// // main.cpp // Lab 3.10 // // Created by Tedla Boke on 5/1/22. //
Array of structures: Binary Search, Insertion Sort
Name: Tedla Boke
IDE: Online C++ Compiler
#include #include #include #include
using namespace std;
/* Write the definition of the Movie structure with the following fields:
- year, an integer
- awards, an integer
- nominations, an integer
- title, a string */ struct Movie { int year; int awards; int nominations; string title; };
// function prototypes /* Write your code here */ void readMovies(string filename, Movie list[], int limit, int &size); void printMovies(Movie list[], int size); void searchTestDriver(Movie list[], int size); void insertSort(Movie list[], int size); int binarySearch(Movie list[], int l, int r, string name);
int main(){ // constants definitions const int MOVIES = 20; // maximum size of array
// array definition
Movie list[MOVIES];
// other variables
int noMovies; // actual size of array
string filename;
// function calls
cout << "Popular Classic Movies" << endl;
cout << "==> Enter input file name: ";
getline(cin, filename);
readMovies(filename, list, MOVIES, noMovies);
cout << "==> Movies Sorted by Title:" << endl;
printMovies(list, noMovies);
cout << "==> Search Movies:" << endl;
searchTestDriver(list, noMovies);
insertSort(list, noMovies);
cout << "==> Movies Sorted by Year:" << endl;
printMovies(list, noMovies);
return 0;
/* Write your code here. For each function definition write a short comment too, as demonstrated in previous assignments */
This function reads data
void readMovies(string filename, Movie list[], int limit, int &size)
ifstream inputFile;
// open file
// validation
cout << "Error opening " << filename << " for reading." << endl;
// read data from file into an array of structures
string line;
size = 0;
while (size < limit && getline(inputFile, line)){
stringstream temp(line);
temp >> list[size].year;
temp >> list[size].awards;
temp >> list[size].nominations;
temp.ignore(); // ignore the space in front of the name
getline(temp, list[size].title);
// check if size reaches maximum size of array and there is more data in the file
string test;
if(size == limit && getline(inputFile, test)){
cout << filename << " is too large." << endl;
// close file
This function performs the binary search on a Movie array, sorted by title.
The array has size elements. A value stored in this array will be searched. It will
return the array subscript if found. Otherwise, -1 will be returned.
int binarySearch(Movie list[], int l, int r, string name){
while(l <= r){
int m = l + (r - l)/2;
if(list[m].title.compare(name) == 0){
return m;
if(list[m].title.compare(name) < 0){
l = m + 1;
r = m - 1;
return -1;
This function prints the movies year and title
/* Define the printMovies function here /
void printMovies(Movie list[], int size){
for(int i = 0;i < size; i++){
cout << list[i].year << " "<< list[i].title << endl;
This function calls binary search in a loop
void searchTestDriver(Movie list[], int size){
string target;
string again = " ";
int x = -1;
// prompt users to enter movie title
do {
cout << "What movie are you looking for? ";
getline(cin, target);
/* Call binary search then display results */
x = binarySearch(list,0,size - 1,target);
if(x == -1){
cout << target << " not found!" << endl;
else {
cout << "Found: " << list[x].title << ", " << list[x].year << ", " << list[x].awards << ", " << list[x].nominations << endl;
// prompt user for another input
cout << "Would you like to look up another movie(Y/N)? ";
getline(cin, again);
} while(again == "Y" || again == "y");
This function sort the array of Movie structures in descending order by year
/* Define the insertSort function here */
void insertSort(Movie list[], int size){
int i,key,j;
for(i = 1;i < size; i++){
key = list[i].year;
Movie k;
k.year = list[i].year;
k.awards = list[i].awards;
k.nominations = list[i].nominations;
k.title = list[i].title;
j = i - 1;
while( j >= 0 && list[j].year < key){
list[j+1].year = list[j].year;
list[j+1].awards = list[j].awards;
list[j+1].nominations = list[j].nominations;
list[j+1].title = list[j].title;
j = j-1;
list[j+1].year = k.year;
list[j+1].awards = k.awards;
list[j+1].nominations = k.nominations;
list[j+1].title = k.title;