ReaLTaiizor is a user-friendly and design-focused control library for .NET WinForms projects, containing a wide range of components. You can personalize your projects with different theme options and customize user controls to make your applications more professional.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Taiizor 💻 🤔 |
JTOne123 👀 |
HideakiAtsuyo 👀 |
LandarXT 👀 |
edoardopirovano 👀 |
Oxara 👀 |
toolgood 👀 |
gmono 👀 |
Hgnim 👀 |
This project follows the all contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Vegalya 🖋 |
Soferity 🖋 |
IgnaceMaes 💻 |
donaldsteele 💻 |
leocb 💻 |
N-a-r-w-i-n 💻 |
peters 💻 |
dennismagno 💻 |
RobinPerris 💻 |
0xLaileb 💻 |
Stefan6440 💻 |
Step 1:Add a reference to ReaLTaiizor or search for ReaLTaiizor on the NuGet;
Install-Package ReaLTaiizor
Step 2:Enjoy designing