How to run the application
- install all the dependencies
- pip install flask
- pip install flask_pymongo
- pip install bcrypt// for hasing password
#Create database named "Users" collection name "user"
- In postman test the requests..
- Post:http://localhost:5000/add // for adding new user
- Post:http://localhost:5000/users // for getting existing users
- Post:http://localhost:5000/user/paste the id of the user you want to update // example http://localhost:5000/user/607ea5c19dd672a2755f4d5f , will be uniquely genrated "you will get it from your database"
- PUT:http://localhost:5000/update/paste the id of the user you want to update //example http://localhost:5000/user/607ea5c19dd672a2755f4d5f
- DELETE: http://localhost:5000/delete/paste the id of the user you want to delete