A list of bugfix mods for 1.17.x forge/fabric versions.
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Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Bugfixing | Label |
Advancements Debug⁷ | Unknown | Rewrites one function of the advancements logic to make advancements checking faster, and use less recursion. | thetechnici4n | Client | none |
AntiGhost | Unknown | Removes all ghost blocks whithin a 4 block radius cube with press of a configurable key. | Giselbaer | Client | none |
Carpet-Fixes | Unknown | Carpet extension which fixes hundreds of vanilla bugs. | FXMORIN | Both | none |
Chat Lag Fix | Unknown | Fixes Minecraft client lag from receiving chat messages | adryd | Client | none |
Dimension Fix | Unknown | Fix MC-197860: Deleting a custom dimension in a data pack deletes Nether and End. | shedaniel | Server | none |
Dynamic FPS | Unknown | Fixes a bug in Vanilla Minecraft that makes it take much more performance in the background than it should. | juliand665 | Client | none |
Erroring Entity Remover | Unknown | Removes entities that throw errors and crash the game while ticking. | The_Fireplace | Both | Unstable (2) |
FabricCrossDimTPFix | Unknown | Fixes a bug where the player doesn't get sent their XP and Potion effects on cross dim teleport. | CodedSakura | Server | none |
FastOpenLinksAndFolders | Unknown | Stops the game from freezing when opening external links or folders | altrisi | Client | none |
Fix Alt Gr | Unknown | Fixes the MC-127862 bug, which sometimes makes pressing the Alt Gr key lock your left control key. | MikolajKolek | Client | none |
Gotta Go Fast ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Unknown | This simple mod brings the bugfix for "Player moved too quickly!" | PixelAgent007 | Server | none |
Head Name Fix | Unknown | Mob heads will keep their custom names when placed. | manyrandomthings | Server | none |
Inventory Close with Mouse key Fix | Unknown | Allows you to close your inventory with a key bound to a mouse button. | KosmX | Client | none |
IMBlocker | Unknown | IMBlocker is a mod which hides the IME (Input Method Editor) where entering text is not required. | mrjesen | Client | none |
Item Model Fix | Unknown | A Fabric mod that fixes gaps in generated item models. | Pepper | Client | none |
Map Crash Fixer | Unknown | A mod to fix a 1.17.1 bug with map crashes. | techstreetdev | Client | none |
MC122477Fix | Unknown | A simple mod that fixes MC-122477, the random extra chat character on Unix-based systems. | SizableShrimp | Client | none |
MCMouser | Unknown | A mod that fixes various mouse bugs on macOS. | ViRb3 | Client | none |
MCPersianTextFixer | Unknown | "Fixes" Persian text rendering. | alirezaahani | Client | none |
NetherPortalFix | Unknown | Keeps track of what portals a player went through in order to ensure correct destinations when the player is going back through the same portals. | BlayTheNinth | Server | none |
Night Vision flash be gone⁷ | Unknown | Fixes night vision flashing | AshIndigo | Client | none |
No Null Processors | Unknown | Fixes crashing when trying to pre-generate large areas of a world. | telepathicgrunt | Server | none |
No Weak Attack | Unknown | Cancels swinging at enemies if your cooldown isn't full | florensie | Client | none |
ToolTipFix | Unknown | Stops tooltips that are too large to fit on the screen from running off the screen | Kryptonaught | Client | none |
Translucency Fix ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Unknown | Allows resource packs to use semitranslucent textures. | ruvaldak | Client | none |
Why Am I on Fire?⁷ | Unknown | Hides the obstructive fire overlay when it's not needed. | Ellivers | Both | none |
Wither Cage Fix | Unknown | Fixes vanilla bug where withers forget their targets. | supersaiyansubtlety | Server | none |
XL Packets Fabric | Unknown | Fixes Mojang bug by raising the packet size limit from 2MB to 2GB, so that servers with large datapacks, packets, etc don't kick the client. | tfarecnim | Both | none |
Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Bugfixing | Label |
AntiGhost | Unknown | Removes all ghost blocks whithin a 4 block radius cube with press of a configurable key. | Giselbaer | Client | none |
AttributeFix | Unknown | Removes attribute caps, which can cause unintended behavior with some mods | DarkhaxDev | Server | none |
Bee Fix | Unknown | This mod fixes MC-229321 : Bees Can Despawn This bug causes multiple issues that cause bees to despawn or fail to be saved under different edge cases. Also fixes MC-168329 : Bees refuse to leave hive in end/nether. | lupicus | Server | none |
Connectivity | Randompatches | Lightweight mod which solves several connection problems like DecoderException, Packet size larget than X bytes, Payload too large and more. | someaddon | Both | none |
FlickerFix | Unknown | By default, when the night vision effect goes below 10 seconds, the screen starts flickering. This mod replaces that behavior with a fast fade-out at 1 second remaining duration. | MutantGumdrop | Client | none |
MCMouser | Unknown | A mod that fixes various mouse bugs on macOS. | ViRb3 | Client | none |
No Null Processors | Unknown | Fixes crashing when trying to pre-generate large areas of a world. | telepathicgrunt | Server | none |
Potion ID Packet Fixer | Unknown | If you have more than 255 potion effects registered, the client will receive incorrect information for potion effects above ID 255, due to an issue with vanilla packets. This mod fixes that issue. | stepsword | Both | none |