change photo extension from .jpg to .webp to increase speed of website
change photo extension from .jpg to .webp to increase speed of website
Rename ItemsUpdater.js to itemsUpdater.js
Rename ItemsUpdater.js to itemsUpdater.js
change url for fetch request now ready to deploy
change url for fetch request now ready to deploy
add final backend to staff dashboard
add final backend to staff dashboard
link empty cart frontend with backend also empty cart order bug fix
link empty cart frontend with backend also empty cart order bug fix
empty cart after order placed done
empty cart after order placed done
backend done for staff dashboard and orders
backend done for staff dashboard and orders
frontend link with cart with popup
frontend link with cart with popup
fix cart issue, now every user has it's own array of selected items i…
fix cart issue, now every user has it's own array of selected items i…
hopefully db connection issue is solved
hopefully db connection issue is solved