-decode $ FormulaCodeDec.formulaCode-encode p
\in pmap cExists (unrename (\lam {v : variable (suc c)} {v' : variable (suc c)} p => \case \elim v, \elim v', \elim p \with {
| 0, 0, p => idp
| 0, suc f1, p => \let p : 0 = suc _ => p \in usingOnly p contradiction
| suc f1, 0, p => \let p : suc _ = 0 => p \in usingOnly p contradiction
| suc f1, suc f2, p => \let p' => unfsuc p \in pmap fsuc (rInj p')
}) p')

\func Substitution {_ : Language} (c c' : Context) => variable c -> Term c'
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-- TODO: this proof seems very complicated. What is the general principle?

\func distributeExtends {_ : Language} {c c' c'' : Context} {s : Substitution c c'} {s' : Substitution c' c''} :
(\lam v => substituteTerm (Extend.extends s v) (Extend.extends s')) = {Substitution (suc c) (suc c'')}
Extend.extends (\lam v => substituteTerm (s v) s') => ext (helper s s')
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\private \func helper2 {_ : Language} {c' c'' : Context} (t : Term c') (s' : Substitution c' c'') :
substituteTerm (Rename.renameTerm t fsuc) (Extend.extends s') = Rename.renameTerm (substituteTerm t s') fsuc
\elim t
| var v => idp
| apply f args => pmap (apply f) (ext $ ext (\lam j => helper2 (args j) s'))
\elim t
| var v => idp
| apply f args => pmap (apply f) (ext $ ext (\lam j => helper2 (args j) s'))

\func substitute {_ : Language} {c c' : Context} (f : Formula c) (s : Substitution c c') : Formula c'
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